Where to Stay in Gili Islands

The Best Areas to Stay in Gili Islands

a sandy beach with palm trees and palm trees

Close in size to the neighboring island of Bali, Lombok is distinct yet often overlooked. Just off the northwest coast of Lombok and drawing visitor numbers comparable to parts of Bali are three breathtaking islands with vivid waters and powdery beaches collectively known as the Gili islands. Each maintains a scale permitting exploration entirely by foot; truly, walking, cycling, and traditional horse cart are the sole means of transit available.

In early August 2018, this tropical locale underwent dramatic and possibly lasting modifications concerning tourism. During a powerful earthquake along with subsequent additional tremors, numerous hotels, specifically those in the lower classification, as well as many cafΓ©s and other facilities built from wood and tin were destroyed. The number of visitors declined by two-thirds and those seeking a tropical escape away from the shoreline of Bali flocked instead to the island of Nusa Lembongan. By late 2019, much on the three islands had recovered, with little indication of the past tragedy and no additional shocks recorded. With fewer tourists presently, rates for everything have frequently been reduced, so the Gili Islands remain excellent value – particularly in comparison to overpriced, overbuilt, and overcrowded Bali.

Less than a mile apart, the three islands collectively known as the `Gilis` (the local Sasak word β€˜gili’ means β€˜small island’) each have unique appeals. Gili Trawangan is justly considered the β€˜Party Island’, with sections on the eastern coast reminiscent of Kuta in Bali. As the closest to mainland Lombok, Gili Air offers a more authentic village atmosphere, while the smallest island Gili Meno primarily attracts those seeking to snorkel and relax, an indulgence that pleases most visitors yet risks boring some.

Facing the sandy beaches and among the nearby back streets on all three islands is a diversity of lodgings. Most are family-run guesthouses composed of straightforward but comfortable bungalows, while an growing number of cozy resorts are being built – though undoubtedly not with the size and features of those on Bali.

Several important notes apply to all three islands:
β€’ Amenities are limited. There are small grocery stores, but no banks – only a handful of ATMs and moneychangers offering poor exchange rates.
β€’ Blackouts were not infrequent and only upmarket places had backup generators. Take a torch after dark because there were few (and, often, no) street lights.
β€’ During peak seasons (July, August, and mid-December to late January), hotel costs can double and finding a decent room is difficult, so always book ahead.
β€’ Water used for showering in most guest houses comes from smelly boreholes, while more expensive places usually have to ship in freshwater from the mainland at significant cost. Therefore, use water sparingly.
β€’ Expected amenities like air conditioning and heated water are not common at lower-priced lodgings.

