The Best Time to Visit Puerto Rico

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When is the best time to visit Puerto Rico?

The ideal period to travel to Puerto Rico is in the early phase of spring, somewhere around mid-April up until June, right after the busy winter season and Easter holiday and just before the wet summer months. The weather remains sunny, warm, and breezy during this time, with plenty of sunshine and discounted rates for travel and lodging.

a green and white fire hydrant next to a stone wall

  • Best Time to Book Hotels in Puerto Rico: If planning to travel in the winter, make reservations 2 to 3 months ahead. At certain lodgings, it’s almost difficult to book rooms for Christmas and the month of February not as much as 12 months ahead.
  • Best Time to visit Puerto Rico for Good Weather: The coolest and least precipitous period in Puerto Rico extends from December through March – outside the hurricane season – which is partly why it is the most crowded and costly time to visit. The winter months bring warm, sunny days with minimal rainfall and pleasant trade winds that keep the days and evenings comfortable without being oppressively hot like the summer months. More specifically, since rainfall is generally lowest, the best time is February-March along the northern and eastern coasts, and from December to March along the southern and western coasts.
  • Optimal Period to Save Funds: Typically, the peak of hurricane season generally corresponds to the most affordable time of year to visit Puerto Rico according to conventional wisdom. During this period, hotels frequently offer sales with room rates being 20% to 40% lower than during busier periods like high season or holiday weekends. It`s easy to discover good deals on rooms that commonly cost over $350, dropping as low as $80 a night – though one must be aware that this is also when the island`s weather can be unpredictable. An emerging pattern worth noting if searching for an inexpensive holiday in Puerto Rico is that smaller lodgings are starting to charge higher prices on weekends and holidays compared to weekdays, rather than fluctuating costs seasonally.
  • The best time to visit Puerto Rico for festivities beyond the busy Spring Break season which lasts from late February to March is during the celebratory year-end holiday period – beginning in late November with Christmas celebrations that extend well into January. Peak festival season in Puerto Rico commences right after Thanksgiving and goes into mid-January, wrapping up with Fiesta de la Calle San Sebastián in Old San Juan.
  • Best Time for Beaches: Starting just after the Labor Day holiday, fewer Puerto Ricans tend to visit the beach due to cooler temperatures. In October, November, and early December, one could journey to several appealing shorelines like Playa Sucia or Buye on a weekday, or perhaps take the ferry to a tiny island like Gilligan’s Island off the Guanica coast, and find an almost empty beach. Beaches commence filling up with additional tourists starting in January, and are most crowded in late February to March with Spring Break travelers.
  • Best Time for Snorkeling: Puerto Rico provides great main island snorkeling locations with healthy coral reefs and beautiful beaches. It is also home to fantastic offshore islands with some of the best snorkeling beaches in the Caribbean that are world-famous. The summer months, particularly July, represent the best time for snorkeling, when the surf is down and the water is calmer.

Travel Seasons in Puerto Rico

  • High Season (December-early April, July & August): The busiest travel months are from mid-December through March as winter holidays begin and cooler weather prevails in the Northern Hemisphere. January through April see average daily temperatures of 28°C with less rainfall and nights that are more comfortable. January, February, and March experience the least precipitation annually, bringing many tourists seeking Puerto Rico`s pleasantly warm and sunny climate during these drier island months. While summer witnesses smaller numbers of outside visitors, July & August constitute Puerto Rico`s secondary high season, especially for lodging and attractions outside San Juan – as island residents tend to take vacations themselves in these summer months.
  • Shoulder Season (mid-April to June): Spring to early summer is the shoulder season in Puerto Rico – mid-April to June, right after the busy winter season and Easter break and just before the rainy hurricane season. The climate remains sunny, warm, and breezy, and the winter crowds have left. Some benefits of visiting during the shoulder season include full year-round resort facilities being provided at reduced rates, summer sales at resort boutiques, dining at top restaurants without needing advance reservations, rental car availability, no long waits for golf course tee times, quicker access to tennis courts and watersports, and cheap package tour fares.
  • Dim Season (September-November): The peak time for typhoons is the low season in Puerto Rico. With higher rainfall, sultry temperatures, tropical storms and the threat of hurricanes, there are significantly fewer visitors. The chances of getting struck directly by a hurricane are extremely unusual, however, devastation prompted by Hurricane Maria in 2017 seriously impaired the island, so be sure to purchase travel insurance in advance. The low season does offer some of the best discounts. Reduced rates are common during this time frame. Hotels cut rates from 20% to 60%, and tours and shops frequently cut prices to stay competitive. Reduced rates come hand in hand with renovations. The low season is also when hoteliers save their critical repairs and their major renovations for when they have fewer guests.

