4 Days in Mexico City: Complete Itinerary For First Timers

It will quickly become apparent as we delve into the guide below that we are profoundly fond of Mexico City. After three trips spanning several years and nearly a month spent in Mexico City total, we feel we`ve just starting scraping the surface of what defines the city.

It`s an excellent city for a variety of rationales, ranging from the high-quality public transportation that will transport you anywhere required efficiently (more of that at home in the U.S., please!), to the notable food and drink scene spanning street fare to premier restaurants internationally.

But the thing that stands out to us after our latest visit is the rich cultural and historical context behind those things, which we explored more deeply through a walking tour ( this is the tour we joined, which we truly enjoyed) and a tour of the Anthropology Museum, among other experiences.

>That insight into how Mexico City transformed from being situated on a lake to its current urban sprawl granted us deeper appreciation and understanding of this unique place

It`s a key rationale for why, in this guide to spending 4 days in Mexico City, you`ll find numerous experiences that place you in a position to connect with locals who will aid you in seeing the city through their perspective.

But enough about us, let’s discuss what YOU will find in this guide.

In this guide, we are going to provide you with a four day itinerary for Mexico City that draws from our experiences exploring the city over three visits.

We`ll commence by outlining some logistical elements – such as lodging alternatives and transportation options – and subsequently present a specified itinerary for spending 4 days in Mexico City.

The intention is to provide all necessary information to create your own itinerary, and along the way recommend a few places or experiences that were enjoyed and believed you will too.

a tall clock tower in the middle of a city

a woman standing next to a tree with flowers
a smiling woman holding a plate of food

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

How Many Days Do You Need in Mexico City?

The first thing to keep in mind as you plan your trip is that Mexico City has an enormous population. It’s the most heavily populated city in North America.

That signifies that there are virtually unlimited activities, sights and experiences available around the city, and it isn`t possible to fit every potential thing to see, do, eat and drink into just four days.

I’ve visited Mexico City on three separate occasions, twice remaining for over a week, and I still have sights there I haven’t fully experienced.

The intention behind this itinerary is to use our experiences and knowledge about the city to help you determine what to focus on with your time in Mexico City.

All factors considered, we determine that allocating somewhere between four and six days for your initial visit to Mexico City is a suitable duration.

We’ve constructed this four day itinerary below, with additional suggestions under “with more time” for extending your stay.

Where to Stay in Mexico City

After multiple trips to Mexico City, like staying in a couple various neighborhoods (among them down in Coyoacán), I would propose that you should take up lodging in the relatively central trio of Roma Norte, Condesa, or Juarez.

Especially if your trip is relatively brief (like four days).

There are a few rationales for that recommendation.”

Firstly, the location. These neighborhoods form a nice triangular area southeast of Chapultepec Park, roughly equidistant from Polanco and the historical center, ensuring easy access anywhere.

Second is the vibes. Roma Norte and Condesa in particular are rather clearly some of the more affluent neighborhoods in Mexico City. Within them, you’ll find tree-lined streets and some of Mexico City’s best food and drinks.

Those three neighborhoods each offer something somewhat divergent. Here is a brief review of each.

  • Our overall top pick is the charming tree-lined streets of Roma Norte. Each time we visit Mexico City, we spend most of our time in Roma Norte whether we stay there or not. It has charm, many of our favorite places for eating and drinking in Mexico City, and is the starting point for enjoyable experiences like cooking classes and coffee or mezcal tastings. You can walk to pretty much everything from there too. The disadvantages are that it is expensive and heavily gentrified and full of tourists and expats as a result. For places to stay, there are a couple nice guesthouses – Roso Guest House and Ignacia Guest House – that we put on our list for our next trip. If you want an apartment with more space and a kitchen, go with UTOPIC by ULIV.
  • An alternative to La Roma Norte with a similarly excellent atmosphere and two expansive parks is La Condesa. Pretty much everything mentioned about La Roma Norte applies here as well, though the area carries an even higher socioeconomic status than La Roma (as implied by the name meaning “the countess”). When traversing the streets of La Condesa, we heard English being spoken more often than in any other part of Mexico City. However, between the parks, the tree-lined avenue encircling the parks, and the wide variety of spots for dining and drinking ranging from traditional taco stands and tortilla shops to upscale natural wine bars, it presents an excellent base of operations. If choosing our top pick, it`s the Red Tree House (unfortunately booked both times we tried staying there), a fun and affordable guesthouse situated a few blocks from Parque MĂ©xico. Our favorite hotel in the area is the stunning Casa Decu. If desiring an apartment with more space, Be Mate Condesa HipĂłdromo is the top recommendation.
  • Juárez offers a slightly more affordable place to stay with a similarly excellent location and variety of dining and drinking spots. However, despite the close proximity, it does not get as much attention from tourists, meaning it provides better value than Condesa and Roma Norte. It consists more of large skyscrapers amidst a concrete setting.
  • If traveling with family, we would select eitherRoma Norte, La Condesa, orCoyoacán. The latter location is slightly further away, which isn`t convenient for brief trips, but it`s a former tiny colonial town that has since been encompassed by Mexico City`s expanding urban sprawl offering a completely unique atmosphere and price range.

P.S. We genuinely wouldn`t advise staying in the Historic Center (the Centro HistĂłrico). It`s loud, busy, and a bit overwhelming. Definitely visit, but we probably would reside elsewhere.

For more details, you should head over and read our guide to the best places to lodge in Mexico City, which has our four preferred neighborhoods, pros and cons for each, and a selection of hotels and guesthouses that stand out to us as particularly fun or intriguing.

Getting Around Mexico City

Bear in mind that Mexico City is the largest metropolitan area in North America. Regarding getting around, this has two important implications.

First, vehicular traffic is extremely heavy from 11am until 7pm most days. Essentially, the primary routes for navigating around the city are bumper-to-bumper during those peak times. It can take quite a while to travel between neighborhoods at those busy periods (e.g. between Centro and Roma Norte, or Condesa and Coyoacán).

This means individuals will likely need to allot extra time for moving between locations if adhering to a strict schedule like a guided tour, or rely on public transportation, which usually avoids traffic congestion thanks to subterranean subway lines and dedicated bus routes.

Secondly, you’re just not going to be able to walk between neighborhoods as much as we would personally prefer. We enjoy walking a lot, and we’d say generally it’s better to walk within a neighborhood.

However, if you`re seeking to reach spots between neighborhoods, the finest technique to complete so is utilized ridesharing or public transportation.

There are benefits and drawbacks to each approach, and it largely depends on your priorities. Let`s discuss them!

Using Public Transportation in Mexico City

Mexico City`s public transportation network has good coverage. Between buses and the subway, you can essentially get anywhere using only 5-8 pesos.

However, that definitely does not signify it’s the quickest or most effective way to move around the city.

