a red and white lighthouse sitting next to a body of water

Long duration photography is one of the most fascinating genres and it will forever hook you on photography.

Imagine if you could hold your eyes open for a set period of time and obtain everything you are seeing in just one image โ€“ wouldn`t that be useful? That`s precisely how long exposure photography functions; rather than “freezing” time, the concept is to record everything that takes place while the shutter is open.

Did you know that long duration photography is also an extremely flexible technique? From incredible daytime long duration photos to dreamlike long exposure night skies, itโ€™ll help you generate the magical and ethereal photos youโ€™ve always envisioned.

However, mastering the technique of long exposure photography can be complex and difficult. Do you have the necessary camera equipment to conduct long exposure photography? Are you aware of the basic settings to start with? If unsure? Letโ€™s explore this topic!

a waterfall that is in the middle of a lake

In this ultimate guide on long exposure photography, weโ€™ll discuss:

What is long exposure photography?

Long exposure photography involves maintaining the camera shutter open for a set time period and can be defined as a technique based on this principle.

If youโ€™re shooting without a tripod, your shutter speed should be somewhere between 1/5000 and 1/40 of a second to acquire sharp images.However, using a slow shutter speed, starting from half of a second and upwards, and securing your camera on a stable tripod, youโ€™ll be able to capture movement in clouds, water, vehicles, animals, etc. Wherever thereโ€™s change, thereโ€™s an opportunity to be innovative using the long exposure technique.

Keep in mind that when capturing daylight long exposures, if too much light hits the sensor, a Neutral Density filter may be needed to reduce some exposure stops and acquire a well-lit image.

a large body of water with a city skyline

Prolonged exposure at night allows us to record more information from the sky than what we can see with our naked eyes. By keeping the shutter open for an extended time, weโ€™ll capture details of the Milky Way or hues of the Northern Lights that we wouldnโ€™t be able to see with the naked eye.

a sunset scene with a lighthouse in the distance

The ultimate result of either nighttime or daytime lengthy exposure photos is magical because it cannot be perceived by your eyes. In fact, if theyโ€™re unfamiliar with the ultimate image, many individuals think that lengthy exposure photographs have been โ€œPhotoshoppedโ€. However, to take long-exposure photographs, all you need is your camera and a tripod (and ND filters sometimes) .

How to take long exposure shots

Long exposure photography has many technical aspects that should be known beforehand. The most important one is the optimal long exposure camera settings.

Letโ€™s dive into how to conduct long exposure photography with your camera and how to create the unbelievable long exposure photos you dream of producing.

a person standing in the water with a surfboard

Step-By-Step Guide to Long exposure photography

There isnโ€™t a single rule of thumb for carrying out long exposure photography. With practice and time, you will develop your own workflow. However, itโ€™s good to have some references

Essentially, here is generally viewed as the most suitable approach to execute delayed exposure photography step-by-step:

  1. Scout and open your vision: It appears rather evident, but this step is at the heart of long exposure photography. Try to arrive at minimum one hour before the time you want to shoot, so you can pick your spot and, simultaneously, analyze the direction of the clouds, see if the tide is rising, if thereโ€™ll be people walking in front of your camera, etc.
  1. Position the camera on a tripod in a safe area: Secure your camera on a stable tripod; bear in mind that no photograph is worth risking your equipment or your own safety.
  1. Design your composition: Once youโ€™ve evaluated and anticipated all the surrounding components, itโ€™s time to structure your photo. You can review here the preferred photography arrangement techniques.
  1. Alter the camera settings: Turn your camera to the Manual or Bulb mode and change the configurations according to the explanation below. Also, deactivate the image stabilization ( IS).
  1. Focus: Make sure you have the proper focal point to take crisp and clean photos.
  1. Meter: Adjust the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to get an exposure value equal to zero by using the light meter of your camera. Use a prolonged shutter speed to capture the motion you want.
  1. Conduct a test capture and assess the Histogram and focus: Once youโ€™ve taken your initial photo, double-check the exposure, via the histogram, and the focus to ensure everything is satisfactory.
  1. If ND filters are required, calculate the shutter speed: Adjust the exposure time depending on the filter being used by referencing the help available below regarding apps that can facilitate this calculation.
  1. Carefully attach the filter/s: If using lens filters, fix them in a careful manner. Do not touch the focus ring or camera body.
  1. Cover the viewfinder to avoid any light leaking into your sensor: To prevent any light leaks, shield the viewfinder and your filter holder if necessary.
  1. Seize the moment: Use the shutter release or delay function to avoid any unwanted vibrations in your camera. Donโ€™t forget to recheck your histogram and focus as well.
  1. Start again!