The Best Places to Stay on the Gili Islands

a large body of water with a beach

Where to Stay in Gili Islands for…

  • Most Suitable Area on the Gili Islands for Sightseeing: Gili Meno (across the whole island)
    With no notable cultural, historic, or religious sites, activities on the Gilis focus on swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing, and general relaxation. While the smallest and least developed island, Gili Meno does provide some mild points of interest, such as a salt lake in the northwest interior flanked by a crumbling boardwalk area popular for birdwatching and glimpses of large lizard species. The locale also contains an informative turtle sanctuary and remnants of an abandoned resort, including wreckage of a pier just offshore featuring superb snorkeling spots.
  • The best area on the Gili Islands for beaches is generally Gili Meno (all over).
    While each island is entirely surrounded by sand, not every shoreline facilitates relaxing at the beach – some have rocks, dirt, or an overabundance of seaweed, especially in more remote locales. Locals from Trawangan and Air islands reluctantly acknowledge that the finest beaches border Meno: the sand often has a powdery-white texture underfoot; litter from tourists tends to be less prevalent; numerous beaches are sparsely populated and occasionally deserted; and most angled palms have yet to be felled for development. Situated centrally among the trio, lovely perspectives of the other two islands are visible to the east and west.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Scuba Diving: Gili Trawangan (East Coast near the Boat Terminal)
    Among the primary attractions for certain travelers to the destination are those located underwater: 3,500 types of marine life (double the number at Australia`s famous Great Barrier Reef) that includes harmless sharks and enormous protected turtles amid sparkling reefs. What`s more, the waters are warm and transparent, and there`s even a submerged pier encrusted with coral to explore. Diving trips and courses can be arranged on any of the 3 islands, but most of the agencies providing the finest variety of competitively-priced facilities and itineraries are on the most populated and developed island, Trawangan. Best to use reputable, internationally-recognized and Western-run companies like Manta Dive,Blue Marlin Dive, and Trawangan Dive. The Gili Eco Trust implements a fee on all divers to help protect the underwater delights across the islands
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Snorkeling: Gili Meno (all over)
    Some of the most pristine coral reefs and remarkable marine life in Indonesia, including giant turtles, can be seen within swimming distance of the shores of all three islands – however, be aware of tides and currents which can be surprisingly strong. Masks, snorkels, and fins can be rented inexpensively from stalls where the owners may also suggest prime spots. With fewer tourists and thus less trash and development on the beaches, snorkeling off Meno is particularly impressive and includes a submerged pier encrusted with coral on the west coast. Alternatively, joining a boat tour with a glass bottom allows easier and better views of the reefs while providing snorkeling gear.
  • The finest place on the Gili Islands for surfing is Gili Trawangan (Eastern Coast close to the Boat Terminal).
    Many visitors are surprised to learn that the Gilis have reasonably good wave conditions, and while the surf may not be as enticing or easily accessible as elsewhere in Bali, crowds tend to be thinner. The hassle of transporting a surfboard to the Gilis by boat can be avoided by renting equipment locally at the handful of specialist shops on Trawangan where lessons and repairs are also available. Conditions are best from January through June.
  • Most Popular Location on the Gili Islands for Aquatic Activities: Gili Trawangan (East Coast near the Boat Dock)
  • The options for water sports are surprisingly constrained and not nearly as extensive as in Bali. Availability often relies on the season (best from May to October) and the overall demand especially. Travelers are most likely to find entertaining activities – kayaking and paddle-boarding, but not jet-skiing or parasailing – on the most populated and developed island of Trawangan. Very little is organized, however; just look around near the boat terminal or ask at the scuba diving agencies stated earlier.