In reality, nearly every time I`ve utilized public transportation in Mexico City, it required either transferring, which can be perplexing (particularly when the stations are not truly adjacent) and/or time consuming, or it necessitated a long walk from the stop to my destination.

Plus, it has always been crowded on both the metro and on the bus. Which isn’t necessarily a pleasant experience.

The benefit of using public transportation is generally avoiding the debilitating traffic congestion that crawls through the city during rush hours (which seems to be from 11am to 7pm approximately). However, that timeframe is also the busiest time on the metro and buses, so it will be crowded.

If you have a scheduled appointment (such as a guided tour or class) during heavy traffic hours, I`d suggest prioritizing public transportation to avoid being stuck in stop-and-go traffic.

Using Uber in Mexico City

In terms of efficiency (putting traffic aside) and safety, Uber is the best way to get around Mexico City outside of public transit.

Taxis are abundant and affordable, but communication can be challenging if your Spanish skills are limited and the lack of set pricing means you can end up paying more than anticipated in terms of cost.

Uber, where you decide an origin and ending location beforehand and agree on a cost in advance, has been much more reliable based on our experience. We use Uber any time we are unable to walk or public transportation does not get us to where we need to go in a timely manner.

Is Mexico City Safe?

She may not appreciate me stating it, but each time we vacation in Mexico City, my (Matt here!) mother experiences high levels of unease regarding security matters.

“Stay connected! Stay together! Be aware of your surroundings!”

Which, to be clear, is generally good advice when traveling just about anywhere.

But that assistance never appears to come when we’re touring, say, Paris or Amsterdam despite those cities being at an equivalent level of risk as Mexico City as indicated on the US State Department at the time of composition.

Here’s what our experiences in Mexico City tell us: In the places that you’re likely to be spending time on this itinerary, we have never felt less safe or more uncomfortable than we have in cities at home in the United States.

Generally speaking, the tourist-friendly areas of Mexico City which, remember, is an ENORMOUS city, are not the parts of the city that are relatively unsafe.

Now, does that imply there aren’t things to consider regarding staying safe in Mexico City? A few considerations include:

  • Leave valuables at home. 
  • Keep an eye on your belongings in crowded areas and on public transit.
  • Avoid walking around alone late at night. 
  • Opt for Uber over taxis (we already sort of covered this above).

Things to Know Before You Go

Here are a few additional details to know before arriving in Mexico City.

Remember that you’ll be at altitude. The city is at 7,350 feet above sea level. The elevation is not trivial. Make sure to take it easy for the first day, drink plenty of water, and wear sunscreen.

The sun is quite intense. This is at least partially related to the higher elevation (you’re likely closer to the sun than usual, after all!), but the sun in Mexico City is particularly strong. Using sun protection – sunscreen, hats, and long sleeves – is important.

Pack layers, as temperatures fluctuate greatly. During visits to Mexico City in the winter months (November, December, and February), the difference between morning and afternoon highs averaged 30 degrees fahrenheit, necessitating clothing options.

Apply lip balm. Due to its high elevation, Mexico City experience very dry air. Lip balm is a necessity.

Do not consume the tap water directly. Regrettably, the tap water in Mexico City is deemed unsafe for direct drinking. Your best option is bottled water, unfortunately. We would suggest carrying a reusable water bottle and purchasing large jugs of water (five or ten liters) to refill inside, rather than multiple small plastic bottles.

Many individuals speak English, however some familiarity with Spanish is very beneficial (and valued). In Mexico City, knowledge of English is more prevalent than in other parts of Mexico (for example Guanajuato) or other areas of Latin America (for instance Colombia). This is specifically accurate in Condesa and Roma Norte, where I’m fairly sure I have heard more English than Spanish. However, a little Spanish goes a long way. Learning basic phrases for example hello, please, thank you, and “do you speak English” will be very helpful, and valued by Chilangos.

The wet season brings significant rain. Like numerous places near the equator, the wet season is a reality in Mexico City, occurring roughly from June through October (aka summer in America and Europe). During that time frame, the skies open up around 3pm every afternoon and dump rain for a few hours (or minutes, depending on the day). We prefer visiting Mexico City in the dry season (aka winter for Americans and Europeans) when sunlight provides a welcome break from the perpetual gray skies (at least here in the Pacific Northwest).

4 Days in Mexico City: A Complete Guide to Planning Your Mexico City Itinerary

And now, let’s get into the core details of this Mexico City itinerary.

We have a confidential tip for you. And it’s an education that took us years of traveling to eventually learn on our three month grand European experience a few years ago (if you are unfamiliar with our story, you can read about it here).

Travel tends to be more rewarding, interesting, and enjoyable when efforts are made to connect with local people to see places from their perspectives.

We took that advice to heart in Mexico City, and have done several different tours and experiences over past visits that have opened our eyes to a new aspect of the city, culture, and people.

Our top recommendation for Mexico City is prioritizing guided experiences (like those outlined in this itinerary).

In organizing the structure of our itineraries, we consistently aim to anchor the days around a primary experience, with time on either side for activities like having coffee, cocktails, and simply wandering neighborhoods.

Day 1: Introduction and the Centro HistĂłrico

a woman walking down a street next to tall buildings

On your first day exploring Mexico City, it makes the most sense to start with the historic center.

This region served as the founding site of the city of Tenochtitlan by the Aztec people, who historical records show migrated north and decided upon the valley that now contains Mexico City as their permanent home after many years of travel that brought them there.

If you weren`t already aware, Mexico City is essentially built atop a lakebed (or marsh depending on perspective). Centuries ago, it consisted of a series of canals resembling Amsterdam more than the vast metropolis seen today.

Over the past 100 years or so, the vast majority of those waterways have been filled in. However, the waterways still exist south of the city in Xochimilco, which we believe is an important aspect of learning about Mexico City (and we’ve included it on day 4 below)

A MAJOR issue exists with that municipal design; by pumping out all subterranean water, the city has begun sinking.

Specifically areas in the city center like the historic core, Roma, and La Condesa, which have higher densities thanks to larger structures and more inhabitants.

Before proceeding further on this topic, we want to engage in an activity with you.

How many inches per year on average do you think the historic center of Mexico City is sinking?

We played this game with friends and family upon returning home, receiving answers ranging from a half inch to a bold five inches.

As it turns out, it’s 20 inches. Which is almost two feet. And that`s amazing when you think about it.

At some point in the near future, Mexico City will start to collapse. It’s truly just an inquiry of when (most people trust it’s somewhere around 25-50 years away).

However, exploring the historic center today is well worth your time and effort.

We’ve spent essentially three days in the historic center at this point, and our favorite way to see it – by far – is to commence with a guided tour and then add on some other spots afterwards. Which is exactly how we’ve organized this day of the itinerary.

