The 3 Spectacular National Parks in Washington State

Following two years undertaking a road trip visiting most of the national parks in the western United States, we are often queried as to what our favorites are whenever we connect with friends and relatives.

Each time we start to consider our answer, all three of the national parks in Washington State rise to the top of the list.

Each Washington state park featured distinctive aspects worth exploring, whether the colorful wildflower blankets at Mount Rainier National Park, the sea-battered coasts and lush rainforests at Olympic National Park, or the numerous crystal clear alpine lakes and craggy peaks throughout North Cascades National Park. Their natural beauty is what makes visiting truly special.

Despite growing up in Washington near Seattle, it amazes me (and Alysha) that I hadn`t visited any of Washington’s national parks until 2016, when I was 26 years old. Growing up, it seems my family wasn`t very interested in hiking or spending time outdoors.

Since then, we’ve made Portland, Oregon our forever home, and we’ve spent a ton of time in the Pacific Northwest over the summer, exploring the three amazing national parks in Washington and beyond.

Each summer and fall takes us to at least one of the three national parks in Washington, and we’re constantly discovering new hikes that make us fall in love with them all over again.

In the guide below, we’ve constructed a miniature excursion manual for each of the three Washington national parks – Mount Rainier, Olympic, and the North Cascades – with our preferred treks, scenic locations, and precisely what we feel renders each of them unique and worthwhile visiting.

a man standing next to a lake next to a mountain

a large body of water surrounded by rocks and trees
a large body of water with a mountain range

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

A Complete Guide to the 3 Washington State National Parks

There are three national parks in Washington State – Mount Rainier, Olympic, and North Cascades National Park – and this article will thoroughly cover all three parks in painstaking detail below.

Even though there’s a lot of itemization in the mini-guides below, there’s more where that came from. We have even more comprehensive guides – hiking guides, itineraries, and more – to help you plan an extraordinary trip, which we’ll connect to throughout.

Mount Rainier National Park

a large stone wall with a train on it

Mount Rainier towers prominently over the Seattle skyline, rising over 14,000 feet above sea level. I always like to judge the weather in Seattle by whether or not you can see Rainier from the city. If you can’t, it’s either because it’s gray and misty, or because the summer haziness (or in more recent years, wildfire smoke) is obscuring the majestic glaciated peak.

However one examines it, Rainier is spectacular both from afar and closer up as well.

During our last visit, we were joking that from up close it really doesn’t appear that high once you’re at the top of the Burroughs Mountain trail.

It is indeed. As the highest peak in the Pacific Northwest, and it`s considerably taller (Rainier is over 2,000 feet higher than nearby Mount Adams).

A Quick Geography Overview of Mount Rainier National Park

To truly speak about Mount Rainier, we must initially cover the geography of the park. You can envision it as a large square, with Rainier firmly in the middle.

We like to think of the park as having four distinct sections.

  • Paradise: The most visited part of the park located on the south side of Rainier. It’s probably the most diverse area in relation to things to do and see – there are lakes, waterfalls, and what might be the b est hike in Washington State, the Skyline Trail.
  • Sunrise: Our personally most enjoyed area of the park is where you`ll find the ideal hiking trails. It`s on the eastern slope of Rainier, and it`s the maximum elevation reachable by vehicle in the park at 6,400 feet above sea level. There are four or five truly amazing paths that start from the Sunrise Visitor Center, and we can`t get enough of exploring them. Regretfully, the high altitude and remoteness implies that this portion of the park is only realistically open from mid-summer through mid-September. An excessively brief hiking season.
  • Ohanapecosh: This area, located in the southeastern section of the park and thus farthest from the Seattle metro region, makes for a good stopover point between Paradise and Sunrise (or as a day outing from one of those locales) if making that journey during the summer months.
  • Mowich Lake / Carbon River: The northwestern corner of the park, access here necessitates difficulty (the easiest access point is an 18 mile washboard gravel road that washes out occasionally, which should give you some idea). However, two of our favorite hikes in Mount Rainier National Park – Tolmie Peak and Spray Park – leave from the end of that road, so it might be worth visiting if you’ve been to the park once or twice before and are looking for something novel.