Puerto Rico Weather by Month

    Puerto Rico has a warm, humid tropical climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. From May through October represents the rainy season where conditions are hot and muggy. In contrast, December through March make up the relatively cool winter period while November and April serve as mild transitional phases. It is important to note that weather patterns in Puerto Rico can diverge some depending on coastal location, yet variations are limited. The northern city of San Juan averages approximately 460mm more annual rainfall than Ponce on the southern coast. Meanwhile, the southern coast tends to see temperatures 2-3°C warmer in winter owing to prevailing trade winds blowing inland from the sea. Central Puerto Rico is crossed by the Cordillera Central mountain range where temperature decreases along with elevating terrain. For instance, the town of Adjuntas at 500m above sea level sees highs range from 25°C in winter to 29°C in summer. On Cerro Maravilla, the island`s fourth tallest peak at 1,200m elevation, maximums span 20°C in winter through 23°C in summer. Mountainous regions likewise receive significantly heavier precipitation between 3,000 and 4,000 mm per year on average. For concision in this article, breakdowns by specific region have been omitted given climatic distinctions between northern and southern zones are minimal while cordilleras unsurprisingly experience cooler temperatures and amplified rainfall, thus always advising preparedness for such conditions during mountain excursions.

  • Puerto Rico Weather in January: January is among the coolest calendar months on the island of Puerto Rico – which makes it among the most sought-after eras to call on as the average everyday temperature is a comfortable 27°C with a nighttime lesser of 21°C. January is one of the drier calendar months in Puerto Rico with San Juan in the north obtaining an average of thirteen events with rainfall while Ponce in the south receives half of that with six rainy events. An average of eight hours of everyday sunshine leaves much time for trips and activities, but if planning to tour the mountains or spending time on a boat, make certain to pack a lightweight sweater as it can truly feel fairly cool. The sea is warm for swimming all year round, averaging 26°C during the winter calendar months. If visiting in January, pack a waterproof rain jacket alongside a few lightweight sweaters and long trousers for cooler nights as well as a bathing suit, t-shirts, dresses, shorts, sunglasses, and sunscreen as it can be quite hot and the UV beams are very strong. (Average Max Temperature: 28°C. Average Precipitation: North – 80mm, South – 25mm.)
  • Puerto Rico Weather in February: February is the driest month of the year. Ponce in the south gets the same amount of rain as January with 6 days containing rain, while San Juan in the north averages 10 rainy days. The typical daily temperature in February is a mild 28°C with a nightly low of 21°C. Sunshine stays at an average of 8 hours per day and the sea temperature remains a comfortable 26°C – ideal circumstances for spending time at the beach and swimming in the ocean. Pack similar to January, remembering those warm layers for the cool evenings. (Average Max Temperature: 29°C. Average Precipitation: North – 50mm, South – 25mm.)
  • Weather in Puerto Rico in March: March signifies the peak tourism season in Puerto Rico largely due to spring break. This increases crowds at beaches where daily high temperatures average 28°C and nightly lows reach 22°C, providing ideal conditions for beach time and ocean swimming. Daytime sunshine lasts roughly nine hours offering extended periods for outdoor trips and activities. The southern coast typically sees six rainy days while the northern coast averages ten. Pack light clothing, a sun hat, and a sweatshirt for evenings. Bring a jacket, layers, and hiking boots if trekking mountains. Use sunscreen liberally when exposed to the strong UV rays. (Average Max Temperature: 30°C. Average Precipitation: North – 60mm, South – 40mm.)