A Guided Walking Tour of the Centro HistĂłrico

a large building with a clock on the front of it

Over the past few years, we’ve come to the realization that walking tours are often our favorite way to get oriented in a new city for a few reasons.

Initially, you get a quick lesson in history and culture, which establishes a helpful foundation that will make the remainder of your journey more enjoyable.

Second, you get to spend a few hours with a local resident who will give you all sorts of tips about what to eat, drink (and see), and specifically where to find the best version of said things.

Lastly, and this was particularly apparent in Mexico City because I had undertaken a self-directed version of this tour and didn’t see 90% of it – you’ll discover places that you definitely would never have found alone.

For instance, in the building covered in Azulejos in the Centro Histórico, there’s a room upstairs with photographs of Mexican Independence fighters such as Pancho Villa sitting at the bar in that same building, which was cool.

a stone wall with a bunch of stones around it

a wall with many different colored tiles on it
people are walking down the stairs of a large building

We would unlikely have discovered that independently.

All of this is to convey that if you want to discover more than the surface of the historic center of Mexico City, where the original Aztec/Mexicas city of Tenochtitlan was constructed atop a lake, you should absolutely participate in a guided walking tour.

Given our positive experience getting to know Mariel, an anthropology student native to Mexico City, we recommend allocating a few hours for her to show you around parts of the city.

We decided on this private guided tourbecause of our group size and my fondness for With Locals, which connects visitors with local guides directing tours around the world.

The tour covers the main sights in the center, including (but not restricted to) the Palacio de Bellas Artes, the Zocalo, and the Metropolitan Cathedral.

an american flag on a pole in front of a building

It also covers a few lesser known spots, like a couple of palaces, the most ornate post office we’ve ever seen, and the exterior of Templo Mayor, the central Aztec temple that formed the backbone of the ancient city.

The best part, in our opinion, is that you get to choose which local resident will lead your tour, and we opted for Mariel because of her upbeat spirit, the actuality that she is a genuine local, and the truth that she has experience in anthropology.

All of us agreed that it was a highlight of our journey.

Click here to view the cost and availability for this same guided walking tour we experienced (and be sure to select Mariel as your guide!).

Tacos al Pastor and Pulque

After completing your tour, you will likely feel hungry. Fortunately, there are a few excellent taco establishments located within a short distance that are certainly worth your time.

We came across these on a street food tour that we did on our first trip to Mexico City many years ago, and revisited them on this latest trip.

El Huequito was tied for our favorite tacos al pastor that we had tasted in Mexico City, and it bears mentioning that the location in the Centro was notably superior to a different location that we had visited.

a man that is standing in front of some food

Our preferred way to enjoy tacos al pastor is not to wait in line to sit inside, but to eat them at the counter.

We watched people simply walk up to the taquero (the individual handling the meat) and tell them how many tacos they wanted, and what they wanted on them (“con todo” is what you want, which means onions and cilantro).

At the counter, customers will find a variety of salsa selections alongside lime slices, which should be liberally applied to all tacos. One full slice`s juice per taco is recommended.

a plate of food on a table

After tacos, it’s time for what was both one of our highlights and also one of the more stressful experiences on our journey.

After indulging in tacos, I noticed on Google Maps a pulqueria directly across the street from El Huequito boasting tremendous reviews.

My brothers had expressed interest in trying pulque at different points during our trip, and we decided that moment was ideal to sample it.

Taking a step back, what exactly is pulque?

Pulque is essentially fermented agave juice that has been sweetened afterwards, typically using fruit juices. It shares similarities to kombucha in that the alcohol content is low between 1-4%, but it has a thick, viscous consistency somewhat akin to sliced nopal cactus pads.

If you wish to learn more about pulque, I found this article on Serious Eats to be informative.

That pulqueria we walked into, as it turns out, is perhaps the most famous pulqueria in all of Mexico – Las Duelistas (which gets a mention in that Serious Eats piece).

And pulque is very much an after-work-with-friends kind of thing, and we showed up at around 5pm to an absolutely packed house.

So packed that we had to squeeze into a shared table and I didn’t actually take any pictures because I was so worried about either bumping into my neighbor or bumping into my beverage.

The one element that I was taken aback by is the age scope of the group that crammed every stool, chair, and nook.

The scene encompassed everything from young couples whispering endearments quietly so as not to disturb others (presumably because you couldn’t hear each other otherwise) to older men sitting together belting out at the top of their lungs the song playing on the jukebox.

I managed to focus enough on one server`s lips to comprehend his inquiry, and we received three glasses of pulque. Two guava – my preferred flavor – and one he advised, cucumber and lime with a TajĂ­n (or similar) salted rim.

While I still prefer the guava, they offer a fluctuating selection of five or six flavors. My guidance is to sample the guava, then inquire the server “cual es tu favorito” and get their proposed flavor, then try that.

Torre Latinoamericana

a city filled with lots of tall buildings

If you want the finest panorama of Mexico City and the valley in which it sits (so you can envision what it resembled as a lake years ago), you must climb to the zenith of Torre Latinoamericana, Mexico City’s inaugural skyscraper.

You may be wondering, as we were, whose ingenious plan it was to construct a skyscraper atop a swamp in an area known for massive earthquakes.

…well, we don’t really know (it was commissioned by an insurance company), but what we DO know is that it has now weathered multiple significant earthquakes (though it is sinking into the swamp).

When reviewing their website for information (though we did not utilize this method on the most recent trip, we had years before), it seems one cannot use a foreign payment card to purchase entry passes in advance, meaning attendees must either acquire tickets on site (lines can be lengthy particularly on weekends) or through a third party as directed on the organization`s own internet portal.

A significant problem here though – if purchasing through a third party, you still must queue to exchange the voucher for an entrance pass, thereby failing to save any time.

Given the situation, our recommendation is to simply purchase tickets upon arrival. You are only interested in the viewpoint, not any of the museums. More details here.

An alternative if the line is long – which we`ve done – is to bypass the viewpoint and have a drink at the bar (called Miralto) near the top of the high-rise.

The cost per beverage will be roughly equivalent, while bypassing waiting in line and taking the elevator directly to the 40th floor viewpoint.

Choose Your Own (Mezcal) Adventure

To wrap up your first day, we have an option for you.”

Do you recall those engaging choose-your-own-path storybooks popular among us millennials as children?

Personally, I recollect the version from the book series Goosebumps, and would spend many hours trying all the different combinations, returning whenever my character unfortunately perished in some horrific manner to work out how to do it differently so that I survived.

The point remains that we have a choose-your-own-adventure type scenario laid out for you.

As context, I have fond recollections of sampling mezcal in Mexico City on that initial trip and realizing just how mezcal can differ. Coming from the United States, in my mind it was ALWAYS smoky. Regardless of what kind.