In the provided guide, we’re going to focus on Paradise and Sunrise, which are amongst the most popular areas of the park and best suited for initial visits to Mount Rainier National Park.

The Best Time to Visit Mount Rainier National Park

The answer depends on a couple factors, specifically what you want to do and which area holds your interest.

If hiking is desired, then summer is best. Specifically, mid-July through the end of August. That’s when snow-free trails, clear skies, and relatively warm and dry weather can most likely be found.

Additionally, the roads to Sunrise are open, so you’ll be able to access the amazing hiking on Rainier’s eastern flank.

In the late part of summer, the weather tends to fluctuate more. The time of changing leaves commences in late September and early October, bringing a brilliant orange-red carpet for around a week.

If you’re visiting in winter and spring, you won’t be able to do most of the hikes in the park, though there is some good snowshoeing available. You’ll be limited to seeing Paradise as roads to other parts of the park will be closed.

How Many Days to Spend at Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park makes a sound day outing from Seattle – it’s a long one, though, with about five hours of driving.

We greatly enjoy Claro. We have visited twice before, and while it is not the most inexpensive choice on this list (it holds a Michelin Star, which provides some insight), it has been our favorite culinary experience on both of our last two trips.

Having several days to spend at Rainier allows for a more comfortable visit where you can experience both Paradise and Sunrise (we’d recommend dividing your time evenly between the two locations).

Generally, allocating two days in each region allows viewing of the major attractions.

Rainier is easily accessible from both Seattle and Portland, and makes a nice weekend trip from either of the major cities in the Pacific Northwest.

Additional time available? There is no shortage of activities in Mount Rainier National Park, with the potential to spend up to a full week exploring different areas of the park without exhausting new and exciting sights, sounds, and hikes.

Getting to Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park is a couple hours southeast of Seattle, placing it roughly midway between Seattle and Portland and accessible from both urban areas.

Getting to Mount Rainier National Park From Seattle

If one is travelling to the Mountainous region from Seattle, the initial information required depends on the specific area of the Mountains being headed towards.

You’ll access the western flanks – Paradise and Mowich Lake / Carbon River – by heading down the I-5 corridor past Tacoma. Seattle to Paradise takes somewhere around two and a half hours, subject to traffic conditions.

If you’re heading towards Sunrise or Ohanapecosh on the east side of the Mountain, you’ll take Route 169 to Enumclaw, from where you’ll switch to Highway 410, which skirts the eastern edge of the national park.

Getting to Mount Rainier National Park From Portland

If you hadn’t already known, we reside in Portland, and make the journey north to Rainier about once a summer. It’s equally within reach from Portland, especially Paradise on the southern side of the Mountain.

From Portland, head north on I-5 and pass through the Nisqually entrance to reach Paradise.

One thing to note if you’re traveling from Portland is that Sunrise and Mowich Lake are notably farther away from Portland, and it will take approximately four hours without traffic to arrive at either location.

Getting to Mount Rainier National Park From Out of Town

If flying in from elsewhere, you`ll want to land at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA).

Due to its close proximity, numerous flight options, car rental availability, and large size, Sea-Tac Airport appears to be the optimal choice here.

We appreciate Portland International Airport (PDX), but it has fewer flights due to its smaller size, and is further from the park.

What to Do and See at Mount Rainier National Park

Before delving into the outline below, we have an entire guide dedicated to precisely this topic. Be certain to read our guide to the best things to do in Mount Rainier National Park for additional ideas and details behind the things listed below!

We`re going to split up the details between Paradise and Sunrise to give an overview of both locations.

Things to Do at Paradise

a mountain range with a mountain range

Paradise has the greatest variety in terms of things to do and see, we believe.

