The Best Hikes in Washington State: Our 25 Favorite Trails

Seeking some motivation for hiking in Washington State? You’re in the right location! This guide to the best treks in Washington has been compiled over the path of the years and decades we’ve spent exploring the trails in Washington State, and we are steadily adding (and subtracting) as we explore more of the state’s hiking routes.

Despite growing up in the Seattle area, I (Matt here!) had not truly explored the hiking trails in Washington State until more recently.

By the time I was interested in hiking, which is entirely thanks to Alysha who seemingly was born with a backpack, I had transferred down to California with an eye on making a triumphant return to the Pacific Northwest at some stage.

Which ultimately happened recently when we (FINALLY) settled in Portland, Oregon, which has surprisingly good access to many of our favorite Washington hikes, like the ones around Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens.

In this guide, we’ll take you through our favorite hiking trails in Washington State.

We’ll provide trail details, benefits, plenty of photos, and important things to know, and if we have a more comprehensive trail guide for you, we’ll connect to it so you can plan your trip.

What we consider the best part is that we`ve personally experienced each hike on this list. Which we feel provides useful insight.

Over time, we’ll be adding to this as we’re able to explore more of them (every summer we seem to discover one or two additional trails to include on the list!).

Sound good to you? Let’s get into it!

a road leading to a forest filled with wildflowers

a person standing on top of a mountain with a backpack
a large body of water with a mountain range

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

25 Incredible Washington State Hikes to Add to Your Hiking Bucket List

Here are our favorite hikes in order of preference.

Yes, we`ve personally completed every single one of these Washington climbs, and this guide is founded on our direct experiences on the trails up and down Washington State.

This is by no means an exhaustive account of every incredible hiking trail found in this beautifully scenic state.

Exploring all of the many hiking trails in Washington would take a lifetime – which is something we look forward to doing over time – and as we visit more places, we will update this list with our accounts.

It’s also worth noting that this guide doesn’t cover some of the more relaxed (but still spectacular) hikes in the state, like the Hall of Mosses in the Hoh Rainforest, or Tipsoo Lake near Mount Rainier.

We enjoy hikes that blend an excellent workout with an incredible reward – we like to work for the views. The trails in this guide are thigh-challengers (to varying degrees) with a payoff that will make it all worthwhile in the end.

There are also hikes that should be included on this list – such as the Cascade Pass / Sahale Arm route – considered one of the top trails in the North Cascades – and the Skyline Divide near Mount Baker – but they are not featured because we lacked the type of vehicle needed to navigate the lengthy and bumpy forest road accessing the trailheads.

Who knew a Honda Odyssey isn’t made for off-roading?

If you have any hikes that you adore and think we should add to our itinerary, please contact us or leave a comment below to let us know!

Think of this as guidance from two hiking enthusiasts who really enjoy exploring the Pacific Northwest. We hope you discover AT LEAST one amazing trail that you weren’t aware of previously (and hopefully more than one).

The Heather – Maple Pass Loop (North Cascades National Park)

a valley with mountains and a mountain range

  • Length: 7 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,000 ft.
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Location of the trailhead

We believe this is the best hike in the state in terms of value. We’ve completed it twice, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

You’ll view the characteristic rugged peaks iconic to North Cascades, a lovely lake framed by said craggy summits, and panoramic perspectives of the surrounding region from the top of the pass. Plus, marmots.

a person riding a bike on top of a mountain

We recommend tackling this hike counterclockwise for a couple reasons.

Firstly, if traversing the route in a counter-clockwise direction, views will be in front of you as you descend from the high point of the hike.

Second, the trail along the north side of the lake is more gradual, meaning you`ll have a smoother climb and steeper descent. If knee problems are an issue, you may want to go the opposite direction to protect your joints.

If you choose the same direction as us, you’ll start with a series of switchbacks, climbing away from the parking lot. It’s a gradual ascent to the top of the pass, gaining about 2,000 feet of elevation over 3.5 miles – just over 500 feet per mile.

a dirt road leading to a mountain range

The hike requires a moderate amount of effort to complete, with several ascents providing a good workout.

About a mile and a half in, take the fork in the trail to the left to make a quick detour to Lake Ann. It adds a mile to your trip, but is worth seeing the lake from the shoreline before you climb the pass and see it from above.

At the top of the pass, you’ll have panoramic views over Lake Ann and the surrounding peaks. The landscape to the east is particularly impressive from the summit, with the trail winding its way through varied terrain, with the mountain range in the distance.

This trail is astonishing in summer and fall. In summer, which is mid-July for the North Cascades due to late snowmelt, wildflowers are prolific. In fall, the larches turn golden, and autumnal coloration illuminates the landscape with lovely hues of red, orange, and yellow.

Keep in mind that the scenic North Cascades Highway is closed periodically, often between November and May. However, you’ll still find abundant snowfall on the trails through mid-July, which is the earliest recommended time to consider hiking if planning for some trekking.

Continue Reading:A Complete Guide to Hiking the Heather-Maple Pass Loop in the North Cascades

The Skyline Trail (Mount Rainier National Park)

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

  • Length: 6 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,800 ft.
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Location of starting point

The legendary Skyline Trail tops our list of best hikes in Mount Rainier National Park, and also the best walks near Seattle, meaning it absolutely must be included here.

The hike begins from the Henry Jackson Visitors Center on the Paradise side of the mountain, which is a popular area for visitors.

This means the trail will have many users, though the up-close experiences of the mountainscape make braving the crowds worthwhile.

a large stone wall with a train on it

We’ve done this hike going in both directions before, and deciding which way to go is complex (you can read more details in the trail guide we`ve linked below).

Essentially, if it’s early (around 7am), go clockwise, where you’ll have the best meadow and mountain panoramas ahead of you on the ascent. If it’s later and already busy, go the opposite way (counterclockwise) for solitude on the eastern half of the loop.