But on that first trip, I discovered it could be bright and tangy, fruity, even flowery. And, yes, it can also certainly be smoky. But it`s a wide taste spectrum.

a plate of food on a table The spa offers local treatments, a beautiful outdoor pool with a deck area, and a decent-sized fitness center.

Of all the tours and experiences we’ve mentioned on this trip, I think this one is probably the most optional, which is why we’ve given you two options; that same experience that we did, and a DIY version that takes you to a few of our favorite mezcal spots in Roma Norte. 

Your choice depends on your budget and interests. But either way, we think you should certainly dedicate a couple of hours to sampling different types of mezcal, particularly if you`ve only tried the smoky versions available in the US.

A Guided Mezcal Tasting

The guided mezcal tasting experience we did was this one. For a couple hours in an intimate Roma Norte setting, a small group tried five different varietals of the spirit.

We commenced with an overview of mezcal – where it originates, how it’s manufactured, different regional variations – and then delved into the five tastings, learning about the various plant varieties and what makes them unique along the way. At the end, we received a bonus tasting of a very special mezcal.

Even if you’re not extremely interested in drinking straight alcohol, which we certainly are not, this experience was very enjoyable. It’s not low-cost at $60 per person, but the value here stems from the explanations and selection of different mezcal varieties so that you can taste the differences.

One suggestion for making the most of this tradition: You need to eat a filling meal beforehand. Five small sips of mezcal (though you don’t drink them hastily, you “appreciate” them and savor the flavor) can have major effects. In our more advanced years, it might leave us incapacitated for several days, but thankfully we did this ritual in our younger days.

DIY Mezcal Tour 

If you prefer to explore on your own, we’d focus on three bars in Rome Norte that we’ve patronized and appreciated. They’re within a 10 minute walk of each other, and we’re going to present them in the sequence we’d recommend them for sampling mezcal.

La Clandestina: Our beginning recommendation, we’ve been here across 3 completely different trips currently. It’s not a especially curated experience, but they have an EXTREMELY comprehensive menu of mezcals varying from mellow Espadins to wild ones from Jalisco (versus Oaxaca, which is where most mezcal comes from). They also have a Kiwi Mezcal cocktail that is one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had in Mexico City.

Mano Santa: Another mezcaleria in Roma Norte, this one similarly intimate to La Clandestina, with seating that spills onto the sidewalk out front. They have an extensive collection of mezcals, including different varietals and some experimental processing techniques. They also have a food menu heavily featuring Oaxacan cuisine (get the tlayuda).

Mis Mezcales: During my previous visit, Mis Mezcales was my absolute #1 recommendation in terms of buying mezcal to take home. It had a great selection, a friendly and helpful owner, and an easy location in Roma Norte. I was disappointed to learn as I was preparing this guide while sitting in the Mexico City airport ready to fly home, that they now offer GUIDED TASTINGS, which I missed. It costs about $20 USD, and includes sampling around four mezcals to try in their intimate space near Mercado Roma. More data here.

Day 2: Chapultepec Park, the National Museum of Anthropology, and Polanco

The bulk of your second day in Mexico City will be dedicated to a history lesson spanning thousands of years, from the Mayans and Aztecs to the present-day of Mexico (and all between).

Don`t worry, all that learning will be framed by coffee in La Condesa, a stroll in Mexico City’s version of Central Park, and an evening in Polanco, Mexico City’s flashiest neighborhood.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These museums are closed on Monday, so if this day happens to fall on a Monday, swap it with one of the other days!

But First, Coffee in La Condesa

Before a busy day visiting two museums, caffeine will be crucial to provide energy.

Luckily for you, the northwest corner of La Condesa, which is near your first stop in the park, is a great place to find good coffee.

Here are three options for getting your day started.

Camino a Comala: This was a recommendation from the leader of our coffee experience, Christian, and it certainly did not disappoint. The best cup (really, tied for best cup) of coffee in Mexico City that I had came from here – a gesha from famed Finca Chelín in Oaxaca – that was all florals, both in the cup and on the nose. They also have other, less expensive coffees available for pour over, or your usual range of espresso drinks.

Anvil Café: A small space on the ground level – comparable in size to numerous tortilleria in Mexico City – this spot is worth stopping by for their horchata espresso alone, which I noticed on the menu and promptly communicated with my older brother to meet me there to sample it (spoiler: it was great). I inquired about various topics from the barista (in semi-competent Spanish) regarding their brewing techniques, and they were extremely helpful and friendly as they walked me through what they were doing to ready my pour over. They have minimal seating on the sidewalk, and exactly three chairs at the bar inside.

Blend Station: I have mixed views regarding Blend Station. Let`s start with the positives – their space in La Condesa, which seems like a typical espresso bar as you enter, but opens into a spacious, beautiful atrium as you reach the back wall – is lovely. If I had to select one coffee shop to spend time in, it`s probably this one. However, I wasn`t the biggest fan of their coffee. In fact, I would call it a 50% hit rate – loved one or two of the coffees I had there, and then we purchased two bags to bring home and I also enjoyed one out of two of those. On a later trip, I had an espresso tonic, which was actually delightful. Pros and cons, I suppose.

Chapultepec Park, Chapultepec Castle, and the National History Museum

people walking in front of a large building

This was another discovery on our latest trip to Mexico City in 2023, and I can’t believe we didn’t choose to come here on any of our previous trips.

It has everything we like! Great views of the city, a history lesson (albeit in Spanish), and a couple of gorgeous murals.

Chapultepec Castle is located in the middle of Chapultepec Park, perched atop a hill providing fantastic views of the surrounding city (at least when the smog isn’t so thick it restricts visibility to Polanco). It was originally constructed in the late 18th Century as a palace, which is unsurprising given that incredible panorama.

Over the years, the building has served as a palace, a military base, and most recently, a museum hosting various exhibits.

Currently, it houses the Museo Nacional de Historia, or the National History Museum.

While the Anthropology Museum will provide a view into the area’s history before the establishment of the state of Mexico, the National History Museum will provide the narrative of Mexico from its development as a Spanish colony to the present day.

It’s organized in (mostly) chronological order, and the highlight of the museum for me is the huge murals that recount the story of events from the War of Independence (from Spain), Revolution (against the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz), and the Mexican-American war (when American forces took the castle by force, suffering heavy casualties in the process).

a painting of a painting on a walla woman standing in front of a wall with paintings on it

Exploring the museum`s exhibits tied to history as well as taking in the scenic views could likely take between one to one and a half hours.

Most of it is in Spanish, but even without speaking the language, a lot of it is visual, so it’s still worth your time.

You can purchase tickets onsite, and they cost 90 pesos (at the time of writing). Find the most up to date information on opening hours, prices, and more here.

An important notification: You are unable to bring bags bigger than a small backpack (I tried to inquire about what size would be too large but didn`t get a clear response) or any food and drinks into the museum, otherwise you will have to check your bag. IF YOU NEED TO CHECK YOUR BAG, YOU MUST PURCHASE A TOKEN FROM THE TICKET OFFICE), AND IT COSTS 10 PESOS.