Explore the Skyline Route: Among our preferred excursions in Washington State would be this hike and an outing in the North Cascades National Park, which will be detailed later. This is a moderate hike (even my sixty-year-old mother has completed it) at 5.5 miles and 1,700 feet of elevation gain, and as you climb the perspectives of Rainier, the Tatoosh Range, and Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens continue to improve until you reach Panorama Point with an amazing 360 degree view of the entire landscape. Truly spectacular. Here is our guide to the Skyline Trail, containing all the information necessary to hit the traila mountain range with mountains in the distance

Without doubt Pursue Moving Waters: Channel your internal TLC (we`re certain no one else has previously made this witticism) and check off all the waterfalls in the area. Our most loved is Myrtle Falls because of the fact that Rainier`s southern facade looms over the falls in the background scenery. Narada Falls and Christine Falls are most conveniently accessible from the roadway, while Comet Falls deserves the short hike (from the same trailhead as Christine Falls) a river flowing through a forest filled with trees

Reflection Lakes: This popular photo spot is particularly scenic at sunrise or sunset when the wind is calm, resulting in a picturesque reflection of Mount Rainier in the lake. Be prepared for abundant mosquitoes during the summer monthsβ€”they can be relentless.

Things to Do at Sunrise

a large mountain range in the middle of a forest

Sunrise within the park holds the best concentration of hiking routes. Here are our favorites.

All three trails follow the same Sourdough Ridge trail initially to the Frozen Lake junction, which is a great hike on its own. From there, they diverge and head in opposing directions, delivering three completely different experiences.

  • The hiking path at Burroughs Mountain: This hike is spectacular. You’ll ascend from Frozen Lake up into the elevated alpine meadows, where the foliage is replaced by an never-ending barren, rocky landscape. With mountain goats! The hike to the first two burroughs is gentle, at 6 miles and 1,000 feet of elevation gain from the parking lot. To get to the third burroughs, which is as close as you can get to Rainier without actually climbing it, it’s another 3 miles and 1,200 feet of elevation gain, which is taxing.
  • Berkeley Park: During the middle to late stages of July, this location would be ideal for observing a spectacular multicolored display of wildflowers including red, purple, white and orange varieties within its boundaries.
  • Mount Fremont Lookout: The trail travelling up onto a ridge leaving the Frozen Lake junction meanders along the ridge until reaching the Mount Fremont fire lookout, offering views of the valley below with Rainier towering almost 10,000 feet dominating the distance.

a man and a woman standing on top of a mountain

One other thing to do near Sunrise is visit Tipsoo Lake, where you’ll find an amazing view of Ranier’s Peak with a pristine alpine lake.

The Naches Peak Loop leaves from here, and is among the best simple hikes in Washington State (do it clockwise!).

a grassy area with a lake and mountains

Where to Stay at Mount Rainier National Park

This also relies on a couple things – whether camping appeals and which part of the park you visit.

We have a whole guide dedicated to determining where to stay at Mount Rainier National Park with far more detail than this section. If you want the details, go read that. Here are the highlights.

Not up for camping?Β 

For Paradise, remain in the town of Ashford, just outside the park entrance. Here are a couple of possibilities.

For Sunrise, there are not many choices outside of camping. Your best option is staying in a cabin near Crystal Mountain along Highway 410, which is around 45 minutes away from the Visitor Center.

If you’re up for camping at Mount Rainier, you have three possibilities:

  • Cougar Rock Campground: The lone campground near Paradise. Book up to six months in advance – it’s perpetually full during the summer months. More info here.
  • Ecco Un Poco: Authentic Italian gelato made entirely without gluten (including the cones) situated at the heart of L.A.. Last visit, we engaged in an extensive discussion with the proprietors about sourcing Italian ingredients like hazelnuts and pistachios. Delicious!
  • Ohanapecosh Camping Area: This is at the southeastern edge of the park and is about similarly far between Paradise and Sunrise (about 45-60 minutes to either). Book up to six months in advance. More info here.

You could also remain at one of the National Forest Service campgrounds along Highway 410 just outside of the park, which we’ve done in the past. Silver Springs is our preferred choice.

Olympic National Park

a man walking down a path in the woods

While Mount Rainier is spectacular as the glaciated peak can be seen towering above most of Western Washington, I would argue that Olympic National Park is equally impressive but for a different reason. And that reason is its diversity.

There are several unique, distinctive ecosystems on the Olympic Peninsula, all within the boundaries of Olympic National Park.