The climb up the eastern half of the trail was much more gradual, making it somewhat more pleasant. We strolled along the path (which eventually became covered in snow… in late July), passing flowing brooks and fluffy marmots on our way to Panorama Point.

If hiking counterclockwise means going against the main flow of traffic, you may find yourself stopping frequently for others headed the opposite direction through the crowds.

On the other hand, you might simply wait behind others heading in the opposing direction, so it probably balances out.

The views from Panorama Point are remarkable – you can see the face of Mount Rainier so near it seems like you can basically reach out and touch it, and to the other direction you’ve got a panoramic perspective of the Tatoosh Range, Mount Adams, and Mount St. Helens.

a man standing on top of a rock next to a rivera rocky hillside with a mountain range

It’s truly breathtaking, and we think it offers one of the finest views in all of Washington.

Additional Reading:A Complete Trail Guide to Hiking the Skyline Trail at Mount Rainier

The Enchantments (Near Leavenworth)

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

  • Length: 18+ miles
  • Elevation Gain: 4,500 ft. (plus 6000 ft elevation lost)
  • Trail Type: Thru-hike
  • Difficulty: Very Hard
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Location of the trailhead

We were fortunate to secure some last minute permits to backpack the Enchantments in 2020, and it was an experience we won’t soon forget.

We faced harassment from an aggressive male mountain goat (toxic notions of masculinity are truly deplorable) who butted his head against our tent at one point, and winds blowing at 50 mph compelled us to pack up camp as sunset was approaching and seek a more sheltered location to establish our encampment – which, incidentally, does not appear to exist in the Enchantments.

While that may sound like grievance, the natural beauty we were able to witness for three days and two nights made it fully worthwhile.

Sunrises and sunsets over some of the most gorgeous alpine lakes in the world. Baby mountain goats frolicking on the rocky terrain. It’s spectacular.

a large body of water with a mountain range

a person standing on top of a rock with a backpack
a bird flying over the top of a mountain

This hike leaves from the same trailhead as the Colchuck Lake trail, which you’ll find below, but takes you up Aasgard Pass, through the Enchantments Basin with ALL of the alpine lakes, and down past Snow Lakes.

You’ll conclude your excursion through the Alpine Lakes Wilderness at the Snow Lakes Trailhead.

To complete this journey as a continuous hike, which is what we’d suggest so that you don’t have to climb AND descend Aasgard Pass, you need two vehicles OR topre-arrange a shuttle between trailheads.

And you need to start early – this hike will take most people A FULL 12 HOURS AT MINIMUM, no matter how physically fit you believe yourself to be.

In the summer months, diminished daylight is less of an issue thanks to the sun staying visible well past 9pm, but come fall hikers will need to ensure their descent is finished before darkness falls between 5pm and 6pm. Therefore, you should commence your trek between 5am and 6am.

Now, in regular times, permits to backpack the Enchantments are nearly impossible to obtain. Thousands apply for just a handful of permits daily.

If you end up having more time in the city, don’t overlook our more extensive 3 day Porto itinerary.

If you are one of the fortunate few, fortunate you! If not, you can still experience the beauty of the Enchantments as a brutal day hike, but it is not a hike that you should take lightly.

It`s 18 miles long, starting from the Colchuck Lake Trailhead and climbing past Colchuck Lake and up Aasgard Pass, which gains almost 2,000 feet over 3⁄4 of a mile.

It was easily the slowest we’ve ever hiked, and we had 30 pound packs on. There’s no clearly defined trail either – you mostly clamber your way to the top across loose rocks and boulders.

Under no circumstance should one embark on this hike if it is raining or has rained recently, as the terrain will be slippery and unsafe.

That being said, once the summit is reached, it`s all downhill from there.

You’ll descend past a series of pristine alpine lakes – our favorites were Perfection Lake, where we slept the first night, and Lake Viviane, where we attempted to sleep the second night.

Then, continue the descent past Snow Lake and out to the Snow Lake Trailhead, where you’ll retrieve your second vehicle and drive back to the Colchuck Trailhead to recover the other automobile.

Initially, you should learn about the Urban Wine Trail, which provides a great way to become familiar with the local wine regions surrounding Santa Barbara. And, of course, drink some excellent wine.

The Hidden Lake Lookout Trail (North Cascades National Park)

a mountain range with mountains

  • Length: 8 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 3,300 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Trailhead Location

First, it should be noted that ascending to the starting point of the trail is quite challenging. The roadway is unpaved and uphill for the duration of the journey, resulting in a bumpy ride.

We definitely recommend both a 4WD vehicle and high clearance, though somehow we saw a Prius at the parking lot? Not sure how that happened.

Take it gradually, and you’ll be fine. We borrowed my mom’s SUV because we weren’t certain that our minivan was going to make it.

This initial hike into the North Cascades mountains truly set an extremely high benchmark for all subsequent treks.

Gaining elevation is consistent throughout the hike, climbing steeply while increasing elevation over 800 feet per mile – with several plateaus where you may believe you`ve reached the goal only to find ADDITIONAL ELEVATION GAIN AHEAD!

The climb is scenic though, with views back towards Mount Baker in the distance, and wildflowers galore in July.

a field with a bunch of flowers on top of it

Over the course of the climb, you’ll progress from dense forest and babbling brooks to granite slabs and rocky terrain.

Ultimately, you will arrive at the true highlight – a beautifully positioned mountain lake overlooking the Cascade mountain range. Much like peering over the edge of infinity, the scene is quite stunning.

The viewpoint is farther along and will require some climbing to access.

The perspectives from the lookout are incredible, and you can spend the night there. It’s first-come-first-served, meaning you’ll need to begin the hike at sunrise in the summer because demand is so high.

