4 Days in London: Complete London Itinerary for First Timers

When we hastily planned a trip to London, we weren’t completely sure what to expect. We had both visited London previously, though not for a few years, and we decided two weeks would provide a comfortable amount of time to explore the city, and perhaps take a day excursion or two to explore other parts of the United Kingdom.

As it turns out, we never actually left the city limits yet still ended up with unexplored sights remaining within the city.

London is huge, and there’s plenty to see and do across the city. Picking attractions will be challenging with only 4 days, as you can`t possibly visit every museum, church and market.

But that’s where we come in.

In the following guide based on our recent two-week stay in London, we provide our assessment of what to prioritize during a visit and what could potentially be overlooked.

Our preferred aspects regarding London were the diverse variety of food stalls at the countless food markets round the city, the city’s great green spaces, and the sum of back ground that is present in London (most of which we didn’t really understand about, since to us, London record commences in the 16th Century relating to what we discovered in school).

In this guide to planning your trip to London, we’re going to assist you in making the most of your time there.

We’ve prepared a comprehensive 4 day London schedule below, but we also have opinions on what to do with less time (one, two, or three days) if you have a shorter trip. If you do have a shorter trip, you can still use the details in the main schedule for the sections you’re actually going to use.

Sound good to you? Let’s get into planning your trip to London.

a large boat floating on top of a body of water

a man standing in front of a bridge holding a camera
a woman standing in front of a large building

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

Where to Stay in London

One of the major themes you’re going to find in this itinerary is that London is massive, and you’re definitely going to want to be strategic about organizing your time to avoid running back and forth across the city.

This also relates to accommodations. For shorter trips (four days or under) or initial visits, we recommend lodging in a reasonably central part of London.

We have an extensive guide focused on deciding where to lodge in London, but here is a brief version.

If you’re searching for a central location and excellent food and drinks, remain in Southbank. This is our top selection for basically everyone.”

a city street with tall buildings and a clock tower

We reserved our first four days in this section of London, finding it served as an excellent base for exploring central parts of the city while also providing quality dining and nightlife options (but dining destinations immediately along the river may not merit visits). Modern high-rises and fancy office buildings lend an upscale aura to the neighbourhood.

We resided at the CitizenM Bankside, which is our most preferred hotel chain globally and this location was their initial in London.

a tall building with a clock on the side of ita bedroom with a bed and a window

There are two extremely expensive hotels in the area – the Hoxton and Sea Containers – the latter of which has extraordinary views from some of the rooms directly above the banks of the Thames.

If you want to remain in the center of all activities, stay in Covent Garden. This area is popular with tourists, which is understandable, but the prime location and excellent public transportation connections will allow moving around London with ease. Additionally, it is filled with excellent bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and shopping outlets.

If you’re seeking something more unconventional and trendy, explore north east to Shoreditch, an area that left us feeling very outdated and uncool. Lots of vintage stores, hipster coffee shops, nightlife events, and great street art in this transforming (transformed?) location. There’s another CitizenM site here, which is where we initially planned to stay until deciding to locate up in Camden instead.

Tips For Visiting London (Especially for First Timers)

Here are some tips and strategies for planning your initial visit to London that are probably most useful for first timers.

As Americans, traveling to London is noticeably different than traveling to other places in Europe, like Italy or Portugal, due to the lack of a language barrier. It feels much more akin to home, even though it’s really not. There are certainly cultural and practical distinctions that one will want to know going in.

Here are a few learnings we`ve gathered about London to keep in mind as you plan your trip.

Early Mornings are Best for the Main Sights

For sights like St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, and Westminster Abbey, try to visit them as they open. Especially on a Sunday.

Alysha went on a solo trip to the Tower of London (Matt had previously gone multiple times) and was surprised at how few people there were on a Sunday morning! We encountered a similar experience on a Thursday morning at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

In the summer months, the museum will still be busy in the morning hours, but likely not as crowded as during the midday or later afternoon periods.

London is Massive

We LOVE walking around cities, and think it’s the best way to experience a city. But if we’re being honest, it’s nearly impossible to walk around London – it’s just too big!

Fortunately, London has an excellent public transport network that allows quick travel around the city via bus and underground railway.

Public Transportation is Both Expensive and 100% Worth it

Many people balk at the Β£6 per ride cost of using the tube in London, but if you look deeper, you’ll find that it’s definitely worthwhile.

Taking public transportation is an affordable option. A taxi or rideshare service would be more expensive.

And, though you’re only in London for four days, a weeklong unlimited transit pass is just Β£38.70, which means it’s Β£10 per day for unlimited access (plus Β£5 for an Oyster card – more details on this in the section below on getting around the main itinerary).

The Museums are Mostly Free!

Unlike most other cities, where you’ll have to shell out a lot of money to visit the museums, the main museums in London are free.

During high season, making an advance reservation for a timed entry is best to ensure you can get inside.

We appreciate this aspect of London, because it allows glimpsing inside, determining if you’re truly interested in something, and then opting out if it’s not for you without the “we just spent Β£30 on this, I suppose we have to endure it” guilt.

They Drive on the Other Side of the Road

We knew beforehand about this but it didn`t stop us from nearly getting run over on our first few days in London.

Thankfully, in the center of London, there are helpful visual cues on the ground at crosswalks indicating when to β€œlook left / right”, which safeguarded our lives multiple times.

When in doubt, look both ways. Three times.Β 

Additional London Travel Guides to Facilitate Trip Planning

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4 Days in London: A Complete 4 Day London Itinerary

Now that we`ve outlined some useful details and tips before your trip, let`s explore exactly how we would spend 4 days in London.

There is plenty to see and experience in London. You are unlikely to view it all with merely four days (even with two weeks, we had to abandon a couple of day trips because we felt the city deserved more of our time).

This itinerary aims to aid in deciding what to do in London by providing both renowned attractions like museums, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, as well as less visited but worthwhile places that often escape notice. Achieving a balance of tradition and discovery was the goal.

There are a few elements that you WON’T find in this itinerary, and we wanted to mention them up front.