a large body of water with a clear blue sky

One technique for learning photography that involves testing your creativity is long exposure. Letโ€™s look at the best settings to use for this approach.

Long exposure photography settings and techniques

Comprehending the extended exposure photography settings and changing them according to the conditions youโ€™re shooting in is essential for obtaining the photographs you want.

Before engaging in extended exposure photography, there are a couple recommended settings you must take into account:

  • The basic setting is adjusting your camera to the Manual setting (โ€œMโ€) or Bulb setting (โ€œBโ€). Please be aware that some cameras will automatically change from Manual to Bulb mode when the shutter speed goes over 30 seconds.

Some smartphones regularly feature this option; it`s called Pro Mode, where you can experiment with the basic settings and then take long exposure photos on your iPhone.

  • Capture in RAW format: To obtain the highest quality files and edit your photo after the session.
  • Lighting mode: The Matrix mode (Evaluative mode in Canon) represents the most common lighting mode, as it refers to the entire scene with an emphasis on where the camera is focusing.
  • Turn off the image stabilization (IS) function. Otherwise, your lens will try to compensate for any movement and consequently add blur to your photos.

a lighthouse sitting on top of a sandy beach

Now letโ€™s get into the fundamental settings for long exposure photography and how you should modify them.

Focus for long exposure

Focus is one of the basics while performing long exposure photography. There is no way to fix a photo that lacks focus in post-production; itโ€™s a common mistake.

Although obtaining sharp images may seem straightforward, some aspects require consideration when capturing photographs with high resolution:

  • Focus on acquiring the proper perspective before implementing any filtering methods. When utilizing ND Filters, bear in mind that they block inbound luminosity, so most image-capture devices struggle to concentrate when a lens adaptor is fastened. The initial step is to center without any filtering, take a test recording, and double-check the focus prior to establishing any filters. This is one of the most useful pointers for concentrating in photography.
  • Regardless of the focus mode chosen, either manually or utilizing the autofocus, employ the zoom in Live View Mode to detect the sharpest point.

    If your plan is to witness the Aurora from a scenic location, the lake perspectives from the Amazing Aurora B&B are unmatched.

  • Once youโ€™ve focused correctly, switch to Manual Focus. Otherwise, your camera will try to focus again.

a large body of water with a sky background

Long exposure and shutter speed

shutter rate is one of the essentials of long exposure photography, and it will have a dramatic impact on your final photos.

So what exposure time best suits capturing long exposures? The exposure time that harmonizes with the ambient lighting conditions and your photographic goals is most suitable. Discerning the differing outcomes of shorter versus longer exposure times holds the key to achieving the desired image:

  • Ultra-long exposure photography creates dreamy, abstract atmospheres because youโ€™re softening all movement in your photo. The exposure time will be over 5 minutes, and to capture this extended exposure, you have to use the Bulb mode. (Most cameras donโ€™t allow shots longer than 30 second long exposure photos without employing this mode.)

a mountain range with a sky background

  • A shortened exposure period maintains the details of the components that are moving in your photo, creating a lively and dynamic impression while capturing the motion. The shutter speed will be around 1 minute or less.

a large body of water with mountains

These exposure periods are merely an approximation and will fluctuate contingent on your circumstances and surroundings. Numerous factors can impact the exposure time, so weโ€™ve developed the ultimate key for lengthy exposure photography so you can compute your shutter speed!

Category of extended exposure Shutter Speed

Bright stars & Milky Way

12 – 25 sec.

Star trails

From 30 sec. –


3 – 25 sec.