You’ll also need authorization to access secluded regions documented on the National Park Service website.

This hike is truly spectacular, but it’s not suited for those with low tolerance. Bring plenty of water, food, and sun protection for the climb.

Read Next:The Finest Hikes in North Cascades National Park

The Burroughs Mountain Trail (Mount Rainier National Park)

a pair of horses standing on top of a mountain

  • Length: 9 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,500 ft.
  • Trail Type: Lollipop
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Location of starting point

Firstly, if fuel exists in the container, definitely reach the third sector. It`s worthwhile. We were somewhat perplexed by the data in the national park brochure, which appeared to depict the trail ending at the second sector.

It doesn’t. Head to the third option, you won’t be disappointed.

The hike up Burroughs Mountain is the finest of the various hikes on the Sunrise side of Mount Rainier, which receives less attention but provides the highest elevation accessible by vehicle in the park.

Not that the height of the parking lot truly matters much, since you’ll be climbing several thousand feet above it on this hike. Proceed counter-clockwise.

That will have you climbing Sourdough Ridge, undertaking the out and back to the three burroughs, and returning via the sunrise trail, which is a pleasant walk through the woods.

You’ll start the climb up to Sourdough Ridge from the parking lot, and follow that until reaching a three-way junction in the trail at Frozen Lake.

To the right is the hiking trail ascending the ridge to Mount Fremont, which is also among the notable day treks located within Mount Rainier National Park.

Straight ahead is Berkeley Park, which is full of wildflowers during the peak summer months. And to the left is what you came for – the climb up to the three burroughs.

  • While exploring the park, staying on designated trails is crucial. These routes not only safeguard the diverse species but also ensure your safety from possible wildlife hidden in the vegetation.

Read More: Hiking the Amazing Burroughs Mountain Trail in Mount Rainier National Park

Hole in the Wall at Rialto Beach (Olympic National Park)

a large rock sitting in the middle of a river

  • Length: 4 miles
  • Elevation gain: None
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Dog Friendly? No (technically yes, but only for a small portion of the beach)
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Location of Starting Point

The lodging of my sibling`s brother that he inhabited for a week was in the architectural structure above Give it a Shot, thus we ended up here a few diverse epochs.

It’s more of a stroll along a sandy beach, with the Pacific Ocean lapping at your hiking boots as you make your way north along the Washington coastline.

You’ll pass picturesque rocks and driftwood, and just before arriving at Hole in the Wall are a couple of extremely scenic rock formations that make superb subjects for sunset photographs.

a large body of water surrounded by mountainsa beach scene with a body of water

Just under two miles from the parking area for Rialto Beach, you’ll arrive at an arch formed by years of erosion.

The finest perspective here shows the sea stack perfectly framed by the hole in the wall from the far side of the opening. There are also some amazing tide pools on either flank.

Be sure to gaze upwards as you stroll! We spotted two bald eagles – I saw one perched high in a tree above us, and as Alysha scanned the tree branches searching for it, she noticed another nearby in a different tree. A bald eagle family sighting!

A note: To properly experience this scenic hike, it is essential to check the tidal patterns before venturing out to plan for optimal walking conditions at low tide.

The Naches Peak Loop (Mount Rainier National Park)

a grassy area with a lake and mountains

  • Length: 3.5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 600 ft.
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Area of the trail entrance

The Naches Peak Loop might be the best value hike in Washington State.

It has everything you might be searching for – a picturesque lake (with stunning views of the Mountain), meadows full of wildflowers blooming with all sorts of color in the early summer, and great views of Mount Rainier. All for a relatively easy 3.5 miles!

One thing you should definitely know before you hit the trail – do this hike clockwise starting from the Tipsoo Lake parking lot (or from one of the other parking lots nearby – it doesn’t matter, just do it clockwise!).

The reason? For the second half of this hike, you’ll be walking directly towards Rainier, and there are a couple locations where the views rival any perspective of Rainier in the park.

The route starts with a mild uphill climb amongst the forest, where blankets of wildflowers usually cover the ground. A bridge crosses over the highway, and right away the trail leaves the national park and transitions into the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).

Follow the PCT, which meanders its way along a ridgeline with great views to your left, as it gradually climbs.

Right before the summit, you’ll reach a particularly picturesque tarn.

a person riding a bike down a path in the woodsa scenic view of a lake and mountains

When you reach the summit of the hike – around 1.8 miles in, just after the PCT turns left down to Dewey Lake, you`re in for a treat.

First, another mountain lake. But this one has the snow covered peak of Mount Rainier in the background.

Next, an unblocked view of the Mountain from a ridge, where we saw a wedding photoshoot happening and spent the rest of the hike marveling at the fact that the bride made it up there in her dress.

The last part of the hike goes straight downhill (which is why you should do it clockwise), and you’ll exit at the south end of Tipsoo Lake.

P.S. Tipsoo Lake is an incredible sunrise location – the sun rises behind you as you look west towards Rainier’s face, and illuminates the peak with a golden orange light.

Apart from their taproom in McMinnville, here are some locations where one can find Bierly Beer (see their β€œbeer locator” here).

The Yellow Aster Butte Trail (Mount Baker)

a mountain range with a mountain range

  • Length: 7.5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,600 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate / Hard
  • Dog-Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Location of the trailhead

The hiking trail profiled in the linked article Yellow Aster Butte Trail is recommended as offering an excellent walking experience near Mount Baker. It incorporates many of the prime natural features sought in pacific northwest excursions, with the sole exception described as an alpine lake providing ideal reflected vistas.

Wildflowers. Panoramic perspectives. Considerable climbing to have you waddling around in discomfort for a few days later.

This hike is equally good in summer and fall.