  • Weather Conditions in Puerto Rico During April: The climate in April is warmer than the prior three months and lacks the humidity and storms typically seen in the summer months. Around mid-month, Easter tourism begins to slow down, crowds thin out, and beaches become more relaxed with fewer visitors. The average daily temperature is 29 degrees Celsius and the average low rises to 23 degrees Celsius. The sun is out for around 9 hours, providing additional time to enjoy outdoor and water activities especially as ocean temperatures warm up to 27 degrees Celsius. April falls just before the start of the rainy season so expect a slight increase in rainfall. San Juan in the northern region averages 10 days with precipitation while Ponce in the southern area sees around 7 rainy days on average. Pack lightweight summer clothing, a sun hat, sunscreen, a few light weatherproof layers for cooler and wet evenings, and of course, swimsuits. (Average Maximum Temperature: 30°C. Average Precipitation: North – 90mm, South – 55mm.)
  • Puerto Rico Weather in May: The beginning of Puerto Rico’s rainy season occurs in May.There is a rise in rainfall on both coasts. San Juan averages 12 occasions with rain while Ponce encounters less rain with typically 10 damp days. Puerto Rico’s wet time of the year lasts from May until October, which may appear to be quite a long period, however the showers generally don`t continue over 30 minutes. Rain often descends for one part of the day – meaning sunshine the other part of the day.Average daily sunshine reduces to 8 hours yet that still gives ample opportunity to appreciate the beach or head out for a hike. Be sure to pack sunscreen and sun items to deter UV harm. The typical daily temperature in May increases to 30°C and the average low is 24°C. Bring tropics friendly, lightweight clothing, swimwear, and a lightweight cardigan or shawl for air conditioned spots.Light rain equipment and a waterproof bag will help during a sudden tropical thunderstorm. (Average Max Temperature: 31°C. Average Precipitation: North – 145mm, South – 95mm.)
  • Weather Conditions in Puerto Rico During June: The month of June signifies the beginning of the hurricane season across Puerto Rico, a period that persists through November. Puerto Rico experienced immense devastation from Hurricane Maria in 2017. Prior to Hurricane Maria, the island had not endured a storm of such severity since 1931. Some areas of Puerto Rico are still recovering from Hurricane Maria, but reconstruction efforts are underway. Traveling to Puerto Rico during the hurricane season can afford massive savings on airfare and lodging, though purchasing trip insurance and monitoring weather alerts is highly advisable. In general, satellite forecasts provide sufficient warnings to take necessary precautions. Despite the start of the hurricane season, rainfall does not dramatically rise in June but San Juan averages 15 rainy days while Ponce averages 8 days with precipitation. The average daily temperature in June is 31°C with evening lows of 25°C so accommodation with air conditioning or at minimum a fan will be essential. Average daily sunlight increases to 9 hours and sea temperature rises to 28°C so swimming is a great means to cool off. Pack as for May with a mix of light summer attire and rain gear along with ample good sun protection. (Average Maximum Temperature: 32°C. Average Rainfall: North – 120mm, South – 65mm.)
  • Puerto Rico Weather in July: July represents a second tourism period for locals who usually opt to take a vacation during one of the hottest months of the year. July means sticky heat across the island, which can sometimes be difficult to withstand, even if it is tempered by the breeze. The average daily temperature is around 32°C with an average low of approximately 24°C which sometimes rises to about 26°C in San Juan. The daytime temperature rarely surpasses 34°C but moisture makes the heat oppressive. During the night it can be very warm and muggy. Most of the rains come in the form of intense showers or thunderstorms and provide welcome relief from the overwhelming heat and humidity. The south averages around 8 days with rain while the north experiences twice the rain with an average of 15 rainy days. There is typically 9 hours of daily sunshine and the sea temperature remains 28°C so swimming is a great way to cool off. Bring lightweight, tropics-friendly clothing, a light raincoat, and waterproof bag for thunderstorms. (Average Max Temperature: 34°C. Average Precipitation: North – 125mm, South – 65mm.)
  • Puerto Rico Weather in August: August represents one of the wettest periods of the year in Puerto Rico with San Juan averaging 16 days of rain and Ponce seeing around 10 rainy days on average. August marks the beginning of a 3 month phase where the risk of unfavorable weather increases substantially, resulting in far fewer celebrations and festivals occurring across the island from August through October. Typical daily high temperatures are a humid and oppressive 32°C while average nightly lows drop to 24°C. Daily sunshine hours continue to average 9 while UV levels remain elevated, so packing good sun protection and carrying water to stay hydrated and avoid sun damage is prudent. Sea surface temperatures are very warm at around 29°C – perfect for beach days and swimming when it`s not raining. Prepare similarly to July but try to book accommodations with air conditioning to stay comfortable in the heat. (Average Maximum Temperature: 33°C. Average Rainfall: North Coast – 150mm, South Coast – 110mm.)