Motionless Northern Lights

8 – 25 sec

Dynamic Northern Lights

0.5 – 8 sec.

City Lights

15 – 60 sec.

Car trails

30 – 120 sec.


5 – 30 sec.


From 5 sec. –

Water with texture

0.5 – 3 sec.

Smooth water-Silky feeling

From 5 sec. –

Slow-moving vapors

From 120 sec. –

Rapidly shifting clouds

From 15 sec. –

Eliminating individuals

30 – 180 sec.

Best shutter speed for Long open-air photography

You can also obtain more thorough details within our guide regarding shutter speed in photography!

Long exposure and aperture

When shooting during daylight hours, you should configure the camera aperture for long exposure photography around the optimal setting of your lens to capture the highest quality images. Wait, let me clarify: the optimal setting refers to the aperturethat yields the clearest and most finely detailed photos, not an actual sweet spot on the lens itself.

The optimum aperture for receiving the sharpest focus throughout an image varies by lens type but generally falls between f/8 and f/11 for wide-angle lenses. More information regarding calculating a lens`s sharpest aperture can be found in our guide covering the role of aperture in photography.

This basic guideline for daytime lengthy exposure can make getting a suitably lit photograph somewhat difficult. If so, youโ€™ll need to employ ND filters to decrease a couple of exposure increments in your image.

If you donโ€™t have any options to manipulate, you can opt for a smaller aperture like f22 to conduct long exposure photography. However, the smaller the aperture you adjust, the more โ€œoptical diffractionโ€ you will encounter, which lessens the overall clarity and quality of the photo.

For long exposure photography at night, choosing your aperture is more straightforward. Simply pick a wider aperture on your lens, such as f/1.4 or f/2.8, to gather more light.

a river flowing through a forest filled with trees

Long exposure and ISO

What is the ideal light sensitivity setting to minimize noise in long-period photography? Letโ€™s cut right to the point. To achieve the best quality when taking extended exposures, utilize the native base light sensitivity of your camera whenever feasible. In other words, exploit the lowest inherent light sensitivity on your camera when shooting in daylight. Straightforward and simple.

Why? Utilizing the base ISO on your camera, around ISO 100, will decrease digital noise and heighten the quality of your images. However, for nighttime long exposure photography, youโ€™ll need to use a higher ISO.

Another consideration when taking long exposures is the heat of the sensor, which increases potential for certain artifacts like hot pixels and color noise.

There is often some leeway when taking pictures. Increasing the ISO setting a couple of stops usually does not drastically affect the final image in many cameras, so being aware of your equipment`s limitations is key. More in-depth information can be found in our guide on understanding ISO in photography.

Want to learn about an utterly one-of-a-kind place to see the Northern Lights in Sweden from? There is no accommodation quite like Treehotel, where guests can choose to stay in one of seven different treehouse rooms.

a painting of a sunset in front of a lighthouse

Long exposure Calculator in a long exposure app

Utilizing applications to calculate the shutter speed required is one of the most useful tips for extended exposure photography. These apps are specially designed for long exposure photography and will assist you in determining the proper time exposure/shutter speed based on the Neutral Density Filters you are employing.

There are hundreds of applications designed to help calculate your long exposure photograph, but probably the most utilized are Photopills and Exposure Calculator. Letโ€™s examine how to use them:

  1. Take a test shoot and set your light meter in 0.
  2. Examine the histogram to be sure everything is properly exposed.
  3. Input your test parameters within your application.
  4. Change the aperture or ISOif you want.
  5. Choose the filter you wish to use.
  6. It`s complete! The long exposure application has automatically determined the shutter speed required for you.

a black and white photo of a tv screen

Last but not least, before utilizing any long exposure calculator application, be sure that you comprehend how exposure functions in photography and how to strike a balance utilizing the exposure triangle.

Now you have all the information needed to take long exposure photographs. If unsure where to begin, here are the main types of long exposure photography .