In the summer, which truly starts in August for the entire area surrounding Mount Baker, you’ll see wildflowers lining the trail for miles.

a path leading to a forest filled with wildflowers

In the fall, the landscape lights up with brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows.

The primary disadvantage of this trail, along with other hiking routes around Mount Baker, is that it’s just reliably accessible two months out of the year – August and September, with October being a little uncertain due to snow.

Snow often lingers on the trail into July, and then returns quickly in October most years.

a man and woman standing on top of a mountain

This is another hike that requires some tricky driving, at least if you have a low-clearance vehicle, to access. The trailhead is up a narrow forest road with questionable upkeep.

However, upon arriving and parking, the stress evolves into an β€œoh man, this hike is going to be challenging” type of stress rather than an β€œis my vehicle going to survive this?” kind of stress.

The climb begins with switchbacks immediately, then transitions to a gradual ascent through dense forest. Eventually, the first glimpse of Baker emerges as the trail curves left into a wildflower meadow, following the valley.

You’ll emerge onto a ridge, with Mount Baker views galore, before starting the final ascent up to the butte, which is a steep one.

a mountain range with a mountain range

From the top, you can continue on to an additional peak, which requires climbing along a narrow ridge with steep drop offs on either facet.

We chose to skip it, mostly because heights make me uncomfortable, but two hikers completed it while we were at the peak.

Read More: Hiking the Jaw-Dropping Yellow Aster Butte Trail near Mount Baker

The Colchuck Lake Trail (Enchantments Basin / Leavenworth)

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

  • Length: 8 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,300 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Location of the Trailhead

If the 18 mile hike through the Enchantments Basin seems a little too demanding, then the hike to Colchuck Lake is going to be for you.

Colchuck is perhaps the most readily accessible of the lakes in the area, but that certainly does not imply it is any less magnificent. Before sunrise above the nearby peaks, the waters are tranquil, with ideal reflections. When the sun reaches its zenith, the waters transform into an unbelievable shade of azure-green.

The hike itself isn’t too difficult – at 8 miles and 2,300 feet of elevation gain. It’s a fairly gradual climb through the forest, but as you approach the lake it definitely gets a little bit rockier and steeper, making it harder as you go.

The perspectives accessible upon arrival at the lake are magnificent, but you ought to carefully explore along the shoreline to the left and right directions. Particularly, the left side presents exceptional perspectives of Dragontail Peak and Aasgard Pass seen across the lakefront.

The trailhead attracted quite a large crowd, especially in the summer and fall months, so we’d recommend arriving before 6:30am, which is when we got there and secured one of the last parking spots available.

The road leading to the trailhead is a bit bumpy, but if Homer (that’s our Honda Odyssey) can manage it, so can you! Proceed slowly and you`ll be fine.

Read More: How to Hike the Stunning Colchuck Lake Trail

The Enchanted Valley (Olympic Peninsula)

a person standing in front of a house in the woods

  • Length: 27 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 3,700 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Entry Point Location
  • CRSSD Music Festival (September) – CRSSD is an annual electronic music festival hosted in San Diego’s Waterfront Park next to the San Diego Bay.

First thing’s first – this is DEFINITELY an overnight backpacking trip. The trail isn’t particularly difficult. There’s some ups and downs, but climbing approximately 3,000 feet over 13.5 miles is really a walk in the park when you’re talking about hiking in Washington.

Round trip, it’s 27 miles long, which means AT LEAST one night in the wilderness. Overnight permit information is here.

The trail itself is gorgeous, particularly after the first two miles of the trail, which take you up, then down to Pony Bridge, where you meet the East Fork of the Quinault River.

As you initiate the descent down to Pony Bridge, you’ll listen to the roar of the river, which will continue all the way through the rest of the hike, which follows the river carefully up into the Enchanted Valley.

The lush rainforest here has unrivaled scenery, with dense ferny woods abundantly draped with hanging moss essentially the entire route.

a small village in the middle of a wooded area

a trail that leads to a forest filled with trees
a large rock sitting in the middle of a forest

Alysha and I were joking about how jaded we became by the end of it. β€œOh, YET ANOTHER breathtaking stretch of trail with ferns covering the ground, mossy trees towering above us, and sunlight streaming through the rainforest canopy? DULL.”

Eventually, you arrive at the Enchanted Valley, which is most renowned for the 1930’s chalet that sits in the center of it. Regrettably, you can’t in fact venture inside these days, but it employed to be a place where you could spend the night.

We trust this is best done as a three day / two dark trip, spending one dark at Pyrites Creek on the conductance up, one dark in the valley, and the ultimate day executing the whole 13.5 mile hike out.

The waterway provides many opportunities to access it along the trail, which is always appreciated.

Further Reading:Backpacking the Enchanted Valley Trail in Olympic National Park

The Blue Lake Trail (North Cascades National Park)

a mountain range with a mountain range

  • Length: 4.5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,000Β  ft.
  • Trail Category: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Location of Trailhead

Another gem in North Cascades National Park. Unlike others on this list, this trail is relatively brief yet offers great views after minimal ascent, making it one of the best easier hikes in Washington.

We did this hike on a beautiful summer morning, and got to the lake before the crowds. We’d recommend you do the same, because the parking lot is small, and by the time we were on our way back down, the crowds had shown up.

Blue Lake is, as you may have guessed, a lake of a blue hue. It’s crystal clear – so clear that you can see the fish swimming – and is surrounded by some of the most famous peaks in the North Cascades, including the Liberty Bell.

When you arrive at the lake, take the fork on the right, cross over the stream, and stroll along the lake. This is where you’ll see all the other hikers who made it up that day.

For a more secluded experience, take the trail up the hill to the right, keep left at the fork, and make your way down to the lakefront, where we found exactly zero people.