  • Weather conditions in Puerto Rico during September: The number of visitors to Puerto Rico significantly decreases to the lowest point of the year in September as it is the peak of the hurricane season. Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September 2017. September is a good month for empty beaches and inexpensive hotel prices for anyone willing to take a chance with the weather patterns. The average rainfall increases on both coasts receiving an average of 150mm of rain, San Juan getting it over 14 days and Ponce, 11 rainy days. The typical daily temperature is stickily humid at 32°C with a nighttime low of 25°C. The sea remains warm like a bath at 29°C but with heavy rain expected in September, beach days may not be as consistent as other months. Sunshine decreases to 8 hours, so warm sunny days are possible but packing an umbrella, light rain jacket, and a waterproof bag is recommended. Also bring light summer clothing, swimsuits, waterproof shoes, bug repellent, and plenty of sun protection and aloe vera for burns as UV rays remain high. (Average Maximum Temperature: 33°C. Average Precipitation: North – 150mm, South – 150mm.)
  • Weather conditions in Puerto Rico for the month of October: The southern coast of Puerto Rico tends to receive the most rain during October with an average of 13 rainy days. San Juan on the northern coast gets nearly as much precipitation with around 15 days of rain expected on average. The rain can fall as brief downpours lasting just a few minutes or as continuous rainfall lasting several hours. The typical maximum daytime temperature in October is around 30°C while the average minimum is approximately 24°C, so accommodations with air conditioning are recommended to remain comfortable since a significant amount of time will likely be spent indoors. Daily hours of sunshine decrease to 7 so while outdoor activities and beach days remain possible in October, they cannot be guaranteed and likely won`t be feasible on back-to-back days. When visiting in October, preparations should be made for varying weather conditions. Packing similar to September along with provisions for indoor pursuits is advised. Be sure to bring books, games, and other forms of entertainment for additional rainy days. (Average Maximum Temperature: 32°C. Average Precipitation: North Coast – 150mm, South Coast – 160mm.)
  • Weather Conditions in Puerto Rico for the Month of November: November marks the last month of hurricane season. For the northern city of San Juan, November is one of the rainiest months with average precipitation of 140mm spread over 16 days. Ponce in the south sees decreasing rainfall with rains occurring on only 10 days. The average daily temperature across Puerto Rico is 30°C with nightly lows of 22°C. Daily sunlight hours remain at 7, so while enjoying beautifully sunny days on the island is very possible along the southern coast, travel preparations similar to October are recommended if visiting the northern coast. Pack lightweight summer clothing, swimsuits, rain and sun protection gear, as well as some light layers for evenings and indoor activities. (Average Maximum Temperature: 31°C. Average Rainfall: North – 140mm, South – 95mm.)
  • Puerto Rico Weather in December: The end of the hurricane season in December brings about a marked decrease in rainfall on the island – particularly on the southern coast. The city of San Juan in the north still sees an average of 16 days with rain but receives 25mm less than November while Ponce in the south averages 7 rainy days. The average daily temperatures start declining to more comfortable levels, hovering around 29°C – with the average low being 23°C in San Juan and 20°C in Ponce. Daily sunshine hours remain at 7 hours but with less precipitation, December makes for an ideal month for sightseeing, beach activities, and underwater pursuits like scuba diving and snorkeling. Packing a variety of summer clothing, swimwear, and sun protection in addition to some warm layers for evenings is recommended. (Average Max Temperature: 31°C. Average Precipitation: North – 115mm, South – 35mm.)