El Museo Nacional de AntropologĂ­a

a statue of a man sitting on top of a stone wall

Of all the attractions covered in this Mexico City itinerary, we are most confident in our assessment of the Museo Nacional de AntropologĂ­a – which we will refer to as the `Anthropology Museum` from now on.

The Anthropology Museum stands as one of the most prestigious museums in Mexico City, and rightfully so.

It covers thousands of years, with precious artifacts that tell the story of Mexico, with a strong focus on the indigenous people who have called it home for all those years.

While the Mayans and Aztecs received only brief coverage in our American schooling, those two civilizations that greatly influenced history in the Americas deserved far more attention than just a couple short paragraphs.

a building with a fire hydrant on top of ita boat sitting in the middle of a pool of water

But first, let`s talk about our museum philosophy for a moment. And to do that, it makes sense to go all the way back to our very first trip to Mexico City in 2017.

During that time in our lives, we were just young inexperienced travelers who hadn`t traveled extensively and Matt didn`t truly speak Spanish (both of which have since altered).

We went to the Anthropology Museum at opening time on one of our precious four days, and learned an important lesson; we’re not especially skilled at museums.

Experience has demonstrated this to hold true across various museums worldwide, where we’ve found truly comprehending what is seen necessitates an expert guide sharing knowledgeable narratives.

Otherwise we just kind of wander around, saying things like “oh that’s attractive” and “oh cool, a snake.”

Here is the conclusion that we can confidently draw: If your budget allows for it (it’s reasonably priced), you should absolutely only experience the Anthropology Museum with a guided tour.

people standing around a large room filled with statues

There are a few factors for that, but there are two important ones that we want to point out.

Firstly, it is absolutely immense, with 22 rooms replete with precious artifacts ranging thousands of years. It would take more than a full day to see it all, and how do you know what to focus on? Spoiler: that’s where a guide can help!

Additionally, the displays are nearly entirely in Spanish (with occasional English explanations providing broad historical background but limited object details).

Even though we’re pretty accustomed to Spanish after a month in both Mexico and Spain (which might as well be different languages) and two months in Colombia over the past several years, we had a difficult time comprehending some of the signage because it’s full of terms we don’t usually see conversationally.

Visiting the Anthropology Museum on a Guided Tour

We participated in this excursion with Carlos, which was another highlight of the trip.

We spent three hours with Carlos focusing on the Maya, Aztec, and Teotihuacan rooms, and he wove together a narrative that connected the three civilizations and helped us comprehend what we were seeing in a way we definitely didn`t figure out alone.

people standing in a room with a projection screen

One of the more intriguing things learned, at least personally, is the reason many Mayan ruins seem more worn, whereas Aztec ruins appear as if recently built.

Originally, the Mayans utilized limestone, which is more prone to erosion due to weather and other conditions, while the Aztecs used more resilient basalt.

Our viewpoint is that the Anthropology Museum is absolutely worthwhile to see (and pairs well with the nearby National History Museum), but various factors make it challenging to experience independently.

Therefore, you should participate in a guided tour if you want to get the most out of your time exploring it.

Click here for details on pricing and availability for the same anthropology museum tour we attended, which is worth every single peso (and includes admission).

Doing the Anthropology Museum on Your Own

If exploring independently, the English audio guide available will certainly be worthwhile.

Another factor to consider is what time of day you’re visiting. Experiences visiting in the morning and late afternoon were had, and preferred the late afternoon (which is when the tour takes place) because it is far less crowded, especially with school groups who tend to visit in the morning.

If possible, visit in the afternoon hours before closing (which is how we`ve organized this itinerary).

We`d propose obtaining tickets ahead of time (when you`re in Mexico City is likely alright), which you can do here (the “purchase tickets” button is on the top bar, and you can change the site to English utilizing the “ES/EN” toggle at the top).

An important note: You cannot bring bags larger than a small backpack (I tried to inquire how large is too large and didn’t get a real response) or any food and drinks into the museum, otherwise you will have to check your bag (which is both complimentary and secure). However, the bag check line is LENGTHY, so we’d do our best to avoid bringing a sizable bag with you on this day, if possible.

Feast in Polanco

As we already mentioned, Polanco is the place to see and be seen in Mexico City.

Flanking the northern side of Bosque de Chapultepec, it’s replete with relatively expensive boutiques, quality restaurants, including two in the top fifteen globally, and many upscale bars.

Allotting an evening to immerse yourself in the atmosphere there is worthwhile, particularly for those with an appreciation of fine culinary experiences, as I`ll discuss further soon.

We have three distinct suggestions for you in Polanco, though there is much more to see, eat, drink and experience (in particular, the modern art at Museo Soumaya is worth a visit if you have extra time in the city).

First, if you’re interested in fine dining, this is your opportunity. Two of Mexico City’s most highly acclaimed restaurants are within a short distance of each other in Polanco. If you`ve watched any food shows about Mexico City on Netflix, you`re likely familiar with Enrique Olvera, whose empire now spans from Mexico City to New York City. His flagship restaurant, Pujol, is undoubtedly the one you`ve heard about. The other is Quintonil, and the chef trained under Olvera before starting their own venture. We`ve now experienced both, and they differ. Pujol is more traditional and understated, while Quintonil is more adventurous and daring, we`d say. In general, you`ll have a hard time securing a reservation at either (make reservations months in advance), but if we had to choose, we`d recommend Quintonil for the bold take on Mexican cuisine.

a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food
a piece of pizza sitting on top of a plate

Secondly, Limantour completely lives up to the hype. It’s a cocktail lounge that frequently appears on lists of the “world’s 50 best bars” and, while we can’t confirm its precise ranking, we CAN say that we’ve visited multiple times and continually enjoy the beverages.

a cup of coffee sitting on top of a counter
a cup of coffee sitting on top of a table

Third, you should absolutely spend some time wandering and exploring. Polanco has a great area to browse stores, and it offers everything. Our suggestion would be to begin at Pasaje Polanco ( here on Google Maps), which offers a nice selection of shops, and explore the neighborhood from there.

Day 3: A Cooking Class, Roma Norte, and La Condesa

On your third day in Mexico City, spend the bulk of your morning immersed in Mexican cuisine culture by taking a cooking class that incorporates a market tour in Roma Norte.

After your food coma subsides, head out to explore the remainder of Roma Norte prior to ending your day in the leafy neighborhood of La Condesa.

A Cooking Class + Market Tour at Aura Cocina

a chef preparing food in a restaurant kitchen

As we`ve already stated our appreciation for the value of a museum tour above, you know what else we truly love doing while traveling? Cooking classes (or food tours).