This area is also well known for viewing mountain goats, who occasionally traverse down that gravel slope at the far end of the lake.

Harry’s Ridge (Mount St. Helens)

a mountain range with a mountain range

  • Length: 8.2 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,000 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Easy / Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Trailhead Area

The best part about this hike is the consistent views of Mount St. Helens’ north face throughout the entire route. It’s a fairly easy hike that climbs over rolling hills that are dotted with wildflowers in the summer (June is the best time here).

The only factor placing it in the moderate classification is the distance being a hair over 8 miles. Be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks.

The hike begins at the Johnston Ridge Observatory, which merits a stop to learn all regarding the energetic volcano and the eruption that cloaked the whole Pacific Northwest in ash just a few decades past.

From there, you’ll traverse the surprisingly barren terrain east with minimal elevation increases and decreases.

Upon reaching a few splits in the trail, remain on the left side at the initial two intersections to persist in a northeasterly direction, then take the marked path to Harry’s Ridge to embark on the brief but pleasant climb to the summit of the ridge that overlooks Spirit Lake to the left, and Mount. St. Helens to the right.

From this vantage point, you can see the countless logs that remain in Spirit Lake today from the eruption four decades ago. The devastation is incredibly extensive.

Enjoy a snack while taking in the views, then return the same way.

Park Butte (Mount Baker)

a grassy field with a mountain in the distance

  • Length: 7.5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,200 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Site of the entranceway

Another hike to another one of Washington’s socially-media-famous fire lookouts would have been commonplace.

I jest. We found this hike enjoyable, and think you will too.

This hike was among our favorites near Mount Baker, though the trail was located on the southern side of the mountain along Highway 20, which serves as the gateway to the North Cascades rather than along Highway 542 (the Mount Baker Highway).

The starting point of the trail was along the western edge of Baker Lake, approximately eight miles up a perilous forest road that we barely managed through with white knuckles and Alysha at the wheel (she prefers me not driving on the bumpy roads).

Proceed cautiously. But if you happen to have a vehicle with adequate ground clearance, definitely use that.

This hike starts with roughly a mile of meandering through meadows before crossing a bridge over rip-roaring creek (at least when we were there) and you start the climb in earnest.

You’ll ascend a series of switchbacks preceding emerging into some of the most spectacular meadows you’ll encounter anywhere north of Rainier (which has the best meadows in the world, we think).

One after another, you’ll stroll through meadows exploding with wildflowers and amazing views of snow capped Mount Baker before, once again, starting to ascend.

a woman standing in front of a mountain rangea man standing in front of a mountain range

This passage marks the concluding ascent to the fire lookout tower, offering awe-inspiring vistas of the encompassing region including Mount Baker.

Norway Pass Trail (Mount St. Helens)

a wooded area with a mountain range

  • Length: 4.5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 850 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Entry Point Location

This hike starts from the east side of Mount St. Helens along partially paved roads generally accommodating vehicles of various sizes.

We did it as a sunset hike, arriving at the pass around 45 minutes before sunset and making the descent in the dark. We definitely recommend trying it, but be sure to bring a headlamp as it gets dark incredibly quickly.

The climb itself is fairly unremarkable, with views of Mount St. Helens blocked and scenery behind only moderately appealing. HOWEVER, vistas from Norway Pass itself are rather impressive, validating the physical effort required to arrive.

Sightseeing in Philadelphia & Amish Country buggy ride

In early summer, wildflowers grow prominently in the foreground, creating a scene that appears artistically crafted.

The Dog Mountain Trail (Columbia River Gorge)

a trail that leads to a small hillside

  • Length: 6.8 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,800 ft.
  • Trail Type: Lollipop
  • Difficulty: Moderate / Hard
  • Dog-Friendly? Yes
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Pass
  • Trail Location

Most associate the Columbia River Gorge primarily with Oregon for understandable causes, but there are a couple excellent treks on the northern region of the Gorge included in the Washington list.

The most exciting one, we believe, was Dog Mountain. Especially in the spring, when the wildflowers were in full bloom.

Note that during wildflower season, which generally takes place in late May to mid June, you will need a permit. They restrict the number of individuals on the trails in the early summer weekends to protect the fragile wildflowers.

This hike begins with switchbacks through the forest. About two thirds of a mile in, you’ll reach a junction in the trail which marks the starting point for the loop route.

We hiked up and down the trail to the right, which apparently presents a greater challenge, but I don’t think we were aware of that at the time. Be sure to stop at the two viewpoints along the way up, both of which feature amazing views of the Columbia River Gorge.

a man standing on top of a hill with a backpack
a woman standing on top of a lush green hillside

Beautiful infinity pool on the rooftop with a huge deck and a popular poolside bar serving a wide selection of drinks and light meals.

We waited for about a quarter of an hour at the top in the freezing wind and mist before deciding we had experienced enough and retreating back to the sunny slopes just below the summit.”

Come prepared for fog and wind with multiple layers.

The Hurricane Hill Trail (Olympic National Park)

a man standing on top of a lush green hillside

  • Length: 3.2 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 650 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Easy / Moderate
  • Dog-Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Location of the trailhead that can be found by following this link.

This hike within Olympic National Park is among the finest trails in the park, providing a great family-friendly route with spectacular panoramic views including Mount Olympus, the highest peak in Olympic National Park to the southwest, Victoria, B.C. to the north, and Mount Baker to the east.

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

It’s essentially a wide, paved path for basically the entire route, and is highly accessible for most hikers across all experience and fitness levels.

It’s a mandatory activity when exploring Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park.

The Coyote Wall Trail (Columbia River Gorge)

a grassy field with a bunch of flowers in it

  • Length: 6.8 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,624 ft.
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: None
  • Trailhead Location –

We now live in Portland, Oregon, which means we have great access to hikes in southern Washington (like Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams, for example).