Puerto Rico Events and Festivals

Puerto Rico in January

  • Day of the New Year (January 1) – The first of January is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population and most schools and businesses are closed. It is a celebration that many Puerto Ricans typically spend with family and friends. A few traditions the evening before include throwing water from windows to drive away evil spirits, falling backwards into ocean waves at midnight to keep misfortune away, and spreading sugar around homes to make the new year sweet.
  • Celebration of the Three Wise Kings (January 6) – Also commemorating the Epiphany, this observance is part of the holiday festivities in Puerto Rico honoring the Magi. Towns hold parades with performances featuring locals and actors dressed as the Three Wise Men distributing presents to children. The most renowned festivities occur in the communities of Juana Díaz and Isabela.
  • Birth anniversary of Eugenio María de Hostos (January 11) – A public holiday in honor of the prominent writer who fought for Puerto Rican Independence. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. This holiday originally was celebrated on January 11, but recently it`s been observed on the second Monday of January. In 2021, the holiday will in fact be marked on January 11.
  • Festival of Calle San Sebastián Street (Jan 14-17) – Called ‘Sanse’ locally, this is Puerto Rico’s version of Mardi Gras. The unofficial conclusion to the holiday season, this festival takes over Old San Juan from Wednesday evening until Sunday during the third week of January. Daytime festivities fill the plazas with food vendors, art fairs, stages for live music, dance, circus performances, and parades of Vejigantes – a folkloric figure sporting bright colors, a mask, and wings. In the evening it becomes a street festival.
  • Festival of the Heifer (third week of January) – This festival pays tribute to a female calf through festivities held in the rural town of San Sebastian. Celebrated on the third Sunday of January, a cow adorned with a crown of flowers leads a procession through the community with elaborate floats following behind. The festival includes live bands performing different styles of music, including folk and salsa, artisans and food vendors selling their goods in the town square, and carnival rides.
  • Observance honoring Martin Luther King Jr. (third Monday in January) – This federal holiday and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico observance falls on the third Monday of January each year. It is a non-work day for most people and organizations, with schools and businesses typically closed. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. He became a prominent advocate for nonviolent protest against racial discrimination and injustice.
  • Free musical event at Darsenas Plaza (the last Sunday evening of each month 5:30pm-8:30pm) – Open to all with no cost of admission, offering food trucks and dancing to traditional and modern tunes.
  • Le Lo Lai Festival (Every Tuesday & Sunday) – This yearly festival named Le Lo Lai celebrates Puerto Rico’s Taíno Indian, Spanish, and African heritage. Performances demonstrating island music and folklore take place every Tuesday at Fort San Cristobal and every Sunday at Cuartel de Ballaja in Old San Juan. It’s sponsored by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company.

Puerto Rico in February

  • San Blas de Illescas Half Marathon – Considered the premier running occasion in Puerto Rico, approximately 1,500 runners and 250,000 spectators visit Centro del Universo, Coamo for the sporting occasion. The race started in 1963 and has hosted participants from over 50 countries.
  • Maricao Coffee Festival (mid-February) – One of the country’s oldest traditions is celebrating the conclusion of the annual coffee harvest with a massive celebration. Held over a weekend in mid-February for 3 days, festivities include vibrant parades, arts and crafts stalls, and music.
  • President`s Day (February 18) – George Washington’s birthday is observed as an official government holiday in both the United States and Puerto Rico. As the initial president of the United States, George Washington holds significance. The holiday grants a day off and a prolonged weekend for government employees, so expect famous tourist spots and especially beaches to be crowded during the President’s Day Weekend.
  • Carnaval Ponceño (February 10-16) – one of the oldest celebrations in the Western Hemisphere occurs during the week preceding Ash Wednesday, the last week of February. This annual festival in the town of Ponce lasts a full week and includes a parade featuring Vejigantes, a typical folkloric character wearing brightly colored jumpsuits, long-nosed masks, and wings. The parade also showcases King Momo, the coronation of the Carnival Queen, a masquerade ball, and the Burial of the Sardine – a mock funeral signifying the beginning of Lent.
  • Puerto Rico Open (late February) – The Professional Golf Association has hosted a tournament in Puerto Rico on Coco Beach since 2008. Thousands attend to watch the hundreds of professional golfers playing the championship course. The Open usually lasts for 4 days.