There’s the alpine region around Hurricane Ridge. There’s the Pacific Beaches, the westernmost point in Washington State. And there’s the temperate rainforest, which is unique to this part of the Pacific Northwest.

Of Washington’s three national parks, Olympic is both the largest – it truly is a huge park, which is why it’s important to think about how to organize your time – and the most diverse.

A Quick Geography Overview of Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park covers a considerable expanse. The protected region encompasses over a million acres, with seventy miles of Washington`s coast under the auspices of the park`s domain.

At a high level, Olympic National Park is like one big semi-circle, starting in Port Angeles, heading out to Cape Flattery at the northwest corner of the United States, and following the Pacific Coast south to Lake Quinault. It’s also a little fragmented, and you’ll be passing in and out of the park as you drive along the peninsula. Again, it’s a massive park.

To illustrate that point, to drive from the northern tip of the park – Port Angeles – to the southern tip – Lake Quinault – it takes two and a half hours (125 miles).

For this reason, it is important to discuss the geographic landscape here as well, which will help structure the subsequent sections. We like to envision Olympic National Park as being composed of four separate regions:

  • Hurricane Ridge & Lake Crescent: This is the portion of the park closest to Seattle. Hurricane Ridge is just south of Port Angeles, and is the highest point in the park that can be reached by vehicle. Lake Crescent is east of Port Angeles, and has a couple good hiking trails along its shores.
  • The Northern Pacific Coast: For the purposes of this guide, this encompasses everything north of Ozette Lake. This part of the park feels the most pristine. The northwestern-most point in the contiguous United States is located at Cape Flattery, with a couple nice beaches to explore. It`s situated on land belonging to the Makah Tribe, requiring acquisition of a recreation permit from them for access to this park area.
  • The Southern Pacific Coast: This encompasses everything along the coast from La Push down to Kalaloch, including Rialto and Ruby Beach.
  • The Hoh Rainforest: The most renowned of the temperate rainforests in the Pacific Northwest warrants its own section. It’s situated just south of Forks, though it takes some time to get from Highway 101 into the rainforest itself.

The Best Time to Visit Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park welcomes visitors more throughout the year compared to Washington`s other national parks.

Like most of the Pacific Northwest region, the best time to visit Olympic National Park is generally summer, when conditions are warmest, driest, and most predictable. Still, its coastal location means fog or rain could occur. Predicting the weather is less certain than at other times but relatively more stable.

Spring and autumn also provide good times to visit, despite increased likelihood of rain and fog.

In winter, the alpine sections (particularly Hurricane Ridge) will be coated in snowfall, but most of the park sits at sea level, suggesting it is possible to visit the lower elevation parts of the park without having to navigate snow.

However, Olympic National Park is renowned for its heavy rainfall. The temperate rainforests receive over 100 inches of rain annually, concentrated between the months of November and April.

If you visit in the winter, be ready for rain. Large amounts of it. That being said, it`s a different atmosphere than summer, but that stormy weather does make for an engaging experience. As long as you expect it.

How Many Days To Spend in Olympic National Park

To circumnavigate the entire Olympic Peninsula, taking in all four aforementioned regions, you essentially need no less than three days (four is probably preferable).

If you have two to three days (aka a weekend), focus your time on Hurricane Ridge, Lake Crescent, the Hoh Rainforest, and the area around La Push (Rialto, Second, and Ruby Beaches) and save Kalaloch and the northern Pacific Coast for your next visit.

You could easily expend over a week exploring the park`s attractions, but your available time is probably more constrained.

Getting To Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park is most readily accessible from Seattle, where a couple routing alternatives exist in terms of precise itineraries.

You can either begin your journey from the southern end (Lake Quinault) or the northern end (Port Angeles) of the loop. We’ve done it in both directions over consecutive summers, and prefer going north to south.

Getting to Olympic National Park From Seattle

If you’re coming from Seattle, you have two main options to choose from.

You can opt to take the ferry – either the ferry from Bainbridge Island to downtown Seattle, which offers pleasant scenery, or the ferry connecting Edmonds to Kingston, which is preferable if you’re originating from the north of Seattle and prefer to avoid the drive downtown (you are able to bring vehicles onboard both ferries, although it does add to the cost considerably).