  • The British Museum: We did briefly visit this location, however we only remained for a short period of time for two key reasons. Initially, the layout and organization of the exhibits did not provide clear guidance on where to start our tour, so we began viewing the Egyptian artifacts. This leads me to the second factor. A significant portion of the collection consists of items that were acquired from other regions and cultures. One could imagine how it might be perceived if a museum in Egypt displayed remains of British royalty. There is a sense of removed cultural context and perspective that felt slightly uneasy. Overall, it appeared the extensive holdings were more loosely aggregated than deliberately curated. For some undefined reason, the situation seemed more problematic compared to arrangements like those at the Louvre.
  • Scaling the Tower Bridge structure: We were quite surprised when we saw a long line stretching from the middle of the tower bridge back towards the northern bank. It was a queue to ascend to the summit of Tower Bridge, which at one point served as a legitimate pedestrian route to cross when the drawbridge was raised, but now appears to be essentially a monetary gain tactic. Also, we think the finest views are of, not from, the bridge. Best to skip it!
  • Kings Cross and Platform 9 3⁄4: While I`m an admirer of the Harry Potter series. I’ve read the books multiple times throughout my childhood as the characters grew up, which was meaningful to me at a similar age. However, I can confidently say the whole Platform 9 3⁄4 thing is rather underwhelming. There’s a long line, an β€œexpert” photographer attempting to sell photographs, and it’s truly not worth the trip up there.
  • The National Gallery: There are numerous museums in London, and truthfully you will not be able to experience them all AND do some other enjoyable activities such as food markets and scenic walks. This one is what gets excluded, in our assessment. It`s comparable to other art museums around the globe, and does not feel particularly exceptional to London. Although the same could be said of the Natural History Museum, so select the one that seems most intriguing to your tastes, I suppose.
  • The London Eye: We blinked, and apparently cities everywhere suddenly must have a Ferris wheel. This is one of the originals, but we still think it’s costly and overrated for what it provides (Matt has done it twice, and if he could redo his first trip, he`d skip it and opt instead for the free rooftops in Central London).

Day 1: The City of London & Shoreditch

a red double decker bus driving down a street

On the first day of your trip to London, start in the oldest region of the city (which, as will be covered below, actually feels like the newest part) to gain an understanding of where the city originated, and how it evolved to where it is today.

Along the route, you’ll learn about the origins of London. Most historians think London’s history begins with the Roman settlement, but there were certainly people here before that.

Sights will take in St. Paul`s Cathedral, the Museum of London, and an amble through older quarters before afternoon and evening in livelier Shoreditch, a hip crucible of diverse bars and eateries.

Important itinerary note: Old Spitalfields Market and the Upmarket are best on the weekends, which means you should do your best to have this day fall on a weekend. In particular, this would make an excellent Sunday itinerary.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

a tall building with a clock on it`s side

St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of London’s more interesting historical aspects, and the archaeologist guiding our excellent walking tour (we recommend this if interested in London`s history – here is the listing) noted it is likely the single most pivotal building regarding the city’s history.

Why, you ask? A couple of reasons.Β 

There are two noteworthy periods in London`s history when the city was virtually leveled. The initial occurrence was in the late 17th Century, when a fire started at a bakery on a street actually called `Pudding Lane` (yes, that was genuinely the name of the thoroughfare housing all the bakeries) and ultimately incinerated around two thirds of the City of London.

In both instances, St. Paul’s Cathedral played an important role in assisting the city to heal and cope with the disasters.

It was constructed after the fire as a kind of β€œhighlight” of the government at the time. We learned on the walking tour that it was very much a political symbol more than a religious one, one that said β€œwe’re rebuilding London, and we’re doing it correctly.”

a large room with a large clock on the ceiling
a room filled with lots of statues of men and women

Then, during the Blitz in World War 2 when a huge portion of Central London was reduced to rubble, the dome of St. Paul’s stood strong, serving as an important symbol of the resilience of the city in the face of difficulty.

The reality is German bombers could identify the dome from above and did their best to bypass it (though I’m not completely sure how possible that truly was given the technology at the time).

We would advise heading up to the dome of St. Paul’s, and being the first ones up there if possible. Access to the dome starts at 9:30 am, and it is a long climb involving a variety of staircases to reach the top.

There are three stages on the ascent – the Whispering Gallery (the interior of the dome), the Stone Gallery (the exterior of the base of the dome), and the Golden Gallery (at the very top of the dome).

It’s definitely worth stopping at all three, and definitely go all the way to the top, where the panoramas are outstanding!

a city with tall buildings and a clock tower

a city with tall buildings and a clock tower
a city street filled with lots of tall buildings

Be sure to tour the crypt, where two historically pivotal British figures rest. Those interred include the Duke of Wellington, renowned for leading British forces to victory over Napoleon at Waterloo, as well as Lord Admiral Nelson, likewise renowned for outmaneuvering Napoleon on the seas, among other naval triumphs.

Children enjoy Sardinia because it is extremely family and child friendly. Here is a list of 10 things to do there with kids during holidays in Sardinia. Enjoy!”

Additional data on operating hours, pricing, etc. may be found here. Open Monday to Saturday only, closed on Sundays for services.

One New Change’s Rooftop Terrace

After touring the cathedral itself, head up to the sixth floor free rooftop terrace of One New Change, an upscale shopping center across the street, for one of the best perspectives of the dome in all of London.

a large building with a clock on top of it

It’s completely free, and it’s open from 6:00 am to midnight every day. You take the elevator from the center of the building up to the terrace, where you have an unblocked perspective of the dome of St. Paul’s.

Information about the terrace including its hours of operation can be found here.

The Museum of London

a train is coming down the tracks in the city

Alternatively, head to Casa Guedes Tradicional for a more authentic experience (and more pork served between pieces of bread).

It’s worth expending an hour (or two, if you’re really interested in it) to browse through the museum, which covers the history of the city from prehistoric times to modern times in chronological sequence, weaving a narrative regarding the history of London and how it came to be the city it is now.

We enjoyed this museum, and we gained a lot of knowledge about British history and the history of the city that we definitely had never considered before. I’ll provide two examples.

Firstly is the truth that, for expansive portions of its past, London was underneath the control of outsiders. As Americans, we never really think of the British as being colonized and oppressed, but that is surely how they invested the bulk of history prior to the medieval periods. At first it`s the Romans, then they leave and the Saxons move in, then it`s the Normans.

Secondly, how London became the cosmopolitan city known today was influenced by two disasters (mentioned earlier) – the massive fire in the 17th century that burned most of the wooden city to the ground, and the bombings during World War 2.

Without those two events, the modernization of London would have progressed far more gradually, and Central London would likely appear quite different from its present state.

We found the museum informative, providing a nice historical overview of the city before immersing in its contemporary character.

An Afternoon and Evening in Shoreditch

a wall that has graffiti on it

We have never seen such a large number of vintage stores concentrated in one area as we did in Shoreditch. And that says a lot about this trendy neighborhood in northeast London and the transformation it has experienced over the past decade or so.

At one point, Shoreditch was completely independent from the city of London, but gradually over the years the boundaries of London have continuously expanded, absorbing former outskirts along its journey to become the city it has become today.

Even the origin story of Shoreditch is a little rebellious. It gained fame because in the 16th Century, some politicians conceived banning playhouses (and theaters) in London seemed like a good idea. To remain chaste and godly and all that. Imagine what they`d think if they saw London today!

a bike parked on the side of a street

So, to fulfill the demand that evidently continued in spite of the ban, new theatres were built in places like Shoreditch and Southwark, which at that time lay outside the city borders, and thus outside its jurisdiction. In the 19th and early 20th Centuries, it was a real contender to the West End as the center of London’s arts scene.