Cooking classes and food tours are our favorite way to delve deeper into the food culture of a place we’re visiting, and they also generally leave you with a souvenir of sorts: recipes you can make at home!

I kid you not – as I’m currently writing, we have begun preparing a taco recipe at our home in Portland acquired from a cooking class in Mexico City a few weeks prior.

In this case, having attended both a cooking class and a street food tour in Mexico City, we’d opt for the cooking class if we HAD to select one (though, it’s worthwhile noting that the street food tour is our first item in the “with more time” section).

We particularly enjoy these kinds of experiences if they include a market tour, because we feel the same way about market tours as we do about museums – we don’t always really know what we’re seeing, and having a local to help us comprehend cultural context is extremely helpful.

Otherwise, we’re basically wandering around going “that’s an intriguing looking fruit, I wonder what it is” and moving on after approximately 15 minutes.

I, Matt, have participated in cooking classes at Aura Cocina on two separate occasions in Mexico City, and thoroughly enjoyed both experiences. I believe they are an important component of any itinerary for the city.

And I happened to have the same chef, Lorena, leading the class who I learned during the second class is the sister of the founder of Aura, Graciela.

It’s a solid five hour experience, but you’ll barely notice the time quickly passing by.

Here’s what the main events of the day will look like. You’ll meet early – around 9:30am for the version including a market tour – at their recently renovated studio in Roma Norte, where you’ll be welcomed, offered beverages and snacks, and given some background for the class.

From there, you`re transported to nearby Mercado Medellin to explore and discover some indigenous fruits, flowers, both corn and wheat tortillas, and some unique treats from Oaxaca (no spoilers).

Then, you return to the studio and the cooking begins! Around 1pm, after an hour or two of active food preparation, you’ll be prepared to eat!

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a plate of food on a table
a person holding a piece of food in their hand

They offer a wide variety of different classes, and I have personally completed (and enjoyed) both their street tacos class, which involves three distinct types of tacos along with a salsa for each, and their four course Mexican feast, where we prepared a white mole and a tlapique, two things I had never heard of or experienced prior to then.

If forced to decide, I think I`d opt for the Mexican feast since the recipes offer more variety, but I also truly enjoyed the tacos experience and it`s very close by. You can`t really go wrong with either choice.

Exploring Rome Norte

a statue of a man on a skateboard Roma Norte is among our favorite neighborhoods in Mexico City, and tops the list of our recommendations of places to stay in Mexico City

Colonia Roma is a historic neighborhood located just southwest of Mexico City’s Centro Histórico. Unlike La Condesa, which had a slightly freer layout in terms of its urban design, Roma Norte was arranged on a grid pattern, reflecting its relatively modern origins.

As you ambulate around Rome Norte, you may notice that it feels rather European, with a few broad boulevards and tree-lined streets containing shops, cafes, and eateries on the ground floor and apartments on the upper floors.

There was a logical reason for that: it commenced as an opulent suburb (of sorts) just exterior the metropolis core where affluent aristocrats – generally Europeans – assembled.

Since then, it has experienced some ups and downs. Specifically in the 1980’s, when it underwent a difficult phase that ultimately paved the way for it to become what it is today: one of the hippest, most desirable neighborhoods in the city (particularly for expats and tourists).

people walking down a street

It`s a common circumstance of urban redevelopment that has been seen in cities where we`ve lived and visited around the globe.

As the neighborhood becomes less amenitized over time and subsequently more affordable, artists and free-thinking residents tend to settle there, making the region trendy. However, rising property values eventually displace those initial pioneers who gave the community its flair.

A tale as old as time. It is something important to remember when exploring Roma Norte, since it has led to businesses and housing becoming so costly that they are nearly unaffordable for many lifelong inhabitants.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit, but you should be aware of the impact that gentrification has had on the neighborhood and be respectful.

All that being noted, here are our preferred spots in Roma Norte (excluding the mezcal locations we cited above on day 1, which merit visiting if you didn’t do them then).

  • Maize Dispensary Without a Name: This has become perhaps our preferred place to eat in Mexico City based on visits in both 2019 and more recently, despite service being better the initial time. The establishment operates as an open kitchen within a garage, bringing out a menu-less plethora of delicious meals focused on their handcrafted tortillas made from nixtamalized corn instead of commercial corn flour. For additional context, it`s worth consulting this insightful piece from Culinary Backstreets about them and this article regarding the demise of the centuries-old nixtamalization process. Essentially, you inform them of any dietary restrictions upon sitting down, and they bring one course. Thereafter they check if you desire more. This repeats until satisfied. Most food is relatively simple, but high quality ingredients impart an explosion of flavor to each dish.
  • Pulqueria los Insurgentes: For a different, more relaxed, more hip version of a pulqueria, this is the spot. It’s a multi-floor bar with a different ambiance on every floor.
  • PanaderĂ­a Rosetta: Possibly the most famous bakery in Mexico City, at least with expats and tourists. Since our previous visit, they’ve expanded significantly into a larger adjacent space with a sidewalk patio. Pro-tip: there’s always a long line to dine there, so get in the fast-moving line to get pastries to go and take them to the nearby park (more on that a few bullets down).
  • Cardinal Casa de CafĂ©: The cup of coffee that tied for our favorite cup in the city was brewed here on a sluggish Sunday morning. I inquired the barista/manager for a suggestion for V60, and he had an immediate response that did not disappoint. Plus, the finest specialty drink we had was the Voltaire, which essentially is a cappuccino with chocolate. YUM.
  • Tlecan: An unexpected discovery on a spontaneous cocktail excursion in Roma Norte / La Condesa, this location has excellent (if somewhat expensive) cocktails. Try the mezcal negroni – it’s outstanding.
  • Plaza RĂ­o de Janeiro: The park in Mexico City that we found ourselves returning to multiple times during all of our trips. Located between a fountain, a replica of the statue of David, and dogs playing, it is a pleasure each visit. Get pastries from bakery Panaderia Rosetta and bring to the park to avoid the crowded sidewalk directly in front. It`s here on Google Maps.
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a bowl filled with different types of vegetables
different types of doughnuts on a tray

An Evening in La Condesa

In many aspects, La Condesa and Roma Norte are quite similar. They`re upscale, leafy, and places where you`ll hear the most English in Mexico City because tourists and expats often live there.

Unlike Roma Norte`s logical grid, La Condesa twists along tree-lined roads converging on the dual heart parks of Parque México and smaller Parque España.

a street scene with people walking down the street

Sometimes called “Condesa-HipĂłdromo,” the neighborhood’s shape on a map – like an oval track – explains the name (especially the second part): until relatively recently in the early 20th century, it was actually used for horse racing.

Currently, La Condesa is one of the most upscale neighborhoods in Mexico City (we learned that the name “Condesa” refers to a “countess,” which provides insight), and has become increasingly popular with expats and tourists over the past decade or so. Including us.

a walkway in the middle of a park

Here are our favorite spots in La Condesa, in no particular order (excluding the two parks, which you should absolutely visit).