Nighttime long exposure photography

Most of the time when photographing at night, youโ€™re taking long exposures. The lack of light requires leaving the shutter open longer so the cameraโ€™s sensor can collect more light. Therefore, youโ€™ll use long exposures to capture the Milky Way, Northern Lights,and star trails.

a blurry picture of some water and mountains

Long exposure star photography

Taking a prolonged exposure of stars permits numerous innovative possibilities. In this style, the shutter speed will be contingent on the scene. Applying a prolonged exposure to photograph star pathways will take at any time from 15 minutes to several hours, but itโ€™ll allow you to seize mesmerizing imagery,

an aerial view of a tree filled with colorful flowers

However, if you capture a extended exposure for the Milky Way because you aim to photograph the stars as we perceive them with the naked eye, you shouldnโ€™t use a shutter speed longer than 20 seconds as I explain in my Milky Way photography guide.

Whatever your aim is while using long exposure at night, I recommend checking my night-long exposure photography guide to get more ideas.

a person standing on top of a rock

Long exposure and Urban photography

There is something unique and delightful about when a city shifts to its nighttime personality. The diversity of lights, the tall buildings, and the everlasting movement of the metropolis can cultivate the most enchanting environment.

The employment of long exposure in a city or town will dramatically transform the view of it. If thereโ€™s some light, thereโ€™s always an opportunity to do something amazing. Looking at, analyzing, and experimenting with the surroundings (cars, ferries, wheels, boats, etc.) will broaden your imagination and the way you approach photography at nighttime.

a large body of water with a city skyline

Long exposure car light trails

Sometimes, even the quietest streets can drastically change when utilizing a extended photographic exposure. In this case, you can leverage the light emitted from automobiles during an extended exposure to generate a bright and colorful stream of light trails that can act as guiding lines across the photograph.

Search for busy intersections and roadways so you can incorporate the light trails into your lengthy exposure photographs and enhance your composition.

a clock tower in the middle of a city

Long exposure and light painting

Light crafting is probably the most pleasurable and creative way to utilize long exposure in low-light states. It contains employing lights as brushes and crafting around your picture to illuminate and generate light designs.

a crowd of people standing next to each other

Daytime long exposure photography

Utilizing a prolonged exposure during the day can seem rather challenging due to the tall quantity of light, which can result in overexposed imagery. However, there are some approaches to do this type of photography during the day. The employment of neutral density filters for prolonged exposure has increased rapidly in the last few years, making them a must-have accessory in your bag.

Mastering your skills in long exposure photography in daylight will allow you to create interesting perspectives and effects even if itโ€™s a sunny day.

Long Exposure water shots and silky effect

Utilizing prolonged exposure in landscape photography has a noticeable impact, yet including water to the formula, the mix is astonishing. The ways water fluctuates depending on your shutter speed are boundless, and it can either be advantageous or unfavorable to your outcomes.

Suppose you employ a prolonged exposure on a waterfall, using a shutter speed between half of a second and one second; this will preserve the details of the streams while also capturing the movement of the water, rendering your photograph more appealing. However, using a longer shutter speed can result in the loss of detail on the water, which may make your photo less intriguing.

a waterfall that is in the middle of some rocks

Long exposure in lakes is a bit different, since most of the time one wants longer exposures to get reflections.

a large body of water with a lighthouse

If, on the other hand, youโ€™re shooting a small river or creek, it might be improved to take a shorter lengthy exposure to capture more detail in the water.

a river flowing through a forest filled with trees

There are also different techniques for capturing long exposure pictures while shooting at the shore. You may wish to depict the movement of a wave with shutter speeds around one second or develop a more restrained scene with longer shutter speeds as explained in our guide on coastal photography.

a beach scene with surfers on the beacha large body of water with mountains

Long exposure and clouds

Without question, if thereโ€™s an aspect that varies drastically with an extended time exposure, itโ€™s the sky. Clouds are extremely significant in my photography, and the extended time exposure technique allows me to capture their motion.

a red and white boat sitting on top of a pier

Selecting the proper conditions is crucial, as well as anticipating cloud movements. Stormy and breezy days, preferably at sunrise or sunset, what to look for. If minimal movement occupies the sky but clouds persist, achieve ultra-long exposure photography using ND Filters.