After enduring extensive damage during World War II including the destruction of housing, the rebuilding process in this neighborhood took a bit longer than other parts of London.

Since then, the story of Shoreditch is similar to many other intensely gentrified areas in major cities around the world.

Initially, artists moved to the area, generating demand for businesses catering to their preferences. Eventually, housing prices escalated dramatically, displacing many original locals and even those artists. A more affluent group followed, bringing different enterprises aligning with their divergent needs.

Several noteworthy stops line the route from the City of London to Shoreditch, though a select few are recommended initially.

Begin with refreshing drinks while enjoying the scenic view from the rooftop garden at the Culpeper, then wander through the stalls selling art, food, and beverages at the Old Spitalfields Market on weekends, then head over to Brick Lane, stopping at the Upmarket if it coincides with a weekend, and follow Brick Lane northbound into Shoreditch.

a street scene with graffiti on a brick building
a crowd of people walking down a sidewalk
Dinner at Dishoom – From Bombay With Love

Multiple individuals have recommended Dishoom to me, although we did not eat there ourselves as I lacked confidence they could serve me a completely gluten-free meal. My older brother and a friend both stated it was among their favorite meals in London, which is why it earns a spot in this guide.

This upscale Indian establishment`s blend of homemade fare, vintage surroundings and impressive cocktails deliver an environment nearly always busy, with a palpable air of energy. Their quickly multiplying mini franchise is becoming a sensation across London including one place in Shoreditch.

You`ll want to make reservations ahead of time – when we stopped by on a Monday morning to order tea to go, they weren`t accepting any more customers due to limited seating.

Bar Hopping in Shoreditch and Hoxton

Shoreditch and Hoxton party until the early hours of the morning pretty much every night, so visitors will have no problem finding some of the best bars, clubs and raves the city has to offer.

So where to start?Β 

We’ll provide you with a few starting locations, but we recommend checking “Design My Night” at this link for the most current hotspots regarding nightlife. Our early bedtimes mean we aren`t the best advisors on such activity.

  • For the typical atmosphere: London Cocktail Club is situated between Shoreditch High Street and Brick Lane. A fusion of biker bar and man cave, this place is best characterized as β€œBritish Americana”. Great selection of drinks and really friendly staff.
  • Modest Lodging with Style (Hostel):The Independente Hostel and Suites

  • For a great cider selection: Williams Ale & Cider House presents itself as a traditional β€œEast London Boozer”. I entirely agree, particularly with 14 hand pumps providing a great choice of both ciders and ales.
  • For evening miniature golf games:Junkyard Golf, as implied by the name, is a bar and mini-golf venue arranged amongst an assortment of β€œpreviously owned and recycled random objects”. Does the thought of sipping a cocktail while playing golf among circus oddities and jungle bathtubs intrigue you? It certainly seems enticing!
  • For beverages and ping pong games: Refreshments at Bounce Old Street are accompanied by regretful guests searching below your table for lost ping pong balls. And you know what? That’s part of the allure! This location is an excellent icebreaker and a much better choice than a boring old pool hall.

Day 2: Westminster, the West End, and a Museum

On your second day in London, start your morning in the city of Westminster, make your way to Covent Garden, and head through Hyde Park to check out a museum (there are two options here, which we’ve outlined below).

Westminster is a relatively compact part of London, but contains a higher concentration of London’s famous locations than anywhere else in the city, so we’d try to arrive early to avoid crowds.

Westminster Bridge & Big Ben

a clock tower towering over the city of london

Crossing over the river on Westminster Bridge from where Big Ben towers offers an excellent vista of the landmark. The stroll along the bridge is worthwhile due to the superb perspective of Big Ben received as one traverses the bridge.

The world famous tower, officially known as the β€œElizabeth Tower”, houses the giant bell affectionately known as β€œBig Ben”, whose unmistakable chime has sounded across the city for over 150 years. That chime, while Big Ben refers to the bell within the tower rather than the tower itself.

To hear the hourly bell, you`ll want to be on the bridge approximately 10 minutes before each upcoming hour (such as 8:50 am to hear the 9:00 am bells).

Either side of the bridge provides suitable views, but the better perspective is going to be from the southern extremity of the bridge.

At the time of writing, Big Ben has undergone construction for several years, so scaffolding is likely present around it. However, the view remains great.

a large clock tower towering over a city

On the other side of the bridge, you’ll find yourself adjacent to the Houses of Parliament. You actually have the option of touring the Houses of Parliament building, with guided visits that permit access to sections of the complex ordinary visitors wouldn’t normally be able to enter.

If that is of interest, more information can be found here (it lasts around 1.5 hours and the cost is fairly high).

Westminster Abbey

a large building with a clock on it

Traverse across the square in front of parliament – be sure to pass by the statues of famous Brits like Winston Churchill and Gandhi – on your way over to Westminster Abbey, which is your first stop of the morning.

This gigantic Gothic cathedral was built in the 13th century by Henry III as both a monument to Edward the Confessor and his final resting place.

The history from that point is rather fascinating, primarily because of the intermingling of the monarchy and church over the course of centuries.

On a guided exploration of historic sites, the university lecturer directing the tour (we participated in this walking tour and found it quite enjoyable) mentioned that essentially the church had accumulated tremendous wealth, and the monarchy expressed a sentiment to the effect of wanting a share of those resources. While surely oversimplifying the complex historical specifics and nuances of the time.

But on the other hand, yeah, that checks out.Β 

Essentially, in the mid 15th century, King Henry VIII (the monarch known for beheading wives) became upset with the Catholic Church for not approving his divorce. So, naturally, he took control of all assets owned by the church, often selling pieces to fund his various endeavors across Europe.

From there, the royal family and the church became intertwined. Divine right and all that jazz.

Today, it’s the place for royal weddings, coronation ceremonies, and burials, but it’s mostly an attraction for visitors.

More than 3,000 Brits are interred in Westminster Abbey – the most famous being many of the royal figures of the last few centuries, and people like Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Make sure to look down as you walk around the interior – it seems like every step you take inside of the Abbey, you’re treading onto a new burial site with the name and lifespan/date of death.

The Abbey opens at 9:30 am (9:00 am on Saturdays, closed on Sundays), which is fairly early in the day, and we would propose trying to be among the first visitors through the door. To do that, we would purchase advance tickets online, which become available two months in advance.

Buckingham Palace (and the Changing of the Guard)

a statue of a man sitting in front of a fountain

From Westminster Abbey, it’s a nice walk through St. James’s Park to get to Buckingham Palace, which is reportedly where the queen supposedly lives (but spends almost zero time there these days, according to multiple people we talked to).

