Hiking the Incredible Colchuck Lake Trail: A Complete Guide

Nestled away in the eastern foothills of Washington`s Cascade mountain range near the town of Leavenworth, you`ll discover a scenic paradise. At least if hiking mountains is your passion like it is for us. We`ll choose an alpine lake backed by rocky peaks over a vast sandy coast anytime.

The Colchuck Lake trail leads up to one of the finest lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, a crystal clear body of water displaying striking greenish-blue hues backed by the rocky profile of Dragontail Peak and the epic ascent to Aasgard Pass.

The heart of this wilderness area – the Enchantments – is accessed via a strenuous 19+ mile hike that is best done as a 2-3 night extravaganza (though people do it in a day, which is nuts to us). However, that’s probably out of reach of 90% of visitors.

This hike is possibly the most accessible way to experience the alpine lakes and rugged peaks found in the aptly named Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

Is the hike easy? Certainly not. Despite the hard climb and perpetual busyness of this popular trail, we believe the proverbial reward makes the effort worthwhile here. This is why we have completed this hike multiple times, both as a solitary day excursion, and as part of our three night trip into the Enchantments.

In this guide, we’re going to go through everything we believe you need to know to safely and smoothly hike to Colchuck Lake. We’ll start with the logistics – where to park, and other things you need to know for a smooth trip – and then delve into a trail report based on our own experiences hiking the trail.

Sound good to you? Let’s get into it.Β 

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

a mountain range with a mountain range behind it
a woman standing next to a man on a trail

Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one and make a purchase, I earn a small portion of the sale at no extra cost to you. It goes without saying that I would only recommend something I would use or do myself.

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

The Route for Hiking to Colchuck Lake

There exists a sole route to access Colchuck Lake, which necessitates parking at the well-liked Stuart Lake Trailhead and then pursuing the Stuart Lake Trail to the intersection with the Colchuck Lake Trail, guiding one up to the lake.

Technically, I suppose you could call the hike from the Snow Lakes Trailhead through the Enchantments and down Aasgard Pass another option, but it’s hardly in the same category since that includes 20 miles or so and a LONG climb.

How Difficult is the Hike to Colchuck Lake?

Overall, I would place this hike somewhere between moderate and difficult. The elevation gain is decent – you’re climbing about 600 feet per mile over the 4.25 miles from the trailhead to the lake – but nothing that should make you think twice about hitting the trail.

We`ve completed this hike on multiple occasions, including once with my mother who was over 60 years old at the time (and she hiked it again the following summer with her sister), and she had no issues tackling it.

Take it slow, bring plenty of water and snacks, and be prepared to take a break at the lake for some rest (and to enjoy the view you earned).

Getting to the Trailhead for Stuart / Colchuck Lake

The trail for Colchuck Lake is 13 miles outside of Leavenworth, but the last portion of that drive is a poorly maintained Forest Service road with many potholes, so it’s going to take you longer than expected.

Budget 30 minutes or so for travel if departing from Leavenworth.

If you’re coming from Seattle, you’re going to want to get a REALLY early start because the drive is going to take you somewhere around three hours, plus or minus 15 minutes.

From Seattle, you`ll travel over Snoqualmie Pass on Interstate 90, then take Highway 970 over Blewett Pass to reach Leavenworth. Turn left onto Icicle Road, and follow it until Eightmile Campground, which is where you`ll begin the forest road guiding to the trailhead.

Because of that, we would strongly advise trying to stay near Leavenworth either the night before OR the night after your hike so that you aren’t tackling six hours of travel there and back after a long, hot day of hiking.

We have suggestions on where to stay near the trailhead in a separate section below.

Parking at the Trailhead

This section contains important information, so please pay close attention! This hike is EXTREMELY well-liked.

It’s easy to understand why – it provides a section of the Enchantments with moderate effort, avoiding going up or down Aasgard Pass (which requires a strenuous climb) to access.

However, this popularity does pose some practical implications necessary for planning your hike.

The key point is that finding a space for your car at the trailhead, especially on warm summer weekends, can prove incredibly challenging.

It`s best to do this hike midweek if possible for a more enjoyable experience.