With prolonged exposure times over 5 minutes, you will be able to make the most out of the slow-moving clouds.

a large body of water with a lighthouse

long exposure black and white photography

Discussing black and white photography equates to discussing light in its purest form. By combining B&W with long exposure photography, you can obtain images that are beyond ordinary description.

Utilizing a 10-stop ND Filter for long exposures in black and white photography will allow you to create a minimalist and abstract scene that will draw the viewerโ€™s eye to your photo.

a black and white photo of a tall building

Long exposure cameras, lenses, and accessories

We have covered all the settings and steps for long exposure photography, but do you have the proper equipment to capture the photos you envisioned?

Presently, most cameras and even the latest smartphones will permit you to execute this technique, and truthfully, you can achieve excellent outcomes merely with basic long exposure photographic equipment.

Generally, your budget and your photographic aims will determine the equipment that you ought to apply. Even so, having an idea of your necessities will save you priceless time and some money. Allow me to give you an idea of the ideal gear for long exposure photography.

cameras for long exposure photography

If youโ€™re considering buying a quality camera to shoot long exposure photography, make sure that it meets these basic requirements:

  • It allows for manual or bulb mode operation: This is essential to regulate the suitable shutter speed for long exposure photography.
  • Capture in RAW: As discussed earlier, taking photos in Raw will allow you to collect much more data in your image and to achieve the best final quality.

an airplane flying over a body of water

Lenses for long exposure photography

The lens best suited to capturing long exposure shots depends on one`s needs and photographic goals:

    That being said, there is very little light pollution around Kakslauttanen, so thereโ€™s still a good chance of seeing an aurora display from there.

  • Mid-range lenses: Good for light painting and focusing on details of the subject youโ€™re capturing.
  • Telephoto lenses: Best for capturing details like mountain peaks and rocks

I highly recommend reading this article about the best lenses for capturing the Milky Way and the best lenses for photographing Northern lights if youโ€™re looking for a lens to do long exposure photography at night.

a person taking a picture of a person on a cell phone

Filters for long exposure photography

Utilizing neutral density filters in long-term photography exposures is advantageous and sometimes entirely necessary. To simplify, these filters allow you to control the light that impacts your sensor. This will help you, for instance, to take extended exposures during the day without getting overexposed images.

a man standing in the middle of a river with a camera

Depending on the lighting and goals, different opacities can select the needed shutter speed. There are many types of photographic lenses` coverings. The most common ND filters for long exposure photography are:

  • 3-stop ND filter (ND 0.9): It decreases 3 exposures. Itโ€™s commonly used when a shorter exposure is needed, such as for shooting waterfalls or seascapes.
  • A filter that cuts 6 stops of light (ND 1.8): The best filter when the light isnโ€™t too intense. Itโ€™s commonly used for sunrises and sunsets.
a river flowing through a forest filled with treesa river flowing through a forest filled with rocks

Extended exposure of 0.4 sec. f/11, ISO 100 (Left), and 30 sec. f/11, ISO 100 and ND filter 6 stops (Right)

One advantage of using a Neutral Density Filter is removing people in long exposure photography. This is a good tip when shooting in crowded and popular spots, so the longer your exposure time, the fewer the people in your photo.

a large crowd of people walking around a large buildinga large building with many people walking around

Long exposure used to remove people from the image at 1/250 sec. f/2.8, ISO 2000 (Left) 30 sec. f/22, ISO 100 and 10-stop ND filter (Right)

Long exposure photography accessories

A tough tripod is likely the most vital piece among long exposure photography equipment. Investing in a quality, stable tripod is essential and will help obtain sharp long exposure photos. If wanting to know the different types of tripods available, check our article on the best travel photography gear.

An added feature that may prove of use is a remote shutter activator. They are very affordable and will let you remotely trigger your camera, with the goal of avoiding any vibration. An interval controller is an evolution of the basic shutter release, and it allows you to establish the shutter speed as well as additional handy settings for long exposure photography. Please note that some of the latest cameras have an built-in interval controller, so perhaps you wonโ€™t require one.

two people standing on top of a snow covered slope

Occasionally, even when employing a stable tripod and timer, our camera could experience vibrations due to aspects like wind, waves, or wet sand at the beach, or snapping images in a urban area with subway infrastructure or from a bridge. In these scenarios, it will prove difficult for you to acquire sharp photographs, but luckily, there exists plenty of software to fix blurred visuals. I implement Topaz Sharpen AI.