  • ChurrerĂ­a El Moro: This popular tourist spot serves tasty churros con chocolate. While crowded with English speakers, it`s worth a visit. It`s our favorite place to get churros and chocolate. You can grab your order and enjoy it across the street in the open space in front of the theater. I sent my brothers there alone once and they came out without chocolate for some reason, though they did like what was basically a churro ice cream sandwich. You want the churros and thicker chocolate español perfect for dipping. Yes, the chocolate cup is large, different than the version found in Spain.
  • Baltra Bar: Our most treasured cocktail bar in Mexico City! We’ve visited on every single journey, and observed it get increasingly popular over that period. When we initially came the very first time, we were one of two pairs in the bar, and had a lovely discussion with the bartender about Mexico City. On our latest visit, we had to wait for a spot at the outside area because it was completely full wall to wall. The cocktails are magical, and all of the syrups and cordials are housemade.
  • Smoke Hallway: Great spot from Oaxaca with tlayudas, moles, and of course, mezcal.
  • Tacos Hola: The compact eatery where we discovered the magic of tacos de guisado, which we now seek out when traveling abroad (Guisados in L.A. and TaquerĂ­a Los Puñales back home in Portland are our top choices). Unlike tacos al pastor, tacos de guisados are filled with stews, generally meat-based. Upon entering Tacos Hola one will see a counter brimming with differently hued clay pots, with a sizable sign on the wall outlining what is within them. Highly recommended, though it`s more of a midday spot (so a return will be necessary at another time period).
  • Maizajo: I originally walked by this spot, where tortilla-making equipment was present, before returning because I was quite interested (and searching for fresh tortillas to cook breakfast with at home). The blue corn tortillas bought here were among our favorites experienced in Mexico City, and greatly surpassed the supermarket tortillas. They also offer ready-to-eat food, though I only had the tortillas.
  • Anvil and Camino a Comala: Mentioned above when we covered coffee in La Condesa before Bosque de Chapultepec, these are our two top coffee spots in the neighborhood.

a piece of cake sitting on top of a paper plate

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two plates of food on a table
a glass of orange juice sitting on top of a table

Day 4: Coyoacán and Xochimilco

On your last full day in Mexico City, devote the day to exploring two historic parts of Mexico City located south of the city center: the canals of Xochimilco and the former village where the Spanish first settled near Mexico City.

Exploring Mexico City’s Complex History in Xochimilco

a carnival filled with lots of colorful floats

Speaking honestly here as Matt, I was extremely skeptical about Xochimilco prior to my multiple visits to Mexico City, to the point where – despite spending over a week there on two separate occasions – I had never seriously contemplated checking it out.

All I could find were party boats that offered unlimited tequila and music for a couple of hours, which isn’t really our vibe.

However, after participating in a tour ( this particular one with Miroslava), I can confidently affirm that it is worthwhile taking the time (and making the journey, because it’s rather far south of the city center) to gain an understanding for how Mexico City was like centuries ago when the Mexicas people – who we now recognize as the Aztecs – established it.

If you didn’t already know (you should because I already mentioned it), Mexico City was essentially built on top of a massive lake.

The Mexicas people migrated from somewhere in northern Mexico or the southern United States, and decided that a large lake in the centre of a valley between some volcanoes was the ideal place to establish themselves.

For most of its history, Mexico City more closely resembled Venice in character than the huge, modern metropolis of today.

The Mexicas constructed Chinampas, which essentially were man made islands in the center of the lake, utilizing fertile soil so that they could cultivate crops on them.

In the past when Europeans first arrived, there were three connecting paths (bridges) that joined the central land in the lake to the surrounding lowlands and farther areas. They even lifted the bridges at night for security reasons.

There are some superb maps of what that appeared to be at the Anthropology Museum, and I wish I had captured a likeness of them to share because it’s a fairly wild transformation.

Those waterways, which sourced from springs and formed the core of Tenochtitlan (the Aztec city that formerly occupied the location now held by Mexico City), currently only essentially exist in one area today: Xochimilco. It`s a residential neighborhood located approximately 30-45 minutes (depending on road conditions) south of downtown Mexico City.

The best way to experience them, in our view, is with a guided tour where you can gain the historical and cultural context that make this area a unique slice of Mexico City.

a boat sitting in the middle of a body of water

Regrettably, most of the tours emphasize the tequila aspect and will provide little history and culture.

I did a significant amount of research to find this tour with Miroslava, a local resident who was born and raised in Xochimilco, who will show you around her neighbourhood

Her journey, which involves elements of business travel, culinary education, and cultural history lessons, takes a three hour tour through the local area and waterways.

a large group of people sitting around a table

You’ll begin in the neighborhood, stopping by the market to procure vegetables and cheese for your lunch (which is cooked on the boat), then head to the pier and onto the watercraft to learn about floating gardens and the rare Axolotl (an adorable salamander that is largely extinct presently).

Most tours don’t include transportation to or from Xochimilco (which will require either an Uber or extended metro ride to reach on your own), but Miroslava’s tour includes pickup in La Condesa to swiftly transport you, which we found advantageous (if not a little cramped in the van).

As it is situated further south, combining a visit to Xochimilco with Coyoacán, located between Xochimilco and the city center, makes the most practical sense.

Exploring Coyoacán and the Frida Kahlo Museum (Casa Azul)

a large building with a clock on it

Coyoacán holds a unique quality. Each time I walk through the central plaza in Coyoacán – the one featuring the beautiful coyote fountain – I can sense the energy pulsating around me.

I distinctly recollect my initial visit to that very area and the query it brought forth: why don`t we have common spaces like this, where individuals gather and spend time together, in the United States? It’s the same sentiment I have regarding the Italian piazza.

To us, the centerpiece of Coyoacán is Jardin Hidalgo and the aforementioned Fuente de los Coyotes because it is emblematic of the village-like sentiment of the neighborhood.

a statue of an elephant in a pool of water

While a significant part of Mexico City, when you step onto the cobblestone paths of Coyoacán, the density of Mexico City melts away, and though busy people stream through the streets, it feels like a tiny oasis of calm in a bustling city.

The most well known attraction in Coyoacán is the Casa Azul, also known as the Frida Kahlo Museum. It explores the lives of both Frida Kahlo and, to some extent, Diego Rivera, the pioneering artists and two of Mexico’s most famous historical figures.

a street scene with a bus and people

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a woman posing for a picture in front of a building
a woman sitting on a bench next to a man

We did it on our first trip to Mexico City and it’s worth the visit, but only if you obtain the audio guide, which provides important context that significantly enhances the experience.

One thing to note: this attraction in Mexico City is among the most visited (perhaps the most visited?), and it has compact indoor space. We strongly advise pre-booking tickets by selecting a date and time. You can do so here.