However, if that’s not a possibility and you’re doing it on a weekend, you’re going to want to make sure you arrive at the trailhead by 7am AT THE VERY LATEST

An earlier time such as 6am would be preferable. The parking area tends to fill up around 7am or later, which may mean needing to find roadside parking to reach the trailhead if arriving afterwards.

Another important thing to note is that a section of the lot is reserved for overnight hikers. The designated area isn`t especially conspicuous, so be sure to verify your vehicle isn`t parked in the portion of the lot that is off-limits for daytime hikers.

There are pit toilets at the trailhead, and privies (backcountry toilets without walls and sometimes with scenic views) near the lake as well.

Passes and Permits Needed for This Hike

This trail – more significantly, the trail head area – is situated on National Forest property. You’ll require a Northwest Forest Pass to exhibit in your automobile to park at the trail head location, which can be obtained in advance (we frequently acquire ours at REI).

You may be able to purchase a day pass at the trailhead for $5 cash, however we’ve also seen many times where the envelopes are all used up, particularly on summer weekends. We’d plan on securing a pass in advance given the popularity of this hike.

An America the Beautiful Pass also applies, covering all federal recreation lands like national forests. For three or more national parks in the next year, it`s the superior choice (paying off at three parks).

You are also able to get an America the Beautiful Pass in advance from REI, or at the entrance station to any national park.

Avoid parking here without a pass – you`ll almost surely receive a ticket since this is one of the most monitored trailheads in the state due to its high visitor numbers.

The Best Time to Hike to Colchuck Lake

This hike is best done during the summer and fall seasons, roughly from July to mid-October, when the trail and roads to the starting point are clear of snow. It can also be done in the winter as a snowshoeing adventure, but we much prefer the summer version.

Are Dogs Allowed?

No, canines are not permitted on this hike. That is the definitive decision.

Can You Camp at Colchuck Lake?

Camping at Colchuck Lake is possible if you have a backcountry permit which, just like the parking lot spots, are extremely limited.

Most of the permits for the season are distributed via a lottery that happens in the spring, with a few permits held for walk ups on the day of.

In the year 2021, approximately 39,000 individuals applied for overnight backcountry permits to spend a night in the Enchantments region. Of those applications, only 2,444 were granted permits.

For those interested in statistics, that means 6.2% of applicants received a permit. Not ideal from an equity and access perspective, but necessary to preserve the natural beauty of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area.

Additional information regarding the permit situation and how to obtain one can be found here.

Hiking the Colchuck Lake Trail: A Complete Trail Guide

We’ve done the hike to Colchuck Lake a few times now, including once as part of a multi-day backpacking trip through the Enchantments, and the ecstasy that you get as you reach the high point of the hike and get your first glimpse of the lake is equal to the initial time we hiked it.

This trail splits into three main sections, each presenting an increased level of difficulty compared to the previous. The trail starts with a gentle uphill walk under the trees, transitioning to a middle portion where layers will need to be removed due to rising temperature. The last section involves a more strenuous climb with rocky terrain leading up to the lake.

Parking Lot to the Wooden Bridge Crossing

a river flowing through a forest filled with trees

Length: 1.5 miles // Elevation Gained: 600 feet

From the parking area, stop by the posted map for any trail updates and to fill out a self-serve permit that merely informs rangers of how many individuals are hiking the trail (you`ll carry it with you during your hike).

The first half of this hike follows the Stuart Lake Trail, which is a relatively easy section of trail that gradually ascends through a dense forest.

The landscape here is less wet than those in the western hills of the Cascades, though the woodland is equally dense, offering much required shade on the hot summer days in Leavenworth.

a person walking down a path with a backpack
two people walking down a trail in the woods

When making a comparison between the landscape found on this initial stretch of trail and what is discovered up at Colchuck Lake, it is quite remarkable that they are only separated by a few trail miles and 2,000 feet of elevation (the difference becomes even more startling once reaching the rocky Enchantments region, where trees are sparse and abundant alpine lakes populate the area).

You’ll spend a solid chunk of this first part of the trail following Mountaineer Creek, which provides some nice white noise as you climb.

Eventually, you’ll reach a sturdy wooden bridge spanning the creek, which is where this stretch of trail concludes (and the real climbing begins).