It also means that the hikes in the Columbia River Gorge, which marks the border between Oregon and Washington State, is basically our own backyard. We hike in the Gorge all the time, and we tackled Coyote Wall one spring morning in May.

Coyote Wall is a massive basalt rock formation that we have seen from across the Gorge, but had never ventured far enough east to see up close and personal until that recent trip.

We were the first to arrive in the parking area – situated on the Washington side of the Gorge several miles past the town of White Salmon and Hood River Bridge – and welcomed by a picturesque display of wildflowers upon ascending to the ridge, approximately two miles into the hike.

It was early spring, and the pathway was blanketed in yellow blooms and blue blossoms as far as one could view, with Mount Hood’s snowcapped peak in the distance. Magical.

a mountain range with a bunch of wildflowers

There are two routes here – the longer and more gradual Little Maui trail, and the rockier, steeper, and more exposed Little Moab trail.

You can do a nice little reverse figure-eight, going up Little Moab and coming down Little Maui before trailing the Coyote Wall route along the ridgeline.

Watch out for ticks and rattlesnakes on this one, especially in the summer.

The Bench and Snow Lakes Trail (Mount Rainier National Park)

a large body of water with a mountain range

  • Length: 2.4 milesΒ 
  • Elevation Gain: 600 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Trailhead location link

We undertook the Bench and Snow Lakes Trail as an afterthought on a recent trip up to Rainier, and immediately realized that this hike should not be treated as a mere afterthought, but as a destination worthwhile in its own right.

We had hiked the Skyline Trail that morning, and were searching for an easy hike to tackle in the afternoon. The 2.4 miles and minimal elevation gain led us to this hike.

The parking area is along Stevens Canyon Road, and has no restroom facilities and space for 10-15 vehicles. The trail is surprisingly up and down, which gives the impression it’s more elevation gain than what is truly experienced.

There are three main highlights to this hike – the two lakes, obviously, and the meadow located between them. From that meadow, which is found between the two lakes, you’ll have spectacular views of Rainier’s peak.

a small mountain range in the middle of a forest

Bench Lake, the first lake you’ll encounter, has a stunning reflection of Rainier’s peak from the south shore (which is where the trail leads you).

No views of Rainier could be seen at Snow Lake, the further one, but it’s backed by a ridge of rocky peaks, which is spectacular on its own. Go left at the junction near Snow Lake for the best perspectives of the lake and mountains beyond.

The Sleeping Beauty Trail (Mount Adams)

a woman sitting on top of a rock looking at the mountains

  • Length: 2.4 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,350 feet
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Permit Required: NW Forest Pass (or America the Beautiful Pass)
  • Trailhead Site

Residing in Portland signifies that the Columbia River Gorge is one of our preferred escape destinations, whether it`s for a day or a weekend. Mount Adams is just north of the Gorge, which positions it in a somewhat inconvenient location to visit from either Seattle or Portland because traveling requires going completely around.

During our first autumn living in Portland, we took a nice break out to the Gorge for a few nights and stayed past White Salmon on the Washington side (which, for the record, has become our preferred side of the Gorge to stay on).

We stayed at a little B&B called the Ruby June Inn (which we appreciated), and we were conversing with the helpful owners about hikes in the region, and stated that we were pondering doing something near Adams, which is a little far from our house to be done as a day outing.

The first response to hearing of our destination was filled with positivity: β€œSleeping Beauty is great!”, and so our hike began to tackle this scenic yet physically demanding trail.

Ascending 1,350 feet in a little over a mile is no simple feat, but it transpires expeditiously and waiting at the end of the hike is what has to be one of the finest panoramas in the entire state.

You`ll traverse some winding switchbacks that place you atop a rocky projection that once housed a fire lookout – you can still see the structure – which has unblocked perspectives of Mount Adams` southwestern face.

a mountain range with a mountain range

We did this early on, and we saw exactly one group on our journey up. We had the summit entirely to ourselves, and sat up there for a solid quarter of an hour to twenty minutes lifting our jaws off the rocks before making the return trip down to the vehicle.

Comet Falls + Van Trump Park (Mount Rainier National Park)Β 

a man standing on top of a rock next to a river

  • Distance: Approximately 2.2 miles (~5 miles to Van Trump Park)
  • Elevation Increase: 1,250 ft. (~4,000 ft. to Van Trump Park)
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate, becoming more challenging between Van Trump Park and the destination
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Access point details

Full disclosure here – we’ve only done the section of the trail up to Comet Falls because we did it on a morning on our way out of Mount Rainier National Park.

Regardless, Van Trump Park is planned for our next trip up to Rainier.

However, we think that section of path up to Comet Falls is totally worth the effort, and makes a nice accompaniment to one of the longer hikes at Paradise (like the above-mentioned Skyline Trail).

Not only do you get to see what we would argue is the most stunning waterfall at Paradise (and there are several beautiful ones here!), you also get an unexpected BONUS waterfall that we didn’t know about until we were standing at its base (pictured above).

The hike begins from a tiny parking lot right along the road up to Paradise, which is perpetually full most summer days between 9am and 6pm or so.

You’ll immediately cross a bridge over Christine Falls (though there’s a significantly better view from the nearby pullout on the road), and start a forested ascent.

It’s not an especially difficult hike, just a steady climb until reaching Bloucher Falls, the bonus waterfall, at the 1.5 mile mark. Just around the bend is Comet Falls, and the trail continues to a scenic viewpoint where the entire falls can be seen.