  • Most ideal spot on Gili Islands for boat trips: Gili Trawangan (eastern shore near the Boat Terminal)
    Even arriving at the islands promises excitement as additional boat excursions also await discovery. These involve cruises to admire the splendid sunsets, vessels to potentially spot playful dolphins although not guaranteed, or swimming and snorkeling amidst coral reefs from a transparent-bottomed craft. All trips necessitate a minimum number of travelers before departing, which likelihood increases at the primary island of Trawangan. Numerous travel agencies around the island offer tickets but booking directly through one of the boat companies near the terminal proves preferable. Chartering a private boat with a boatman also allows bespoke exploring of the routes, though fees remain fixed and inflated.
  • Preeminent Area on the Gili Islands for Nightlife: Gili Trawangan (East Coast nearby the Boat Terminal)
    The variety of activities available after dark on Trawangan is truly impressive for such a small island – from casual beachside bars playing Bob Marley 24 hours a day to Irish pubs offering lively bands capable of passable Western music. It’s also easy to happen upon an open mic show, quiz evening, or outdoor movie. Thankfully for those staying along the more serene north and west coasts, these bars and clubs are concentrated in a compact area along the foreshore and lanes near the boat terminal.
  • The ideal place on the Gili Islands for yoga and spa retreats is Gili Trawangan (Village Backstreets).
    The choice of boutique hotels/retreats and specialized businesses on Trawangan offering classes in yoga and Pilates is more modest than on Bali. Additionally among the serene backstreets distant from the nightclubs on Trawangan are a few cafΓ©s serving meals with locally grown and organic ingredients; spas providing massages, scrubs, and facials; and special places for meditation and all things spiritual. Particularly wonderful are Soraya Yoga Wellness Center,Gili Yoga, and Sunset Beach Yoga Gili Trawangan.
  • The most agreeable area on the Gili Islands for consuming cuisine and restaurants is Gili Air (back streets of the village)
    For 3 small islands, the variety of dining places and food choices is rather amazing – everything from upscale Italian bistros to pizza parlors, European-standard restaurants serving seafood dishes, and casual eateries selling Mexican cuisine (the latest trend). The selection is widest on Trawangan even though many restaurants insist on loud background music, while dining on the quieter island of Meno is often hampered by slow service. What makes Gili Air unique is the chance to sample authentic Indonesian and local Sasak cuisine such as ayam taliwang (marinated chicken) and beberuk terong (eggplant in tomato sauce) at traditional warungs (food stalls). Learn more at Gili Cooking Classes.
  • Most Vivacious Section of the Gili Islands: Gili Air (Alleyways of the Village)
    As the sole island possessing a natural source of drinking water (air translates to β€˜water’ in Indonesian), Gili Air has long been inhabited by indigenous Sasak peoples and immigrants from other Indonesian regions. So, unlike the other two Gilis, there exists a real village serving locals rather than tourists with schools, markets, mosques, and inexpensive eateries. Many isle residents continue grazing cattle on undeveloped coastlines near the ferry dock and practice traditional fishing ways using brightly decorated jukung boats moored along segments of the shoreline.
  • The best area on the Gili Islands for walking is typically Gili Meno (all over).
    One of the many appealing factors of visiting the Gilis is the full absence of mechanized transportation (with the exception of an increasing number of irritating electric bicycles.) Therefore, the only ways to get around involve rented bicycles (see below), on chartered (and overpriced) cidomos (horse-carts), and, of course, on foot. Each island can be encompassed via coastal paths in under 2 hours, and wandering is most agreeable on Gili Meno. Around the smallest and least developed island are several secluded beaches, some ideal for snorkeling spots, and a few somewhat intriguing attractions (see above).
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Cycling: Gili Air (across the island)
    With no motor vehicles (besides some electric bicycles) or public transportation (other than overpriced horse-drawn carriages), cycling is generally the most practical means of navigating any of the islands. Bicycle rentals are easy to arrange on Trawangan and Air (less so on Meno), but routes on Trawangan can be too crowded in places with pedestrians and too sandy on Meno. With the largest indigenous population, Gili Air offers many routes around the coast and among the village.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Shopping: Gili Trawangan (Backstreets of Village)
    Nobody truly comes to the Gilis focused on shopping pursuits. There are some minimarts with adequate supplies, a couple of pharmacies, and a small number of boutiques offering clothing and jewelry for tourists, but nothing even remotely resembling a shopping center/mall – so, come prepared with medications and anything else difficult to procure locally. Trawangan boasts the best selection of shops, primarily concentrated around backstreets.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Views: Gili Air (West Coast)
    The only island that is not flat as a pancake is Trawangan, where a steepish path leads to Sunset View Point, though all hotels on that island are at sea level. Perspectives from all coasts along the 3 islands are superb and include at least one other island and/or the mainland of Lombok – or even Bali on a clear day. From the isolated west coast of Gili Air, perspectives of the sunset and islands of Meno and Trawangan are particularly photogenic.
  • Most Suitable Area on the Gili Islands for Tranquility: Gili Meno (Northern Coastline)
    On parts of the lively island known as Trawangan, some visitors exit boisterous nightclubs just before the pre-dawn call to prayer from a nearby mosque. Gili Air centers around a busy, loud village containing a mosque, school and marketplace. In contrast, Meno maintains relative calm, especially its northern coast situated away from the more developed area near the small boat dock.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Families: Gili Trawangan (West Coast)
    The Gilis don`t represent an excellent destination for families and the islands certainly can`t provide the kind of family-friendly resorts and children`s activities found in the southern parts of Bali. Lodging options generally involve booking adjoining rooms that probably won’t have connecting doors – and exceptional family rooms are very scarce. While Trawangan has a deserved reputation as the β€˜Party Island’, it is possible to escape the noise and inebriated patrons by staying along the west coast where there is space for some sizable resorts suitable enough for families.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Cost-Effectiveness: Gili Air (Village Backstreets)
    In another way, the 3 islands are surprisingly not alike. As the most popular island attracting more high-end and free-spending tourists, Trawangan can be overpriced. Far smaller, and with less competition among hotels, restaurants, and shops, Meno can also be a little pricey. In contrast, Gili Air is nearest to the mainland (thereby lowering transport costs) and many facilities are designed and priced for locals and Indonesian visitors rather than foreign tourists.
  • Preeminent Area on the Gili Islands for Transport: Gili Trawangan (East Coast nearby the Boat Terminal)
    Boats provide the sole means of transportation between the Gili Islands and the mainland areas of Bali or Lombok. Public speedboats, which are most common, can be used to travel between locations, as can boats chartered privately or arranged through resorts. All boats stopping at Gili Trawangan, with some only docking there, necessitating overnight connections for those travelling between Air or Meno islands and other destinations. Departing from Lombok, almost all boats make a stop at Gili Air before concluding at Trawangan, bypassing Meno entirely. “Hopper” boats run between the islands once or twice daily from shared docks. Chartering a private boat with a guide offers more flexibility but comes at significantly higher fixed costs.
  • Best Gili Islands Locations regarding the Airports: Gili Trawangan (for Bali Airport) and Gili Air (for Lombok Airport)
  • Of course, airports are clearly impossible on any islands, so there are essentially only 2 options for reaching the Gilis. Fly to Bali and then board a fast boat from Sanur (near the airport) or more remotely from Padangbai or Amed on Bali’s eastern coast. These speedboats consistently stop at Gili Trawangan and often continue to Gili Air, but usually ignore Meno. Alternatively, fly to the international/domestic airport in southern Lombok, then arrange shuttle bus/taxi connections to Bangsal or Senggigi. From these 2 terminals, all speedboats stop at Gili Air, often continue to Gili Trawangan, but, again, usually ignore Meno.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for First-Timers: Gili Meno (island-wide)
    While not nearly as crowded and noisy as most visitor regions on Bali, the β€˜Party Island’ of Trawangan may overwhelm some tourists, especially during the peak seasons of July, August, and mid-December to late January. And, perhaps, the more authentic island of Gili Air, with its mosques, markets, and schools, may not be the tropical paradise some are searching for. So, those traveling to the islands for the first time may prefer Meno which is significantly quieter and smaller and, therefore, less developed and crowded than the other two.
  • Best Area on the Gili Islands for Romantic Holidays: Gili Meno (all over)
    For the reasons outlined above, Meno is ideal for those on a honeymoon or romantic getaway. With several cozy resorts and clusters of charming bungalows, this island provides the kind of seclusion, intimacy, and scenic beach frontage usually not possible at the other 2 islands.
  • The Safest Area on the Gili Islands: Gili Meno (Interior)
    There are some dangers on Gili Trawangan that one can inflict upon themselves, such as taking drugs or drinking excessively, while other significant risks are associated with adventure activities like surfing and scuba diving. On the `Party Island` of Gili Trawangan, physical and sexual assaults in and around the nightclubs and bars are possible, yet uncommon. A few years ago, some visitors fell ill (and even passed away) from ingesting illegally brewed alcohol, however this has essentially stopped – still, one must always exercise caution. Meno is the most tranquil and least frequented island, so potential problems are minimal.
  • Least Safe Area on the Gili Islands: Gili Trawangan (East Coast near the Boat Terminal)
    The Gilis are probably much safer than where tourists have come from. Obviously be thoughtful when visiting nightclubs and bars, especially on Trawangan (see above). On all 3 islands, street lights are usually inadequate or often absent, especially along village lanes and remote coastal areas, so carry a torch after dark and don’t walk alone in unlit areas. With no police station on any island, security is usually under the auspices of local community β€˜guards’.