Note that the museum is closed on Mondays.

Since you will be booking your Xochimilco tour ahead of time anyway, coordinating this with your other planned activities for the same day should not pose too much difficulty.

However, that surely isn`t the sole thing to carry out or catch in the area. Here are a few other places worth checking out while you`re present.

  • The twin plazas: Undoubtedly our favorite area of this neighborhood, the two plazas – JardĂ­n Hidalgo and JardĂ­n Centenario (and the beautiful Fuente de los Coyotes) – are the central focus and beating heart of Coyoacán. The energy here, at basically any hour, is palpable.
  • Cafe Avellaneda: A compulsory stopover for coffee aficionados, this petite cafe on a cobblestone lane serves my preferred Mexican coffee roaster Jiribilla (who shares proprietors). Filter coffee, espresso beverages, and exceptional specialty libations including an exquisite espresso tonic are available.
  • Mercado de Coyoacán: An illustrative marketplace in Mexico City, with a somewhat less hectic atmosphere than central district options. Stalls offer produce, other foods, and crafts, plus notable eateries like a prominent tostada stand recognizable by its yellow walls and orange lettering, worth visiting.
  • Centro Cultural Elena Garro: Part bookstore, part community center. This space is worth visiting alone for the architecture.

people sitting on a bench in front of a building

What to Do with More Time in Mexico City

Here are a few things we’d add to your itinerary if you have extra time.


people walking down a road with a kite

You’ll no doubt have heard various references to the massive pyramids at Teotihuacan throughout your time exploring Mexico City,

Much like the Colosseum or just about any other very old set of ruins, we think experiencing it with a guide is best. Especially considering the transportation situation in this case – most guided tours include transportation out to the archaeological site, which is roughly 45 minutes outside of the city.

people standing on top of a stone wall

A guided tour with someone who is knowledgeable will make the experience significantly richer and more detailed.

We participated in this excursion, incorporating transportation, a tour of Teotihuacan, lunch at a nearby home, and a special added element.

We enjoyed it, but we think it dragged on longer than necessary (particularly the pieces at the end after leaving Teotihuacan) and we’d probably recommend a different tour if you’re relatively short on time. It truly is a full day extravaganza.

A few helpful suggestions here. The site has limited shade, so bring a hat, long sleeves, and sunscreen to protect from exposure.

Take a Street Food Tour

Another thing that was not quite included in the primary itinerary mentioned above is a street food tour (we opted for the cooking class instead, as it was the experience we preferred).

A food tour through the streets is a fantastic way to experience one of our favorite aspects of Mexico City; the lively culture of stalls and stands of all shapes and sizes that line the roads.

In fact, when we discuss the best things we’ve eaten in Mexico City over multiple trips, the answer regularly includes multiple street food items. But especially blue corn quesadillas with squash blossoms, and tamales dulces (the pink ones).

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a smiling woman holding a plate of food
a cat sitting on top of a piece of food

But the issue of what you should eat and where you should dine is going to loom large.

If you haven’t already noticed, we tend to advocate for employing locals to help you deeply explore a subject since it frequently leads to a richer, more comprehensive insight and appreciation for whatever you’re investigating.

It represents one of the most important lessons absorbed during past trips spanning numerous years, and we encourage learning it sooner in your travel journey rather than later as we did!

During this guided experience, individuals will gain a deeper appreciation of Mexican culinary customs and traditions through wandering neighborhoods and sampling local fare over a 3 to 4 hour period led by a resident expert and accompanied by other interested visitors.” (Paraphrasing as instructed while preserving original meaning and HTML elements)

We know because… we’ve done it. 

We have two suggestions for you regarding this topic. There are thousands of street food tours now available in Mexico City, and we believe it is important to choose a company that has both local ties and positive relationships with the various vendors you will visit.

We will highlight one company we have personally used for a tour previously, as well one we have wanted to participate in for years but have yet to make it happen.

In regards to the excursion we’ve undertaken, that would be Club Tengo Hambre’s Street Food Essentials Tour, which essentially does a large circuit initiating at Palacio Bellas Artes and goes on a food-filled journey (we had 7-8 distinct foods) that persists several hours and leaves you full for days.

They also have a few other tours, including a Condesa food tour and a tour of Merced Market.

Regarding excursions we`ve yet to experience but have been interested in, we`d point you towards Eat Like a Local. If we were starting a tour organization, this is the model we`d aim to emulate.

Compensating your personnel and vendors a living wage. Supporting small, local enterprises. And taking travelers on a journey where they’ll discover things they would never have found without your local knowledge.

You can read more about them and their founder here.

They have a couple different excursions, but their flagship Mexican Food 101 tour is the one we would advise for initial travelers to Mexico City. It includes a marketplace tour, a flower marketplace, and naturally various foods along the route.

A third option would be this street food + bike tour, which allows patrons to cover significantly more ground than if walking, which is helpful in a city as large as Mexico City.

What to Do with Less Time in Mexico City

If you have less time in Mexico City – two or three days – here’s how we would alter the itinerary above to fit that timeframe.

For the most part, you can use the information in the main itinerary for further details on the things you want to do.

With Three Days

With three days, we’d make a few adjustments to the itinerary above. The most notable change is removing Xochimilco, mostly because it’s really distant from everything else, and we think you’re better off investing that time elsewhere.

For your other three days, similar to above, each day will focus around a primary experience: the guided walking tour, the hands-on cooking class, and exploring the informative Anthropology Museum.

The primary thing to sort out is where a trip down to Coyoacán, which we think is essential, fits within this version of the itinerary.

Our recommendation is to do it on the morning of the Anthropology Museum tour, which means you’re probably going to want to skip the National History Museum. That’s going to make it a little bit of a long day, yet we cannot find a better way to organize it (believe us, we tried).

With those two changes implemented, you can essentially follow most of the itinerary as written.

With Two Days

If we’re being completely honest, two days in Mexico City is simply not enough time to do the massive city justice.

However, if two days is your timeframe, here is how we`d maximize it.

On your first day, follow the itinerary above as outlined for day one.

Of all the experiences outlined in the main itinerary, we think the walking tour is most impactful because it really provided us with a foundational understanding of the city, its people, and history, which enriched our entire time there.

On your second day, spend the morning down in Coyoacán, get coffee at Cafe Avellaneda, stop by the two plazas and the coyote fountain, and then head over to Casa Azul (Frida Kahlo’s House) to explore.

For the latter half of the day, spend time exploring Roma Norte and La Condesa. Enjoy pastries at Panaderia Rosetta, coffee at Cardinal, lunch at Expendio de MaĂ­z, and relax around the parks in La Condesa. Cocktails at Baltra are also a must, along with churros at El Moro.

The short two day itinerary is worthwhile, in our opinion.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

Join us on our journey!