Puerto Rico in March

  • National Day of Salsa (early March) – Puerto Rico`s biggest salsa event takes place at the Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, with a full day featuring some of the island`s finest Salsa musicians.
  • Day of Abolition of Slavery (March 22) – Commemorating the abolition of slavery in 1873 when Puerto Rico was still a Spanish colony, Emancipation Day is an official holiday. Festivities continue today with dancing to plena and bomba music, singing, and enjoyment of Caribbean cuisine. It is a day off for the general public, and schools and most businesses close for the observance.
  • Celebration of the Whale Migration (end of March) – Occurring at El Faro Recreational Park in Rincon, this festival honors the whale migration period. Held annually since 2004, activities incorporate a craft marketplace, children`s entertainment, live performances, food stalls, and more. It is believed that the ideal vantage point to observe the movement and spot whales is from the The Rincon Lighthouse.
  • Taste of Rum (early March) – Puerto Rico’s 1-day rum festival, held in Old San Juan since 2009, is one of the biggest rum festivals worldwide with over 3,000 attendees. The festival focuses on boosting the local rum sector with over a dozen different rum makers to sample.

Puerto Rico in April

  • Viernes Santo (April 10) – Chiefly a religious holiday, Good Friday is an official public holiday in Puerto Rico. Good Friday falls on the Friday before Easter with school and work closures for the day.
  • Domingo de la Resurrección (April 12) – Easter Sunday is a religious holiday and most businesses in Puerto Rico remain open on this day. Christians will generally attend church services in the morning, then celebrate the day with family and friends.
  • Anniversary of José de Diego (third Monday in April) – This formal public holiday commemorates José de Diego y Martínez, who was renowned as the “Father of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement” and was the first president of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives. The holiday is an official day off and a long weekend for government workers, so anticipate the popular tourist attractions and particularly beaches to be busy.

Puerto Rico in May

  • La Campechada – A celebration of Puerto Rican art and culture, with each year dedicated to a prominent artist. The city changes year to year, so plan in advance.
  • Casals Festival (May 22 – June 7) – Considered the premier classical music event in the Caribbean region, this festival pays homage to the renowned cellist, conductor, and composer Pablo Casals. Established in 1957 by Casals himself, internationally renowned artists and musicians participate each year. Held mostly at the Luis A. Ferré Performing Arts Center, it occurs over multiple weeks dedicated to honoring Casals` esteemed career and legacy.
  • Memorial of the Dead of the War (last Monday of May) – A US Federal holiday and an official holiday for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May each year. As an official holiday, schools, banks, and all businesses close for the day.
  • Festival de la Piña Paradisíaca (May 29-31) – The “Pineapple Festival” is commemorated each year in La Parguera, an oceanfront community in the southern town of Lajas. The festival highlights vendors marketing locally grown pineapples and dozens of local agricultural products and fried foods, local bands, activities for children, and a 5K race through the marina and mangrove coves.

Puerto Rico in June

  • Fiesta del Mango (June 9-11) – This festival in Mayaguez celebrates the mango through various cooking contests that utilize it as an ingredient. There are exhibits showing the different varieties of mangoes, music performed by several bands, dance lessons, artisan kiosks, and more.
  • Saborea (June 4-6) – For the past 12 years, a major three-day food event has taken place in Puerto Rico each year to spotlight the region`s culinary scene. Dubbed Saborea, it is filled with activities and gatherings aimed at positioning Puerto Rico as the top culinary destination in the Caribbean. Events include a sit-down dinner where 20 renowned local chefs cook creative dishes for attendees. Profits from the festival support Puerto Rico’s Educational Fund for people working in hospitality. It is aimed toward advancing the local tourism industry.
  • Puerto Rico Restaurant Week – A yearly culinary happening highlights Puerto Rico as a gastronomic location while emphasizing the wide diversity of eating experiences accessible on the island. The function happens at different participating restaurants, like nominated and Michelin-Starred establishments.
  • Noche de San Juan (June 23) – Every June 23rd, Puerto Ricans celebrate the eve of the feast day honoring Saint John the Baptist. This celebration occurs 2 days before the summer solstice and is spent at the beach. The custom is that at midnight, people take at least 3 leaps backward to remove all negativity from their lives. Many hotels host large parties to celebrate the occasion and could be the best choice to avoid crowded public beaches.
  • The Aibonito Flower Festival (June 26 – July 5) – Annually for over 40 years, in the mountain town of Aibonito, the city hosts the Flower Festival with a great variety of exotic blossoms and tropical plants of Puerto Rico. The festival incorporates floral and plant presentations, a large section of plants for sale, live local musical shows, games and rides for the kids, food vendors, and educational talks led by expert flower growers and horticulturalists. Every year the festival is held from the last week of June through to early July.