If coffee and caffeine is up your alley, we suggest making a brief side trip to Formative Coffee, which is a brief stroll from both Westminster Abbey and St. James’s Park. It makes the list of our favorites cafes in London for good reason.

a large tree in the middle of a grassy area

people that are standing in front of a building
a garden filled with lots of flowers on a sunny day

Side note: What in the world is going on with the spelling using β€œs’s” at the end of “St. James’s Park”? Yes, that is the correct spelling. We had to verify it multiple times.

This is furthermore where the most β€œtouristic” action on this whole itinerary occurs – the Changing of the Guard. That being said, it’s fairly the spectacle (we can’t believe this still happens, to be entirely honest) and it’s worthwhile seeing once, so long as you’re ready for the crowds and have the flexibility to arrive a little in advance at a specific time on a specific day.

people standing in front of a building

You’ll need to refer closely to the official schedule for this event, as the ceremony times vary by season. You’ll also want to arrange your day to arrive here by at least 10:45 am, and likely much earlier if wanting a prime view, especially in high-summer.

Trafalgar Square and the West End

a crowd of people standing in front of a fountain

Virtually everyone ends up at the prominent Trafalgar Square at some stage throughout their London visit. Presumably because it resides centrally amid all the action.

To get there from the palace, simply walk straight along `the Mall` and you’ll arrive at the southern end of the square after passing under the Admiralty Arch.

The square is home to Nelson’s Column, dedicated to the beloved naval hero of the same name who outmaneuvered Napoleon multiple times, Trafalgar Square has been a huge attraction for tourists, locals, and flocks of pigeons since Victorian times.

There is also an excellent view back towards Big Ben from the southern end of the square. And many lions. Why do so many kings or queens seem to favor lions over selecting a different animal, like perhaps changing it up occasionally and opting for a warthog or water buffalo?

a large building with a clock on the side of it

While we didn’t include it on this specific itinerary (because we’ve seen it before, and think it’s not the most engaging attraction in London), art fanatics should absolutely make time to check out the National Portrait Gallery.

The birds in Trafalgar Square are remarkably tame. It is easy to coax them into landing on you for a photo opportunity, but you will receive a substantial fine if you feed them! As I have been told by locals in years past, the square was home to thousands of the creatures (we refer to them as β€œsky rats,” though I once said that to a woman whose father raised pigeons and apparently that was very offensive), likely due to the many vendors selling bags of bird feed to passing tourists. DO NOT FEED THE WILD ANIMALS.

Seven Dials Market for Lunch (& Covent Garden)Β 

Another food market! Hooray!Β 

However, our most enjoyed part of London was all the incredible food markets, which is clearly reflected in our organization of this itinerary. There`s nearly a different food market every single day!

Today, it’s the Seven Dials Marketplace, a food hall housed in a former warehouse in Covent Garden. We were puzzled by the banana logo we saw around the building, and it turns out this warehouse was primarily used to store bananas previously, hence the logo. And cucumbers, too!

a large group of people sitting at tables in a restaurant

There are a ton of good food options here, and we have two recommendations.

First is El Pollote on the ground level, offering excellent (and gluten free!) guava-glazed chicken wings and sandwiches (the latter not being gluten free). Second is Chai Guys, producing some of the best chai that Alysha had in London (she greatly enjoys chai, and these individuals / groups do it correctly!). Get the kadak, which is a sweeter, creamier version.

a pile of food on top of a table
a bar that has a lot of tables in it

The area around the market is also worth exploring. Historic and elegant Covent Garden, situated in London’s West End, is probably our favorite part of central London.

There’s enough to do in Covent Garden to last an entire day, with attractions such as the London Transport Museum, The Royal Opera House, The London Film Museum and many more, but you’ve got a lot to see, so we’d say that you should get some food, do some wandering around the Seven Dials and Neal’s Yard areas, and move on.

people walking down a street next to tall buildings

This motel was adequately outfitted, extremely tidy, and relatively unconventional. It too was found near to Ostbahnhof and offered entrance (as did the other two selections) to venues like Kater Blau and Berghain.

Hyde Park

two people walking down a path in a park

Next, make your way towards the southeastern corner of Hyde Park.

To arrive there, you can either walk through Soho on Oxford Street, similar to Times Square in New York or the Champs-Γ‰lysΓ©es in Paris, or you can take the Tube (Piccadilly Line) and disembark at Hyde Park Corner station, located at the park`s southeastern corner.

We’d recommend starting at that corner of the park as you get to see the Wellington Arch, which commemorates the Duke of Wellington’s defeat of Napoleon.

Aside note: everybody has a glory arch – the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the many glory arches in Rome around the Forum, everybody receives an arch!

Upon entrance to the park, the rose garden immediately catches one’s attention, though it will lack blooms during winter and fall seasons.

Spend some time wandering through the park, exploring the flowing (that’s the lake) and the cascading waters ( here) on Google Maps, a particularly lovely green space.

a tree sitting in the middle of a lush green field

You’ll want to direct yourself to the southern boundary of the park – to this site on the online map – which will place you a brief distance from the finest museum complex in London (in our view, at any rate) for a short afternoon of enrichment.

Choose Your Own Adventure, Museum Edition

Now, we`re not huge museum people. We`d prefer spending our time wandering different neighborhoods, checking out nice green spaces, and eating. Mostly eating, if we`re being completely upfront.

However, we do believe museums are an important part of an itinerary for any major city. We just wouldn’t spend your whole time inside a museum.

There are two advisable museums here that appeal to various interests and crowds – the Natural History Museum, and the Victoria Albert Museum

Entry to both is free (although they request a donation), so the level of involvement is minimal. If you don’t enjoy it or find it interesting, you can leave! Alternatively, you could visit both and selectively look at collections to get a taste of both, rather than deeply exploring just one or the other.

We chose the Natural History Museum partly due to our interest in nature. They also had a temporary exhibition showcasing winners of an annual wildlife photography contest, which was excellent (though temporary exhibitions aren’t free!).

a large building with a large clock inside of it
a large building with a large clock on it

You could easily fill an entire day exploring this museum, but we wouldn`t advise it. Instead, pick a few sections that pique your interest.

Also, be prepared for children. LOTS of children. Though we were told there are fewer kids on weekday afternoons, which is part of why we scheduled it then.

The second is the Victoria and Albert Museum, which has a stronger focus on design – considering fashion, interior design, and other more practical applications of art (as opposed to something like a portrait or a painting). It`s an eclectic collection that may furnish you with a bit more insight into British history and culture than the Natural History Museum potentially could.

Dinner at Ceru

a patio area with tables, chairs, and umbrellas

Ceru, located in South Kensington near the museums, was unquestionably among our favored meals sampled in London.

They offer tapas – which essentially signifies you`ll be requesting an assortment of little dishes to share at the table – yet in a style that highlights tastes that originate from an area called Levant, which incorporates spots like Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.