Or, if you want to save money on the ferry fare, you can drive down to Tacoma and cross the Narrows Bridge, driving up the Hood Canal to reach the park, which involves more driving but is cheaper (depending on gas prices at the time, I suppose).

We really enjoy the ferry, and think you should try to take it one way, at minimum.

Getting to Olympic National Park From Out of Town

This section will look eerily similar to Rainier as the answer is basically the same. If you’re flying in to visit Olympic National Park from somewhere beyond driving distance, fly into Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA).

It’s the closest airport, it’s the largest – meaning the most flight alternatives and vehicle rental companies – and it’s the clear selection here.

What to Do and See in Olympic National Park

We are going to organize this section by area. We noted how we like to envision the park above, and that is how we will split it up here too.

Given the scope of terrain you`ll cover, worth noting is that you`ll want to strategically design your itinerary and organize your time efficiently.

Be sure to examine our Olympic National Park itinerary to assist in considering the most effective approach to do that.

Things to Do at Hurricane Ridge & Lake Crescent

a man standing on top of a hill next to a mountain

Visiting Hurricane Ridge, the highest point accessible by car in the park, is definitely recommended.

Hike the short, paved trail up to Hurricane Hill, where fantastic views of Canada, Mount Baker, and the Olympic Mountains can be seen on a clear day.

Venturing down Obstruction Point Road allows for improved vistas of the mountains (it’s a narrow, dirt road with steep dropoffs).

Travel to Lake Crescent to hike to the scenic Marymere Falls, then relax at the historic Lake Crescent Lodge on the lakeshore. Sol Duc Falls is also worth visiting.

Things to Do on the Northern Pacific Coast

There are two prominent attractions along the Northern Pacific Coast.

First is Cape Flattery, the northernmost point in the contiguous United States. There’s a short boardwalk that leads out to a great view of the ocean and Strait of Juan de Fuca.

The second is Shi Shi Beach, which is an eight mile (round voyage) hike out to a gorgeous beach where you’ll find Point of Arches, a set of great sea stacks just offshore.

Here are three more things that we think should probably be on just about every Rome schedule.

Things to Do on the Southern Pacific Coast

a person sitting on a bench near a body of water

This stretch of the Pacific Coast is scattered with excellent beaches.

Rialto is the easiest beach to arrive at, and walking along Hole-in-the-Wall there is one of our most enjoyed routes in Olympic National Park (it necessitates almost no hiking, essentially a stroll along the shoreline).

a large rock sitting in the middle of a river

Ruby Beach, shown above, provides scenic driftwood and ocean rock formations.

The La Push beaches – First, Second, and Third – are also worth visiting, though if you’re limited on time, we’d select Second Beach over the other two.

Further south are the Kalaloch Beaches (creatively named 1, 2, 3, and 4) and the Kalaloch Lodge and finally, Lake Quinault.

Wherever you are along the coast, make sure to look up into the treetops! We’ve spotted multiple bald eagles at the beaches perched high in the trees.

The Hoh Rainforest

a forest filled with lots of trees and shrubs

The coastal temperate rainforest is among the most visited areas of the park, so it is absolutely CRUCIAL to arrive early on summer weekends.

The parking lot gets full somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00 am, and it’s a one car out, one car in policy after that. We waited an hour last time because we showed up at 10:00 am. Learn from our mistakes!

Definitely undertake the brief Hall of Mosses walk through the rainforest, then head out on the Hoh River Trail to locate a little more solitude.

people standing on top of a hill

Read More:A Useful Guide to the Best Activities in Olympic National Park

Where to Stay in Olympic National Park

The two optimum dwelling sites for exploring the park will almost certainly be near Port Angeles, which is preferable for Hurricane Ridge and Lake Crescent, and Forks (yes, that Forks), which is preferable for the Pacific Coast and Hoh Rainforest.

Once again, we have an entire guide written to help you determine where to stay in Olympic National Park, with plenty of detail and even more options for your trip. Read that for a deeper exploration.