Optional Continuation to Van Trump Park: Van Trump Park is a meadow situated numerous thousands of feet increased than Comet Falls, and the ascent to achieve it is no laughing matter. However, this is paradise for wildflower fans in the summer. You’ll continue past Comet Falls up a steep set of switchbacks, and fortunately here is that once you’ve gone an additional mile (and climbed roughly 800 feet), the hike is reasonably adjustable to your physical condition. You can continue all the way to the end of the trail (reflected in the numbers above), or cut it short and save your legs for a different hike.

a river running through a forest filled with boulders
a man and a woman walking across a river

Further Reading:Hiking the Comet Falls Trail in Mount Rainier National Park: A Helpful Guide

The Lake Ann Trail (Mount Baker)Β 

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

  • Length: 8.8 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 2,100 ft.
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate / Challenging
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Permit OR America the Gorgeous Pass
  • Trailhead Location

Lake Ann in Mount Baker deserves a place among the top hiking routes there, along with Yellow Aster Butte and the Chain Lakes Loop.

This hike has everything you want in an alpine adventure – an alpine lake, great views of Mount Baker, and the squeaking of pikas greeting you as you traverse rock fields.

Exploring Observation Point is made easier considering the reasonably gentle incline of the hike when measured against climbs providing similar rewards of scenic vistas and geological features. Additionally, navigating poorly maintained forest roads is avoided thanks to direct road access from the parking area.

We parked at the Chain Lakes Trailhead and added a small addition to our hike so the bathroom there could be used before starting, as there is also an adequate sized parking lot right at the trailhead holding 15-20 vehicles.

The hike takes an unusual route in terms of the path. Commonly, trails in the Pacific Northwest begin at a lower elevation and ascend to a high point (a beautiful vista, a pass, a ridge, etc).

The starting point for this hike is at roughly the same altitude as Lake Ann, but you descend from the outset location into a valley before ascending back up to Lake Ann.

This implies that the concluding section of the hike involves an exclusively upward trek back to the vehicle parking area, which tends to be the most difficult part of the journey.

Still, the reward is worth it. Lake Ann is an elevated lake, and you come up to it from the northern edge, looking straight ahead past the lake at the snowy peaks of North Cascades National Park.

It’s also worth noting that this would be an excellent backpacking destination for a 1-2 night trip, though there aren’t really any side trips to take, so I’m unsure what you’d do with a second day (aside from admire the view and hang out in the backcountry, of course).

Snow Lake + Gem Lake (Snoqualmie Pass)

a lake with mountains and a mountain range

  • Length: 6.7 miles (11 miles to Gem Lake)
  • Change in Elevation: 1,700 ft. (2,700 Gem Lake)
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • With difficulty rated as moderate, reaching Gem Lake presents challenges.
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Permit OR America the Gorgeous Pass
  • Trailhead Location –

Ask any avid hiker in the Seattle area to cite their top three trails within an hour of the city, and you’re likely going to see Snow Lake referenced on multiple lists.

My mom resides in the suburbs to the east of Seattle, which means it’s another 10-15 minutes closer to Snoqualmie Pass (where you’ll find this hike), and we love this hike.”

Most visitors follow the path to the mountain lake, dip into its waters, then head back to their vehicle.

If you continue on the trail past Snow Lake for a couple miles, you’ll find yourself at equally stunning and far less crowded Gem Lake. And we think exploring further is worth the extra effort.

This hike begins from the parking lot at Alpental, one of the ski resorts closest to Seattle, where there is a sizable parking area with restroom facilities.

The hike begins with a forested ascent, and then turns into a set of switchbacks that bring you into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. From there, you descend down to Snow Lake (which means you have a slight climb on the way out).

If you’re merely doing Snow Lake, the trail continues around the eastern border of the lake for a while, and there are plenty of spots to get down to the shoreline.

Keep in mind that the 6.7 miles reflects the trail to the eastern edge of the lake, and if you continue around the lake it can add a half mile or more to your journey.

a lake with mountains and a mountain range

If you’re continuing on to Gem Lake, follow the trail as it turns northwest, and it’s about a mile from the northern shore of Snow Lake to Gem Lake. Gem Lake is far less frequented, but is equally beautiful.

The Chain Lakes Loop (Mount Baker)

a lake with mountains and a mountain range

  • Length: 7 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,900 ft.Β 
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Northwest Forest Permit OR America the Gorgeous Pass
  • Location of the Trailhead

The third of Mount Baker`s excellent hiking trails, the Chain Lakes Loop, is also the most accessible of the three routes.

It’s still seven miles and 1,900 feet of elevation gain, which isn`t insignificant, but it’s notably easier than Lake Ann or Yellow Aster Butte.

And the reward – a series of pristine alpine lakes and views of Baker’s snowy peak – are about as good as you could possibly hope for.

The Chain Lakes Loop begins at the Chain Lakes Trailhead, which shares a parking area with Artist Point at the end of the road at Mount Baker (Artist Point also merits a look while you’re there).

We’d tackle this hike clockwise, heading west from the parking lot along a ridge with great views of Baker. The first mile and a half or so of the hike are roughly level, with the trail hugging a hillside facing Baker.

a road with mountains and a mountain range

You’ll pass the junction for the Ptarmigan Ridge Trail – another great hike there – and then turn right and decline down into the valley where you’ll pass five lakes on your way back to the trailhead.

Outdoor swimming pool, spacious well-equipped fitness centre, business centre with print/scan/copy/fax facilities, and 24-hour front desk.

The hike ends with a climb back out of the valley up to Bagley Lake. Don’t forget to turn around and look behind you, where you’ll have an excellent view of Iceberg Lake with Table Mountain and Mount Baker in the background.

The High Divide / Seven Lakes Basin (Olympic National Park)Β 

a small hut in the middle of a grassy field

  • Length: 19 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 5,000 – 6,000 ft.
  • Trail Type: Loop
  • Difficulty: DifficultΒ 
  • Dog Friendly? No
  • Required Permit: America the Beautiful Pass
  • Trailhead Area

The same summer we obtained permits to complete the Enchantments, we were also fortunate enough to get permits to do a second of Washington’s best backpacking trips – the High Divide Trail through the Seven Lakes Basin in Olympic National Park.