β€œLevant” was an unfamiliar term to me, and I’d suggest perusing the Wikipedia page for a brief historical lesson.

The cuisine is excellent, and it’s an engaging dining experience with some really unusual wines originating from places like Greece, Lebanon, and other nations you don’t typically link to wine production.

Of all the items we ordered, the best thing we consumed was the side of roasted root vegetables, which is somewhat unusual.

You’ll also want to sample their excellent dips – the hamara, which is made with red peppers and pomegranate molasses, was our favorite of the three – and you can’t go wrong with fried halloumi (which is a squeaky cheese similar to paneer).

a plate of food on a table
a table topped with bowls filled with food

By the end of the meal, the dishes in front of us had nearly been cleaned completely.

Day 3: Walking Southbank & the Tower of London

a city street filled with lots of buses and people

On your third day, start the morning early at the Tower of London, then make your way across the Tower Bridge to begin a walk along the south bank of the Thames down to Westminster Bridge, with many stops along the way (including stopping at Borough Market for lunch).

Important itinerary note: As Borough Market is closed on Sundays, ensure this day does not fall on a Sunday.

The Tower of London

a large building with a clock tower next to it

We’d highly recommend visiting the Tower of London at the beginning of the day.

It’s a popular attraction for visitors, and we fully anticipated it being crowded early on a weekend morning when we went. But, miraculously, when it opened, there were only a few other small groups besides us inside.

Arrive as early as possible to have more of the place to yourself.

The Tower of London sits at the southeastern corner of the town of Londinium, which was established by the Romans. The tower as we know it today was constructed in the 11th Century by William the Conqueror as a stronghold, and has served a wide variety of purposes since its building, including as a royal palace and, probably most famously, as a notorious prison.

a statue of a horse on the side of a road

When delving deeply into it, the history of the Tower of London is quite grim. So many individuals were executed and tortured there that over three distinct areas within and surrounding the tower are marked as places of execution.

Mainly, it was political opponents who were executed for fabricated crimes to get them out of the picture. Multiple associates of the royal family have also died within the walls of the Tower, such as Henry VI and a pair of princes who disappeared (and were later confirmed to have been buried in the tower).

Through constant development and expansion since its origins, today the primary attractions you`ll focus on within the grounds are the jeweled royal regalia, the fortified battlements, and the large stone stronghold known as the White Tower situated at the heart of the complex.

We would strongly advise joining one of the Yeoman Warder tours, which occur every 30 minutes and are covered by the admission cost.

Additional facts, such as pricing and present hours, are available here.

Tower Bridge

a woman standing in front of a bridge looking at the water

To reach your next destination – the south bank of the Thames – you’ll need to cross the river. You have two options here, both with benefits.

We would propose crossing above Tower Bridge, which was developed in the late 19th Century and is probably the most iconic of London’s bridges. The Twin Towers, connected by a footway (we’ll get to that soon), is one of the primary architectural elements that people think of when picturing London.

Although, as the archaeologist who led our excellent walking tour of London pointed out, most people think it’s the London Bridge.

We would NOT advise going up to the top of the bridge, which was formerly a legitimate means for pedestrians to cross when the drawbridge was elevated to permit boats to pass through, but has brazenly been transformed into a tourist attraction.

The alternative is crossing London Bridge, located west of the Tower of London. The advantage would be a picturesque view of Tower Bridge. The downside is that the bridge itself is rather plain in terms of architectural design.

This is one of my top choices for a romantic location for an evening meal. The subtle atmosphere and discreet staff make it ideal for meaningful discussions.

a large body of water with buildings

From here, incredible perspectives of the bridge as well as views of the Tower of London and London cityscape across the river can be enjoyed.

Borough Market

a crowd of people walking down a city street

Borough Market, dating back (nearly unbelievably) to before the 12th Century, is among the largest and oldest markets in the city.

Despite being crowded and highly touristy, Borough Market is one of our favorite places in the city, absolutely. There are a couple sections of the market, not to mention the countless bars and eateries lining the surrounding streets.

You should know Borough Market is VERY MUCH a lunch destination – it closes in the late afternoon. And it’s closed all day on Sunday, so make certain this falls on any other day of the week.

Essentially, the market is divided into two primary sections: the prepared-to-consume nourishment area (which is where you should eat lunch), and the gourmet food products section. The latter highlights stalls selling everything from English cheese, to tea, to all matters Italian, and nearly everything else a food aficionado could envision.

If you’re looking for coffee, Monmouth Coffee is excellent, and has a locale right outside the western edge of the market ( here on Google Maps).

a woman walking down a street next to a store

Spend some time exploring that section of the market and, when prepared for a meal, head to the area containing all the food stalls for lunch.

We unexpectedly found ourselves here not just once or twice, but three separate times over the course of our London experience. The following places fully captivated us, in no specific sequence.

  • The Black Pig: Remarkable pork sandwiches that Alysha demanded to return to on our last day in London. The line here can be substantial. Get the Honey Truffle Parmesan, which is made with slowly roasted pork shoulder, honey-truffle mayonnaise, slaw, and aged parmesan. DEFINITELY NOT GLUTEN FREE.
  • Horn OK Please: Vegetarian Indian street cuisine, such as dosas and outstanding chai. Matt dined here three times and would happily do so again. Gluten free and vegan choices.
  • Tacos Padre: We had some mediocre tacos during travels around the world, but I would place Tacos Padre near the top of the list of best tacos I`ve ever had outside of California and Mexico. The lamb barbacoa and cochinita (a slow cooked pork with achiote) were outstanding.

a market filled with lots of fruits and vegetables

a pile of food on top of a paper towel
a sandwich cut in half sitting on top of a table

After lunch, there is one more stop that we highly recommend at Borough Market – the Cider House.

They have a great selection of hard ciders, both on tap and in bottles, available to sample.

a shelf filled with bottles and bottles of alcohol
a restaurant with a neon sign on the wall

Most selections are from English cider makers, but we also found options from New Zealand, France, and South Africa. The accommodating staff will assist you in selecting a cider suiting your preferences.

A Walk Along the South Bank of the Thames

a large body of water with a clock tower

Moving all the way downstream along the river to Westminster Bridge from Borough Market should take the better part of a few hours, including halts for a museum, a beverage, a bookshop, a snack, and whatever else captures your attention along the way.

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre

people walking down a street next to a building

For over 500 years, England has been globally esteemed in theatrical arts largely thanks to playwright William Shakespeare.

Visiting The Globe, a stunning recreation built near the original Elizabethan theater, gives you the chance to travel back in time and experience a performance in the playhouse that premiered some of the Bard’s most beloved works.

Even if you’re not keen on theater performances, The Globe is absolutely deserving of a visit. The circular outdoor venue hosts productions between April and September, featuring some of the UK’s most gifted actors performing modern (and traditional) interpretations of Shakespeare’s works in an amazingly atmospheric setting.