Long exposure photography examples

Achieving success with long exposure photography is all about altering your perspective and envisioning the photo you want to capture. Being inventive and experimenting will aid you in developing an outstanding portfolio of long exposure images.

However, remember that exploring numerous examples of other photographers` work is one of the ideal techniques to enhance one`s photography abilities regarding prolonged exposures. Allow me to demonstrate some lenghthened exposure photography concepts to provide inspiration.

Long Exposure photography idea: capturing the movement of the elements

With this long exposure photography idea, you can capture the movement not only of the water but also of other elements, such as lava or sand.

a lamp is lit up in the middle of the night

Long exposure photography example: Capturing a sea of clouds

One of the most stimulating long exposure examples is photographing a sea of clouds. The longer the exposure time, the dreamier the atmosphere will feel.

a mountain range with snow capped mountains

Long Exposure original idea: photographing the movement of the fish

An innovative long exposure photography concept is photographing the movement of colorful fish in a pond.

a river filled with lots of trees and shrubbery

Long Exposure photography example: Shooting city light shows

Urban centers like Sydney, New York, Singapore, Paris, and London stage impressive light shows ideal for capturing with long exposure photography.

a nighttime view of a city at night

long Exposure photography idea: photographing fireworks

Capturing fireworks for an extended time period is another long exposure concept that involves keeping the shutter open longer.

a fireworks display in the middle of a body of water

Long Exposure photography example: capture drama on the cliffs

When photographing dramatic rocky cliffs with swiftly moving overcast and crashing waves, a good example of long exposure is to capture the movement of the clouds and water to create added drama and visual interest within the image.

a large body of water with a lighthouse

Long exposure photography example: Star Trails

A stunning extended exposure example is to capture the movement of the stars using an extremely long exposure time.

You can learn more about how to generate these images in our guide about star trails photography.

a statue of a bird in the middle of a sunset

Long Exposure photography idea: create a minimalist scene

One of the most well-liked concepts for long exposure photography involves capturing an extremely lengthy exposure to generate a minimalistic scene.

a large white boat sitting on top of a body of water

Long exposure FAQ

In photography, itโ€™s generally considered extended exposure when the shutter speed is slower than 1/60th of a second.

Prolonged exposure time is viewed as equivalent to utilizing a slow shutter speed.

To capture movement over time or low-light details invisible to the naked eye, it is necessary to adjust the shutter speed to an adequately slow rate.

Yes, however you will need to set a small aperture like f22 to utilize slower shutter speeds. Though, this is not advised, since you will lose quality in your photos due to โ€œoptical diffraction.โ€ To capture good daytime long exposure photographs, you will need to employ filters.

It is an inherent automated noise reduction system incorporated into modern digital cameras. Through this internal noise reduction process, the camera doubles the exposure time to diminish noise automatically.

Yes, a tripod is an essential tool for long exposure photography.

No, however avoid directing your camera lens straight towards the sun for extended periods, and exercise caution when lasers point towards the device.

Yes, all that is needed is a mini tripod or comparable item to prevent any vibration on your phone. Also, you will need to adjust your camera mode to โ€œProโ€ or โ€œManualโ€ and capture in RAW if possible.


Understanding long exposure photography is a mix of learning the hypothesis and essentials and putting into hone each viewpoint that youโ€™ve seen in this manual.

Remember that long exposure photography is also about โ€œlearning to seeโ€ things differently. Itโ€™s a genre that takes some time and practice to master, but long exposure photography opens a new world of possibilities.

a large body of water with a lighthouse

I genuinely hope this tutorial on long exposure photography increases your interest in this beautiful and creative type of photography and demonstrates how to capture the long exposure photos youโ€™ve dreamed of.

Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions related to long-term photography techniques!