It’s a loop that takes you through the dense forest up to a ridge where on one side you have a string of seven gorgeous alpine lakes, and on the other you have the Hoh River Valley and Mount Olympus.

a mountain range with trees and mountains

Getting to the top of the ridge required significant effort, but the view from there made all the exertion worthwhile.

It’s best done with no less than two nights (which is what we did). You need to reserve campsites ahead of time, and that’s going to be your limiting factor here.

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

a tent sitting in the middle of a forest
a lake with mountains and a mountain range

If you can snag a night or two at Lunch Lake, which is up on the Divide in the heart of the best alpine lakes, do it! If not, we’d stay at Heart Lake and Deer Lake on either side of the Divide.

Read More: Hiking the High Divide Trail Through the Seven Lakes Basin in Olympic National Park

Wallace Falls (Highway 2 / Gold Bar)

a couple standing next to each other in front of a waterfall

  • Length: 5 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 1,500 ft.Β 
  • Trail Type: Out and Back
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Dog Friendly? Yes, on a leash
  • Pass Required: Discover Pass
  • Location of Trailhead

Is the trail to Wallace Falls one of the best waterfall hikes in Washington State? If we`re considering waterfalls that genuinely involve hiking to access (so Palouse and Snoqualmie are excluded), we`d say it ranks very highly alongside Comet Falls near the top of our list.

This is the only hike on this list situated in a Washington State Park, which signifies you’ll require a Discover Pass to park at the trailhead (that’s Washington’s State Parks Passage).

The destination is situated at the western extremity of Highway 2 near Monroe, making it an convenient single-day excursion from Seattle, being approximately an hour and a half away from downtown in the absence of traffic.

This is a moderately challenging hike that follows the Wallace River for most of the route, with three key attractions along the way.

The initial perspective of the Lower Falls was pleasant, but not the finest vantage point attainable.

A bit more climbing later leads you to the highlight, the Middle Falls, which provides the best view of the entire hike.

a river running through a forest filled with trees

From there, a series of switchbacks separates travelers from a commanding panorama overlooking the valley all the way to the Olympics (and mentioning the upper falls is barely worthwhile).

a mountain range with trees and mountains

Read More: Hiking the Wallace Falls Trail to THREE Waterfalls (Complete Trail Guide)

Passes and Permits You Might Need for Hiking in Washington State

Let’s discuss the permits you might need to access the hiking trails in Washington.

For the trails located within a Washington State Park, such as Wallace Falls, you’ll need a Discover Pass.

Paying a single fee of $10 allows one`s whole vehicle, including passengers, to enter or an annual fare of $30 gives permission the entire year. Purchase it at the outdoor retailer here, or find it at a machine in these areas (bottom of the page).

For hikes in one of Washington’s many areas that are run by the USDA Forest Service, like Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest or Olympic National Forest, you’ll need a Northwest Region Forest Permit.

We found that this is the pass we used most frequently in Washington (and Oregon, too).

It will cost you $5 for a day pass allowing the use of forest roads and trails, which I`d advise getting online beforehand since they aren`t reliably available at trailhead locations (I suggest acquiring multiple and filling them out as needed), or $30 for an annual Northwest Forest Pass covering all public land managed by the US Forest Service in both Oregon and Washington.

Both items can be found here at REI.

Lastly, is the America the Beautiful Pass. This one is practical if you’re organizing hiking in any of Washington’s National Parks – Mount Rainier, Olympic, or the North Cascades (though the latter technically does not require it for entry).

A seven day pass is priced at $30 per vehicle, and the America the Beautiful Pass, which in fact incorporates US Forest Service domains protected by the Northwest Forest Pass, is $80 for one year.

Basically, if you’re planning on going to more than two US National Parks within a year, purchase the annual America the Beautiful Pass.

The Best Time to Go Hiking in Washington State

Summer brings blue skies and warmer days, making it the best time to visit, particularly if you’re planning to go hiking in Washington.

July to September is the ideal time to visit Washington State for the most consistently pleasant hiking weather, but it is also peak tourist season – expect accommodations and flights to be the most expensive if you’re coming from out of town. During the peak summer months of July and August, most if not all trails will be snow-free.

If you wish to avoid premium costs and large crowds, the period of September and October are generally fairly nice, but there will definitely be a higher chance of gray and drizzling days. Plus, the larches in the Cascades light up the hills with their dazzling golden glow during the middle of October, which is quite a sight.

Spring, fall, and winter bring rain and gloom, but equipment like raincoats and waterproof boots permit tolerating the damp. Washington`s rain constitutes light mist more than heavy downpour, annoying yet inadequately prohibitive for hiking given determination.

The primary challenge to hiking outside of summer and early fall is the high probability of accumulating snowfall obstructing trail networks.

For the most part, trails at higher elevations – this includes Mount Rainier, the North Cascades, Snoqualmie, and Mount Baker – are covered in snow from November to June, sometimes later.

On our first trip together to Washington, we tried to visit North Cascades National Park in mid-June.

I had flown up to Seattle (Alysha was set to follow shortly) before we realized that roads were closed, and the trails were still covered in snow and mostly inaccessible. We ended up re-booking for a mid-August trip, which turned out to be MUCH better.

Even when we were hiking in Mount Rainier National Park a few years past, there was still snow on the famed Skyline Trail during the last week of July! And not just a dusting – a LARGE amount of snow.

The Best Washington State Hikes, Mapped

So you can visualize where these hikes are located, here`s a map showing the trailheads for the featured Washington hikes.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

Join us on our journey!