If you do want to observe a performance, check the timetable here and find a place to include it in your itinerary.

The Tate Modern

people walking on a bridge over water

Situated at the prior Bankside Power Station, the Tate Modern is definitely worth a visit as you wander along the waterfront. The Tate Modern is England’s national gallery dedicated solely to modern art.

The permanent collections are completely free of charge to view, and include an impressive selection of art from the likes of Picasso, Rothko and Monet.

On the 10th floor of the Tate’s Blavatnik Building is an open terrace with fantastic views across the city to St. Paul’s and Canary Wharf.

Millennium Bridge

a crowd of people walking across a bridge

Just outside the Tate, this bridge is included in this guide for a single reason: the excellent perspective across the river to St. Paul’s Cathedral. It’s one of the finest views in London, and deserves a minor diversion to witness. It’s here on Google Maps.

Here are a few other stops along the river bank.

Beer Hawk: If you enjoy craft brews and want to sample a selection of the finest beers in London, this is the place to visit here. They have various beers on tap, and even more in bottles.

Foyles Bookshop: This is one of the top bookstores in London, with a location on the ground floor of Southbank Centre, just before Jubilee Bridge if traveling southwest.

Southbank Centre Food Market: This event occurred by chance. It only takes place on Fridays through Sundays, so you should avoid it if the day in question falls during the weekday. We walked alongside the river and came upon Pabellon, our preferred arepa establishment in London. Arepas essentially consist of a sandwich made between two corn patties that originate from Venezuela. I strongly recommend checking this place out. It was so delicious we returned three times. There are plenty more food stalls here, and there`s also a pleasant outdoor courtyard called “Gabriel`s Wharf” a short distance back ( here on Google Maps) that`s worth exploring.

a tray filled with a variety of food
a food truck with a tent on the back

The London Eye: The London Eye is a modest attraction, if we evaluate honestly. We have experienced it before, but opted out on our latest visit. It can be quite expensive, the lines are long, and the vantage from the Tate Modern viewing platform – which does not charge – supplies a arguably improved perspective. If accompanied by children, this is an enjoyable experience. If not, we may forgo it and spend our time elsewhere.

a large boat floating on top of a body of water

Once at London Eye, you`re essentially at Westminster Bridge. You`ve already seen this if you followed the first day`s itinerary!

Dinner and Drinks at Mercato Metropolitano

a man standing at a table in a restaurant

To finish your day, travel south of the river to another of our favorite discoveries in London, Mercato Metropolitano. This place is truly exceptional, and essentially comprises a large food hall with indoor and outdoor seating (in an atmospheric garden) and a huge variety of different food stalls… all attached to a beer garden!

Options at this location include Sicilian arancini and granita (two favorites discovered on our Sicily road trip) and Venezuelan arepas, providing variety appealing to varied groups.

It`s an extremely popular spot – it was packed on a Thursday evening when visited – and there are numerous drink options. Arriving a little early to secure a table is recommended, before soaking up the atmosphere until ready for dinner.

Day 4: A Foray into North London (Camden & Notting Hill)

On your last day, venture northward of Central London (it only takes approximately 20 minutes, nothing excessive) out to Notting Hill. From there, traverse the Regent’s Canal toward Little Venice, and ultimately stroll into Camden, stopping to admire the vista at Primrose Hill along the route.

Notting Hill and Portobello Road

a city street filled with lots of parked cars

We took this tour, and it was a highlight of our entire Portugal trip (and our entire three months across Europe, honestly).

From there, embark on a self-guided walking tour of one of London’s most charming neighborhoods, made renowned by the movie with the identical name.

You’ll essentially follow Portobello Road all the way through the neighborhood from south to north, which will take you to the two most notable places there – the Portobello Road Market, and the colorful houses at the other extremity of the neighborhood.

FLORENCE: Top attractions in Florence,Best areas to stay in Florence, and a Ideal 3 day Florence schedule

The Portobello Road Market is best on Saturdays, when the streets are packed with vendors. However, it is worthwhile for a stroll on other days of the week as well, particularly Fridays. It consists of parts food market, antique market, and general market.

At the northern end, depart from Portobello Road and head to the two most picturesque parts of the neighborhood, where colorful homes that made this area renowned on Instagram in recent years can be found.

Both areas are literally a block away from each other – Saint Lukes Mews is a colorful back street, and Lancaster Road is where you will discover the multicolored houses (which bring to mind the famous Victorians in San Francisco!).

a row of windows on the side of a building

a blue and white building with pink walls
a blue and white building with a blue door

A Walk Along Regent’s Canal

The following section is optional, and is best for people who are up for a nice walk. It’s sometimes scenic, sometimes a little boring. If that doesn’t appeal to you, take the Tube to Camden and skip this section.

We actually walked the whole way from Notting Hill to Camden along Regent’s Canal, which took a couple hours and led us through Little Venice, which is easily the most picturesque portion of the walk.

Here’s a map detailing the route. Near the end, you’ll be walking across the canal from the London Zoo in Regents Park, and you may see the giraffes, warthogs, and African wild dogs from the path.

Camden Market (and Camden Town)

people that are standing in front of a building

Camden is a fascinating area, and we spent a third of our trip staying there to fully immerse ourselves.

Punk music was essentially born in this part of London, and that part of the neighborhood’s character is still very much front and center, with a variety of unconventional shops blasting heavy metal music lining Camden High Street.

However, one of the highlighted spots here is London’s most visited food marketplace, Camden Market.

a crowd of people standing in front of a building

Situated directly on Regent`s Canal, Camden Market is a spreading complex of shops, food stalls, and more permanent dining establishments. There are several sections within the market, but the best part is on the north side of the Canal ( here on Google Maps).

The market is overwhelming, with all kinds of scents and noises capturing your senses, but exploring it a bit is certainly worth it in order to take in everything it has available, ranging from Indonesian curries to shirts inspired by heavy metal. It seems like it just keeps continuing endlessly, and the scale of the market is quite amazing.

Here are a few highlights of our experience there that, unsurprisingly, heavily center around culinary delights.