The 11 Best Areas on the Gili Islands for Tourists

a row of beach chairs sitting on top of a sandy beach

Gili Trawangan

As the largest of the three Islands, Trawangan is geographically and culturally closest to Bali. Most daily activities revolve around the water and evening entertainment around the bars. This island appeals particularly to younger visitors, so those seeking more peace and authenticity may prefer staying on one of the other two islands or away from the area near the boat terminal on Trawangan. Being the most visited and accessible island with frequent speedboat connections between Bali, Lombok, and itself, Trawangan offers far greater amenities than the combined other two islands.

1. Gili Trawangan – East Coast near the Boat Terminal

The majority of hotels, dining establishments, shops, and notably nightclubs as well as bars are situated along the eastern coast where transportation terminals provide boat access to Bali, Lombok, and the additional two Gili Islands. This area becomes rather crowded and noisy, so limited rest can be expected prior to around 3am, yet it offers high convenience for organizing scuba diving trips, surfing, boat cruises, and water sports activities. Generally, visitors appreciate the selection of places to eat, drink and, to a lesser degree, shop, in addition to the wide range of lodging options available across the three islands, surpassing other locations.

2. Gili Trawangan – Village Backstreets

Some are taken aback that just a handful of lanes behind the nightclubs and bars along the east coast shoreline is an entire community with homes, places of worship, eateries intended for locals, and inviting shops for visitors. While a few unique hotels, villa complexes, and meditation retreats have been constructed in this area during recent years, most lodgings are family-run guesthouses providing simple yet comfortable rooms. Air conditioning and hot water may not be prevalent in the more affordable places, and choose carefully because some hotels still suffer from noisy nightclubs 100m or more away.