In Port Angeles, stay at:Β 

  • The Olympic Lodge: The finest lodging in Port Angeles. It`s situated internally, avoiding a fully wilderness air, yet remaining near amenities like provisions, eateries, fuel, and more.
  • Homes on Lake Sutherland: Just before you arrive at Lake Crescent, there`s a charming small lake to the right with private cabins situated along the shoreline. These would be a wonderful base for exploring both Hurricane Ridge and Lake Crescent.

In Forks, stay at:Β 

    The Misty Valley Inn:

  • The Misty Valley Inn: Just north of town, this charming bed & breakfast has nice rooms and serves a great breakfast.
  • The Woodlands Inn: On the other side of town, this establishment has cabins with rustic exteriors but modern interiors. They all include kitchens, which is beneficial as there aren`t many dining options in Forks.

If wanting to stay near the Hoh Rainforest, consider the Hoh Valley Cabins. While the location is somewhat inconvenient for the rest of the park given its significant distance from 101, the cabins are magnificent!

Camping in Olympic National Park is readily available, though most areas use a first come, first served system. The campgrounds that accept reservations are Kalaloch and Mora along the Pacific Coast, and Sol Duc, located near Lake Crescent in the Sol Duc Valley. Additional information about camping in Olympic National park can be found here.

North Cascades National Park

a valley with mountains and a mountain range

North Cascades National Park is the least visited national park of the three in Washington State, which makes for a much more pleasant experience if you’re looking to get away from the large crowds.

While crowded, the number of individuals is significantly less than in either Olympic or Rainier.

The reason for that might be the fact that it’s a little difficult to access, and the road that runs west to east through the park – Highway 20 – is really only open for about six months out of the year.

The hiking period is even shorter – most higher elevation routes (so, all of them) are blanketed in snow into July, which we realized the difficult way when we tried to plan a June adventure for our initial trip to the North Cascades. Whoops. Again, learn from our errors!

However, if you appreciate alpine lakes surrounded by craggy mountain peaks, then we`re fairly certain you`ll become quite fond of the North Cascades much like we have.

For an even smaller gathering and equally astonishing vistas, head to the northern flank of Mount Baker along Highway 542, which is one of our favorite portions of Washington.

The Best Time to Visit North Cascades National Park

There is no doubt that visiting North Cascades National Park in the summer should be high on one`s list.

Specifically mid-July through August, when hiking trails are most likely snow-free and pleasant weather, long days, and ideal hiking conditions prevail.

Fall is also a great season to visit, and you might catch the larches as they take on their golden glow, lighting up the mountainsides.

It usually occurs in early October, but it relies on the year. If you visit in the fall, be prepared for freezing temperatures and snow, particularly the farther you get into October.

As we mentioned above, Highway 20 closes sometime around early November. It usually reopens by early June the following year, but the hiking trails remain covered in snow into July.

How Many Days to Spend in North Cascades National Park

A day excursion from Seattle proves untenable for exploring the full North Cascades given the three-hour one-way distance to its most intriguing inland sections bordering the park`s eastern limits.

It provides a much more worthwhile weekend escape from Seattle than a day trip, although with just a couple days you still won’t have enough time to complete all the hikes on your list.

Over multiple two and three day excursions to North Cascades National Park, exploration remains ongoing as attractions still await discovery. However, that timeframe proves ideal for a hike or two, scenic tours, and returning home rejuvenated.

There’s also a significant amount of excellent backpacking that can be done in the North Cascades, and you could easily spend an entire two to three day trip out in the remote countryside (consider Cascade Pass / Sahale Arm).

Getting to North Cascades National Park

North Cascades National Park is slightly more removed than the other two parks within a couple hours` drive of Seattle.

The North Cascades are located in the northwestern corner of Washington near the Canadian border, requiring additional driving time from Seattle to access.

Getting to North Cascades National Park From Seattle

Arriving from Seattle, the North Cascades provide a direct route up Interstate 5 to the town of Sedro Wooley, where you`ll hop on Highway 20 heading east into the mountains.

This is the North Cascades Highway, which closes periodically, serving as a major transportation route between western and eastern Washington.