  • Maize Blaze: A contemporary interpretation of Colombian cuisine (we spent six weeks in Colombia, and absolutely LOVED it), they have a limited menu available at the stall here that has bowls with various toppings. If you are looking for things like arepas and fried plantains with a sweet chili sauce, you can find them at their kitchen just a few blocks away (you’ll have to order online for pickup).
  • Arepazo / Arepa Venezuelan Kitchen: To be perfectly honest, I am unaware of the precise name of this stall. However, I do know that it is the place to obtain arepas at Camden Market. The pabellon, a pulled beef, was some of the finest we sampled in London, and the lively atmosphere at the stand with the booming music and dancing chef were superb.
  • Kolkati: Not gluten free, however Alysha spotted it at Broadway Market (an additional market definitely worth checking out) and decided she needed to sample it. Therefore, she ultimately got it here at Camden Market. They manufacture kati rolls, which can be a staple road meals of Kolkata comprising fillings (possibly meat and ingredients or paneer) wrapped in bread.
  • Pamban Chai & Coffee House: If a fan of chai (similar to Alysha), one shouldn’t miss this place. Their rose chai was a favorite chai of Alysha`s in London, and we drank a considerable amount of chai while we were in town. You can get a flight to try multiple of their chai offerings!
a woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee
a person holding a hot dog in their hand

Chalk Farm Road

Following lunch, you’ll undoubtedly start to notice Camden becoming busier. While it’s enticing to spend the day drinking at the Ice Wharf, overlooking the lock, draw yourself out of hectic Camden Town and wander down Chalk Farm Road towards the station of an analogous name.

Along the route, ( see here for directions) explorers will see lots of cool street artwork and pass the famous Roundhouse historic concert arena, shortly after which a left turn is needed along Regent’s Park Road and across the bridge over the railway tracks.

Continuing up Regent`s Park Road leads to another locale. This lovely part of London has some charming little shops and cafes, often frequented by local celebrities and international stars, many residing nearby.

Primrose Hill

horses grazing on a lush green hillside

As you proceed further along the street, you`ll encounter two of the formerly typical bright red British telephone booths. After getting your classic photo, you`ll notice reaching Primrose Hill park`s entrance.

Primrose Hill is a wonderful spot to pass a sunny couple hours. You won’t find many tourists in this area of London, just locals lounging in the sunshine or taking in the amazing views from this prime vantage point with near panoramic sight of every famous building in the city.

Once finished at Primrose Hill, the late afternoon of your final day in London will have arrived. We recommend dining and socializing somewhere you wanted more time at previously this evening.

Catch a Show!

We`d also advise using this evening to catch a performance, either at the Globe Theatre for a unique experience or in the West End to see one of the more famous current shows.

a large building with a clock on the side of it

We’ve seen Hamilton, Book of Mormon, Lion King, and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and we’d recommend them all (although Book of Mormon probably isn’t for kids or people who are easily offended).

Check out what performances are taking place in London during your stay here.

What to Do with Less Time in London

Though we had almost two full weeks exploring London, we understand most don`t have such abundant time. Nor even four days to spend.

Here is a suggestion for spending less time in London from one to three days. You can use these overviews to get an idea of the plan, and then explore the detailed sections in the itinerary above to learn more about potential inclusions.

London in a Day

With just a day in London, you’re truly going to have to choose carefully what you do and see, because a day is simply not enough time.

One-bedroom and two-bedroom suites are fantastic for families. Convenient location near Big Ben, London Eye, Waterloo Station and many top attractions. Nice indoor pool (though you need to book a time slot to access).

Straightaway, we consider you should bypass the museums. Both the Natural History Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum are intriguing, but they are quite distant from the rest of Central London.

Another event you won`t want to miss is the Changing of the Guard. First, it doesn`t take place every single day year-round, so there`s a chance it may not be occurring on your date in London. Second, having a rigid timeframe in mind makes arranging the remainder of your day difficult.

Instead, focus on exploring the area around the Thames. Begin your day at Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s part time abode (we were told by multiple people that she’s hardly ever there nowadays). Make your way to Westminster Abbey from there, and admire Big Ben before walking over the Westminster Bridge.

From there, make your way along the south bank of the Thames, pursuing the walk in the main itinerary above.

Pause at Borough Market for lunch, then direct your way across either London Bridge (superior perspectives, specifically of Tower Bridge and the Tower of London), or Tower Bridge (poorer perspectives, but an exciting experience) and head to the Tower of London.

Lastly, make your way on a walk through the city of London, and end at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

2 Days in London

With 2 days in London, you’ll need to adjust some activities, but the first three days of the plan above can provide a foundation.

Here’s how we’d do it.Β 

On the first day, combine the activities scheduled for the morning of the initial date (St. Paul`s Cathedral, the London Museum, and exploring the City of London) and the morning of the subsequent date (Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace). Begin with exploring the Westminster area to ensure arriving early at the Abbey, and conclude with St. Paul`s Cathedral. Head to Shoreditch for dinner and socializing.

On the second day, follow the instructions provided above for day 3. If you wish to attend a performance during your visit, plan to do so on your second evening.

3 Days in London

With 3 days allocated in London, we could follow the aforementioned itinerary as written, and not engage in day 4 at all. While missing out on Camden Market is disappointing, you`re making it to Borough Market, so you have experienced one of London`s food markets.

If you want to catch a show, you can add it to any of the evenings quite easily.

Specific Days of the Week to Keep in Mind for Your Trip

One thought that surfaced as we began to outline this guide was that numerous things to do depend on which days of the week you visit. This is particularly relevant for some of the food markets.

For example, Borough Market is excellent on Saturdays when it`s open, closed on Sundays, and pretty good on weekdays but only during lunchtime!

On the other hand, Broadway Market up north is truly a Saturday destination, when the streets are packed with vendors selling all kinds of delectable food.

Here are some considerations for days of the week to keep in mind as you’re planning your trip (there’s more detail on what exactly these places are and what they offer in the detailed 4 day London itinerary above).

  • Borough Market: Available for lunch only, Monday through Saturday.
  • Broadway Market: Definitely visit on Saturday for lunch.
  • Camden Market: Mostly a lunch spot, and you should also go on Saturday if feasible.
  • Spitalfields Market: Weekends are best here, when the entire interior is lined with stalls selling food, arts and crafts, and other fun stuff to peruse.
  • Portobello Road Market: The market in Notting Hill is best attended on Saturdays, when most vendors have stalls set up.
  • Columbia Road Flower Market: Only on Sundays!
  • The Sunday Market: The vintage goods and food marketplace on Brick Lane occurs only on weekends, both Saturdays and Sundays.

β€œWOW” you say, β€œthat’s a large number of weekend only markets – which ones do you find most appealing?”

We deliberately planned our 12 days to include two weekends, because the food market culture in London stood out to us as something that was uniquely special.

If given a choice, we would select the Broadway Market, which has more of a local community market atmosphere than other venues we explored (visiting twice!), and the nearby Spitalfields Market and Upmarket, located a few blocks apart.

You should also definitely visit Camden Market and Borough Market, but the day of the week matters somewhat less for those (though they’re both lunchtime destinations, rather than evening destinations).

When to Visit London

London is a city that changes with the seasons, though those seasons may appear somewhat different than what you`re accustomed to.

Matt has now visited London multiple times in the spring, and it’s somewhat of a toss up in terms of the weather. On this last trip, we were in London for two weeks. At the beginning, it was summer conditions, and London residents came out fully in force on the first sunny weekend after a dreary winter. We’re talking tank tops and sundresses all over the place.