Puerto Rico in July

  • Independence Day of the United States (July 4) – Independence Day is a US government holiday and an official holiday in Puerto Rico. The holiday commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776, proclaiming independence from Britain.
  • Birthday of Luis Muñoz Rivera (third Monday of July) – An official national holiday observed on the third Monday of July to commemorate the birthday of Luis Munoz Rivera. He was an influential journalist, poet, and politician who advocated for Puerto Rican independence from both Spain and the US. Being an official holiday means schools, banks, and all businesses close for the day.
  • Festival of Fish – A weekend-long celebration focused on the fishing industry in the small fishing village of Puerto Real in Cabo Rojo. Puerto Real is recognized as the earliest fishing community in Puerto Rico and through this festival, the local population commemorates the occupation that enabled the town to develop and expand. Festivities incorporate live music, children`s entertainment, and ample fresh fish to sample.
  • Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (July 25th) – Previously referred to as Occupation Day, this commemorates the anniversary of American troops arriving at Guanica in 1989. The holiday is celebrated with parades, speeches, fireworks, and parties. Being an official holiday, schools, banks, and all businesses close for the day.
  • Birth Anniversary of José Celso Barbosa (July 27) – An official holiday of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, honoring the Birthday of Dr. José Celso Barbosa who was an important figure in the history of the island as an active advocate for statehood and is referred to as the ‘Father of the Statehood Movement for Puerto Rico.’ The day is commemorated with ceremonies at the childhood home of Celso Barbosa in Bayamón, which is now a museum, and also at his tomb in San Juan.
  • Celebration of Saint James the Apostle (July 25) – A multi-evening occasion in Loíza that happens around July 25 honoring Saint James. The commemoration consists of a lively procession through town where 4 kinds of masked “characters” – The Knights, The Freaks, The Mad Women, and The Elders the – do ‘battle’, representing the struggle between good and evil. Other festive events include dance displays, traditional bomba music along with modern music, and kiosks selling handicrafts and traditional foods.

Puerto Rico in August

  • International Billfish Tournament (August 24-30) – Held over 50 years, experienced deep-sea anglers from around the globe come to participate in the week-long San Juan International Billfish Tournament organized by the Club Nautico de San Juan.

Puerto Rico in September

  • Labor Day (first Monday in September) – Labor Day is a public holiday celebrated both in the US and Puerto Rico. The holiday is celebrated on the initial Monday of September. As a public holiday, schools, banks, and all businesses close for the day.

Puerto Rico in October

  • Discovery of America (October 12) – This holiday commemorates Christopher Columbus` arrival in the Americas. Columbus Day is a US Federal holiday and an official holiday of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The occasion is marked with schools and public offices being closed.

Puerto Rico in November

  • Día del Veterano (November 11) – November 11 is a holiday meant to honor military veterans of the US and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Veteran`s Day on the island is traditionally commemorated at the Puerto Rico National Cemetery. This is an official federal and commonwealth holiday so all schools and government offices are closed.
  • Discovery of Puerto Rico (November 19) – Also known as Puerto Rico Discovery Day, this holiday commemorates Christopher Columbus` landing on Puerto Rico’s northwest shore in 1493. As an official holiday, schools, banks, and businesses close. Discovery of Puerto Rico Day involves fairs, cultural activities, and a parade. It also traditionally marks the start of the Puerto Rico Christmas season, so trees are erected, decorations adorn private and public buildings, and stores ready inventories and sales for the holidays.
  • Día de Acción de Gracias (November 26) – Marking the beginning of the Holiday Season, Thanksgiving Day is a US Federal holiday and an official holiday for the Commonwealth territory of Puerto Rico.
  • Puerto Rico Cocktail Week (November 15-21) – A celebration held for 7 days featuring Puerto Rico`s cocktail heritage on beaches with spirit brands, attendees, and bars exhibiting popular flavors and mixed drinks. The goal is promoting local bartenders and high-end bars on the island.
  • The Festival Nacional Indígena (November 15-17) – An annual cultural festival held in the Puerto Rican city of Jayuya, once home to the Taino people. This celebration honors the Taino culture and Puerto Rico’s indigenous roots. People from all over Puerto Rico gather each November to embrace the traditions of their Taíno ancestors. Events include a pageant, music, recognition of scholars researching pre-Colombian cultures, showcases of traditional clothing, as well as a village replicating thatched-roof Taino dwellings. Vendors sell classic arts and crafts and foods from the Taino era.