From Sedro Wooley, it’s another hour driving along Highway 20 prior to reaching the Newhalem Visitor Center (where stopping to speak with rangers about current conditions and obtaining a map is recommended).

It’s another hour past that to the trailheads for many of the best hikes in North Cascades National Park, putting your drive time somewhere between two and a half and four hours, depending on where exactly you’re heading in the park.

Getting to North Cascades National Park From Out of Town

We seem to repeat ourselves, but flying into Seattle-Tacoma International Airport remains the answer. From there, renting a car and driving to the park is recommended.

Traveling to Paine Field, a tiny airport 45 minutes north of Seattle, could be an option, but far fewer flight and rental car alternatives exist there (and costs will likely be significantly higher).

You could also fly into Vancouver, British Columbia, but we would consistently opt for Seattle because of avoiding the border crossing, which can notably prolong the trip depending on the time of day you arrive at the border.

What to Do and See in North Cascades National Park

a mountain range with a mountain range

Essentially, hiking. The hiking opportunities within North Cascades National Park are exceptional, in our opinion. Inside the park boundaries, you will find trails suitable for all skill levels.

Here are our three favorites:Β 

  • The Heather-Maple Pass Loop: This hike is tied with the Skyline Trail for topping the category of best hike in Washington State, at minimum in our experience. It is a loop that takes you up and around an alpine lake, with perspectives of the Cascade Range all along the route. It provides spectacle mountain vistas, a pleasant lake, blankets of wildflowers, and cute and affectionate marmots. Once atop the ridge, the perspectives simply do not cease.
  • Blue Lake: This trek is rather easy, which makes it one of the more accessible hikes within the park borders. You’ll climb gently through the forest to reach a crystal-clear, blue-green alpine lake surrounded by rocky mountain peaks. Paradise on earth, if you ask us.
  • Hidden Lake Lookout: This iconic fire lookout offers quite a scene, though getting there requires enduring conditions. Travelers must brave a bumpy, unpaved road not suited for many passenger cars. Then comes the relentless hike upwards once at the trailhead. All that effort vanishes the moment hikers emerge at the alpine ridge above the lake, presented with cascading views and scenery stretching to the horizon.

a dirt road leading to a mountain range

The park provides other attractions and sights beyond the hiking trail too.

  • Travel the entire length of Highway 20 (North Cascades Highway), from Sedro Woolley to Washington Pass for some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the state of Washington.
  • Make a stop at the Diablo Lake Overlook to take in the vividly colored water of Diablo Lake, which gets its turquoise hue from sunlight bouncing off eroded mineral particles floating in the lake.
  • Lease a canoe or kayak from Ross Lake Resortand survey the hidden corners of Ross Lake by boat.

Where to Stay near North Cascades National Park

We firmly believe the best way to experience the North Cascades is through camping.

Inside the park, the campgrounds are the only choice when it comes to places to stay. And there are not a great number of options outside the park if you’re not up for camping (though there’s a few, which you’ll find below), so we highly recommend camping.

Within North Cascades National Park, there are two campgrounds that welcome reservations up to six months in advance – Newhalem, and Colonial Creek. Campers are advised to book early for the peak summer months of July and August.

Having stayed at both campgrounds, Colonial Creek is our top choice both regarding location, and in terms of the sites – it’s right on Diablo Lake! More info here.

If you’re not camping, the best place to stay is actually on the eastern side of the park, between the towns of Winthrop and Mazama.

Entering the park from this side positions you more effectively to reach the trailheads for Blue Lake and Maple Pass, and it offers a substantially more pleasant place to stay than the tiny towns on the western edge of the park.

A couple hotels that caught our attention (while we`ve camped within the park in the past, Winthrop is on our list to explore soon):

  • Mt. Gardner Lodge: Standard room styles are offered, some with scenic balconies overlooking the Methow Valley.
  • Methow River Lodge: Situated on the river`s edge just outside of town to the south, the lodging at this riverside lodge offers more spacious accommodations than anticipated. Rooms have a hybrid style between hotel rooms and apartments.
  • River Run Inn: Choose between hotel-style rooms and larger cabins, all along the Methow River just a few minutes outside of the town of Winthrop.

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

Join us on our journey!