From the Wooden Bridge to the Trail Junction for Colchuck Lake

Length: 0.6 miles // Elevation Gained: 450 feet

This brief section of path starts to climb more energetically nearly instantly after you cross the bridge.

a pair of people riding on a wooden bridge over a river
a person on a trail in the woods

During the dry summer months, this section of trail can accumulate dust, and if you`re hiking in a group the latter individuals are likely to be lightly coated in a fine layer of dust by the time you reach the lake.

There is nothing particularly noteworthy about this segment of the trail. It concludes after just over half a mile when you arrive at the junction with the Colchuck Lake Trail, where you will then turn left, following signs for Colchuck Lake.

a wooded area with a trail leading to a forest

If you head right, you`ll reach Stuart Lake in 2.4 miles, which is probably something for only the most dedicated hikers.

The Final Ascent to the Far End of Colchuck Lake

a wooden bridge leading to a forest filled with trees

Duration: 2.1 miles // Elevation Gained: 1,100 feet

This section of trail covers the point where the route veers left, departing from the Stuart Lake Trail to begin the final climb along the Colchuck Lake Trail all the way to the far side of Colchuck Lake where you`ll be standing at the base of Aasgard Pass, the entrance to the Enchantments area.

You may (or may not) be pondering why we classify this trail section as most difficult despite trail metrics similar to prior sections combined.

It’s because the final 0.6 miles or so are relatively flat as you make your way along the lakeshore. Which means you’re ascending 1,100 feet in approximately 1.5 miles, which is no minor feat.

Immediately, the trail crosses a smaller wooden footbridge over Mountaineer Creek – the same one you crossed earlier – and becomes noticeably more rocky.

Some light rock scrambling is required as the trail briefly follows the creek, then it turns left and the true final ascent begins.

The climb here consists of a mix of steep rocky steps and tight switchbacks. There’s a granite slab with a nice view of the valley that makes a good resting spot at the 2.7 mile mark (approximately).

a tree in the middle of a forest
a rocky mountain range with a number of animals on it

Upon reaching the lake, the trail splits again and you follow the direction to the right, leading along the western shore where the trail continues to the opposite end.

a man standing on top of a rock surrounded by mountains

a man standing on top of a rock surrounded by mountains
a man standing on top of a rock surrounded by mountains

You truly don`t need to circumnavigate the entire lake – going all the way to the opposing shore merely adds approximately a mile to the total distance, though it contributes minimal elevation gain because it`s mostly level.

Additionally, we think the perspective is superior from the closer conclusion of the lake in any case, where you’ll have the lake in the foreground supported by the iconic silhouette of Dragontail Peak that raises over Aasgard Pass.

Here is what the view from the opposing side of the lake resembles.

a large body of water surrounded by mountainsa large body of water surrounded by mountains

Along the shore, there are a series of campsites that are a great place to spend the night, but travelers need to have the elusive Enchantments backcountry permit to remain there (and yes, this is one of the most strictly monitored areas by rangers, so people likely will get caught if trying to stay without one).

It is important to note that there are two outdoor toilets located near the lake – one just before arriving at the lake, and another about halfway around the lake. If needed, use the toilets and bring your own toilet paper.

Where to Stay near the Trailhead

As you need to arrive at the trailhead so early and it`s approximately a solid two and a half hours from Seattle, we`d strongly advise staying overnight either the night before your hike or the night after to prevent driving long distances when tired.

Obviously, not everyone can make this happen, but if you can swing it, we’d absolutely do it. Plus, Leavenworth is a lovely place to spend an afternoon and evening after hiking.

If you’re searching for a place to stay near the trailhead entrance, we can suggest Eightmile Campground, which is a short drive from the turnoff leading to the trailhead.

We stayed there the night before our last hike to Colchuck Lake, and it’s a nice campground that couldn`t be in a better spot for hiking Colchuck. Make your reservation in advance, especially for weekends.

Bridge Creek Campground, which is nearby, represents another option, and it’s literally on the road up to the trailhead (though you’ll still have to drive up to the parking lot).

If camping is not for you (or the campgrounds are full), the charming Bavarian-styled town of Leavenworth is your best option.

We like LOGE – they furnish lodging right in town with hotel-style rooms, and some cabins on the riverside on the edges of town (still walkable) that have more space.

The beach located in front is perfect for a picnic, beachcombing, or simply relaxing and immersed in the great outdoors.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

Join us on our journey!