Puerto Rico in December

  • Navitown transforms Bahia Urbana in Old San Juan into a Christmas wonderland from December 5th to January 6th, with children’s rides, displays, and more. It is open Wednesday to Friday from 6pm to 11pm and Saturday to Sunday from 3pm to 11pm, charging a $5 entrance fee per person including IVU, with kids under 2 being free.
  • Festival del Macabeo (December 13-15) – A culture festival hosted in Trujillo Alto honoring macabeo, a traditional banana pastry. The festival features arts and crafts, cuisine, musical performances, and troubadour contests.
  • Christmas Bazaar (mid-December) – Bazaar Navideño en Ballajá is held along Paseo De La Princesa in Old San Juan. The 2-day fair features around 200 artisans showcasing and selling their handmade work – perfect for Christmas presents. The Bazaar is open from 10am to 7pm and is usually held over the second weekend of December.
  • San Juan Christmas Boat Parade (mid December) – The annual San Juan Boat Parade takes place around the San Juan Bay. Boats are decorated with Christmas Lights and circle the bay generally starting at around 6pm.
  • December 21st is named National Coquito Day (December 21) – Coquito is a customary Christmas drink in Puerto Rico and December 21 has been titled National Coquito Day. Coquito is frequently contrasted to eggnog but is prepared with coconut cream, milk, and Puerto Rican rum.
  • Nochebuena (December 24) – Known as the night before Christmas in locales outside Puerto Rico, this is the evening that kinsfolk and companions frequently collect for a conventional supper of charred hog and rice with pigeon peas, drink coquito, venture outside to sing Christmas melodies typically joined by Puerto Rican instruments (this is known as parrandas), trade gifts, or take a ride to enjoy the Christmas enhancements around town. Numerous Puerto Ricans will go to a midnight mass known as Misa de Gallo. Most vacationer benefits will stay accessible on the 24th, and in the evening numerous inns and eateries offer exceptional Christmas suppers.
  • December Twenty-Fifth (December 25) – This religious occasion is also an official public holiday in Puerto Rico. Introduced during the Spanish regime, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. During the year-end holiday period, Christmas decor often adorns Puerto Rico. Festivities and events on Christmas Eve tend to repeat on Christmas Day in Puerto Rico. As a designated public holiday, many businesses will close though tourism services, resorts, hotels, and restaurants generally remain open hosting Christmas celebrations.
  • Hatillo Masks Festival (December 28) – An annual event held in Hatillo commemorating the Día de los Santos Inocentes which honors the first Christian martyrs or Holy Innocents. The celebration dates back to 1823, with the arrival in Puerto Rico of settlers from the Canary Islands. The party includes costumed performers dressed in bright and elaborate outfits parading with unconventional floats crossing through town.
  • December Thirty-First – Locals in Puerto Rico celebrate the arrival of the New Year by thoroughly cleaning their homes followed by a big meal shared with family and friends. It is believed that tidying the house before the New Year commences decides how the upcoming year will be for those living there. Another tradition on New Years Eve is consuming twelve grapes with twelve seconds left before midnight – those who finish them by the stroke of twelve are thought to experience good fortune over the following year. Another custom involves an individual reciting the poem “El Brindis del Bohemio” or listening to a recording of it – this is a popular activity in Puerto Rico. Numerous locations commonly serve asopao – a rice and meat stew – well into the early hours of January First. Fireworks displays and parties take place all across the island, with the largest held along the waterfront in San Juan. Luxury hotels and resorts host sizable New Years Eve gatherings so reservations should be made in advance to attend functions at bars, hotels, restaurants, and event venues islandwide.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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