3. Gili Trawangan – North Coast

The tranquility and isolation along the north shoreline appeals to many and it does feel somewhat secluded, yet it is really only a 15-20 minute walk from all the activity centered along the east coast near the boat dock. There are a handful of upscale hotels and villa complexes but most lodgings are reasonably priced and simply appointed, yet they offer the type of seclusion and beachfront access not achievable along the busier east coast.

4. Gili Trawangan – West Coast

Many ignore the west coast due to its separation as it necessitates at minimum a 30-minute walk from the boat terminal and all amenities are along the east coast. Resorts offer more spaciousness and suitability for families who would value the distance from all the loud bars on the other side of the island.

Gili Air

This island was the first to be permanently settled owing to its proximity to the mainland of Lombok and accessible freshwater. (Interestingly, `air` means `water` in Indonesian.) As the most populated island, Gili Air retains authenticity around a genuine village, so some lanes and beaches appear a little unkept in places. Despite increasing development, the island is more peaceful than Trawangan and lodging options across all price ranges provide better value – and many hotels, even those moderately priced, have beach front views.

5. Gili Air – South Coast near the Boat Terminal

The section closest to the ferry terminal providing access to the neighboring islands and Lombok holds the most amenities. This area sees the largest crowds on the island (although not as concentrated as Trawangan), yet some portions remain remarkably underdeveloped with cattle still grazing prime land parcels. A decent selection of accommodations exists, but nothing recommended for families.

6. Gili Air – Village Backstreets

Of the three islands, Gili Air hosts the most residents (though still only around 2,000 people) and offers the most authentic characteristics among village roads and lanes branching north from the boat terminal. There are very few upscale hotels in this area, but the simple and comfortable family-operated accommodations in the moderate and budget ranges provide excellent value. Furthermore, the numerous cafΓ©s established for tourists and warungs (food stalls) designed for locals serve a fantastic variety of western, Indonesian, and local Sasak cuisine.

7. Gili Air – North Coast

Similar to the other 2 islands, the northern coast of Gili Air likewise allows for more lodging space and has fewer individuals on the beaches. Yet this region stays easily accessible through a route ideal for bicycling from the boat terminal and from the majority of conveniences in the southern area.

8. Gili Air – West Coast

Similarly to Trawangan and Meno, the western coastline of Gili Air is additionally among the most removed and underpopulated fragments of the island. There exists more area for rather sizable resorts as good as an beneficial variation of affordably priced homestays where guests tend to lodge for weeks. In the locality are in addition a pair of scuba diving agencies, and there’s small to do except admire the sun descending over the other 2 islands.

Gili Meno

Many favor the party environment on Gili Trawangan or the village vibe and convenience of Gili Air, so Meno remains comparatively very serene, despite the recent construction of boutique resorts and bungalow complexes. The smallest island of the trio, Meno’s beaches are particularly inviting and deserted, and snorkeling just offshore is possible. The downside is the poor cycling paths and lack of direct speedboats from Bali and Lombok (often necessitating an overnight connection on Trawangan or Air islands). And note: some cheaper hotels may not have air-conditioning and/or hot water.

9. Gili Meno – East Coast near the Boat Terminal

The location near the terminal for boats to Trawangan and Air islands is the busiest on Meno, however it remains remarkably less crowded in comparison to the other 2 islands. It is possible to stay here without being affected by loud nightclubs (like Gili Trawangan) or busy village life (like Gili Air). Additionally, it’s convenient for the beautiful beaches, moderate selection of sights, and snorkeling spots on the west coast.

10. Gili Meno – North Coast

The most separated coast along the minimum advanced tropical isle offers the utmost peace, yet remains inside of a 20 minute walk of the restricted assortment of conveniences in the south of Meno. Especially suitable for initial travelers and those on soulmate vacations, the north coast offers an undeveloped shore that is regularly empty, as well as nearness to snorkeling spots on the west coast and the humble sights somewhere else on the island.

11. Gili Meno – Interior

Unlike the other 2 islands, some amenities are scattered throughout the interior of Meno, like family-owned guesthouses winding along the meandering lanes. This area is especially close to the pristine and often deserted beaches along all coastlines as well as the salt lake abundant with birds.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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