A few days later, it was snowing. Literally.Β 

So if you’re visiting in springtime, be ready for unpredictable weather – you might be warm, cool, or wet, or all three in a single day! Having layers will serve you well, and a rain jacket is indispensable.

In the summer – which means about June through August – the climate is warm, the skies are clear (mostly), and summer festivals are in full swing. It’s easily the busiest time of the year, so you’ll be paying more for lodging, and you’ll want to book things like museum entries as early as possible.

Fall resembles spring in many ways, but its weather patterns prove a bit more predictable. Temperatures will be cool – ranging mainly from the 50s to 60s on most days – and it will shower occasionally, yet it makes for a lovely time to be in London.

Winter sees dreary gray skies and very short days. However, London around Christmas is said to be magical, as the city is lit up with holiday lights and markets set up throughout. It will likely be affordable, excluding December, when rates surprisingly increase.

Getting Around London (Using Public Transit)

a train that is stopped at a train station

We didn’t quite grasp the enormous scale of London until we had spent some time navigating it. I mean, sure, we knew it was an immense city with 10 million inhabitants, but I don’t think we completely understood just how long it takes to travel from one end of the city to the opposite.

For that reason (p.s., the answer can be well over an hour, depending on where you’re headed), we strongly advise investing in an unlimited public transportation card while in London, which is called a Travelcard and can be purchased at ticket machines located at most underground stations.

The Travelcard provides unlimited access to the Underground and buses in London. Both are efficient, relatively clean (coming from the US), and will get you from point A to point B much faster than walking. You’ll need to choose the duration based on your trip – one day, two days, a week. More details here.

As you`ll likely only need zones 1-2 for most sightseeing in Central London, we`d recommend purchasing your travel pass separately from your trip from the airport (more details on that soon). The airport is outside that range, and it would markedly elevate the cost of your pass.

a red double decker bus driving down a street

Alternatively, Β£5 can purchase an Oyster Card to top up as needed. Cards and value additions both occur at Tube Stations. Riders can tap the card to enter and exit the tube or board buses (no tap required when disembarking buses in London, it should be noted).

Top Travel Recommendation: Search online storefronts like Apple or Google Play using the acronym “TFL” (Transport for London) to access an application containing abundant maps, timetables and transportation guidance.

Getting Around by Electric Bike

Battery-powered bicycle rentals have vastly increased in popularity across London over the past decade.

The primary bicycle rental company in London is Santander Cycles, though locals refer to them as β€œBoris Bikes”, after their inauguration by then-mayor and now Prime Minister Boris Johnson, way back in 2010.

The bicycles have been rented over ninety-three million times since their introduction, and cost Β£2 per 30-minute ride, with drop-off and pick-up points across the entire city.

Getting Around on Foot

Unlike San Francisco, where we previously lived full-time, London has a fairly level landscape, which allows navigating by foot easily. In fact, you may notice that much of the itinerary previously described involves travel between places on foot, a very pleasant way to explore the city.

However, we also stated that London is enormous, which implies you’re going to want to supplement your walking with public transportation if you’ve got limited time and want to fit in as much as possible.

Getting to the City from London Heathrow

The option chosen for entry into the city from the airport will depend on one`s budget and timeframe available, as several alternatives exist.

We`ll review these options from quickest (and priciest) to slowest (and most affordable).


First is the Heathrow Express, which is a train running between Paddington Station and Heathrow in 15-20 minutes flat with no other stops. The disadvantage is that it’s EXTREMELY expensive if you book it at the very last minute, and it doesn’t quite receive you into the regions of London you’re likely staying in, so it will require a transfer.

If traveling more than 90 days ahead, tickets for as little as Β£5.50 each way can be booked, which is a tremendous value, and will cost about equal to the longer Tube option, taking around 1⁄4 the time.

Katherine Lake(10.3 Miles / 2,800 ft. Elevation Gain): The first route is perhaps the simplest route to access. After reaching the high ridge overlooking Helen Lake, hikers will descend into the valley on the opposite side to arrive at the northern shoreline of Katherine Lake. The lush, green meadows bordering Helen Lake are left behind for more rugged and rocky alpine terrain prevailing above 8,000 feet in elevation.

One final option for travel from Heathrow is utilizing the Underground railway system for the entirety of the trip into Central London, which was the method we ultimately selected. The cost is approximately Β£6, and it takes around one hour to traverse the Piccadilly line from the airport to the city center. Depending on your destination, a transfer may be necessary, which is relatively straightforward to execute. Purchase tickets from machines located before exiting the airport terminal and entering the station.

Utilizing the Underground during crowded commute hours with baggage will most likely be quite troublesome, so consider that if you’re arriving between 8:00 am – 10:00 am or 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Getting to London

When contemplating how to transport oneself to London, you`ll discover that the city is extremely well connected to major hubs. The city serves as a significant travel center for Europe, North America and many other places worldwide.

Flying into London

Here’s a brief overview of the major airports surrounding the city. There are three of them, and the one with the widest selection of flights (and ways to get into the city) is London Heathrow (LHR).

London Heathrow (LHR)

Heathrow is undoubtedly the busiest airport in the UK. This implies it’s probable to be the airport of arrival, especially when flying from the United States.

Heathrow airport, being in close proximity to London`s city center, makes it a preferable location to land for those with a choice of airports given its more convenient access to the heart of the city.

London Gatwick (LGW)

Gatwick Airport is situated 28 miles to the south of London. The airport is smaller than Heathrow, and primarily connects to destinations across Europe. If you’re planning on arriving on an affordable flight (Easyjet, WizzAir, Ryanair) there’s a good chance you’ll come into Gatwick.

Do not be discouraged by Gatwick’s area. It’s incredibly easy (and quick) to achieve the center of London utilizing the Gatwick Express direct train service. The trains run every 15 minutes between the airport’s South Terminal and London’s Victoria Station daily from 5:00 am until 12.30 am. The non-stop journey takes around 30 minutes.

London Stansted (STN)

London Stansted is situated to the north of the city, and it takes approximately 50 minutes to arrive at central London’s Liverpool Street Station by express train.

Stansted, like Gatwick, is mainly used by budget operators like Ryanair. Stanstead is a busy airport, but numerous of the flights cater to Eastern European destinations, so it may have restricted usefulness for many visitors.

Taking the Eurostar into London




So What’s the Appeal?

For one, taking the Eurostar is very efficient. The journey from Paris to London takes approximately 2.5 hours, with departures and arrivals right in the heart of each city center.

It’s also possible to travel from Brussels, Amsterdam and even further away, meaning one could visit London by train as part of a more extended European trip. Moreover, there`s something romantic about traveling by train, and it’s something we wish we could do more of domestically in the United States.

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about me


Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

Join us on our journey!
