a lake with a bunch of birds flying over it

A photography expedition through the Canadian Rocky Mountains is one of the most comprehensive experiences for any nature photographer.

You will appreciate the wildlife, landscapes, twilight glow, night photography and with some fortune also the northern lights. All within a single location, where unspoiled nature remains untouched and uncharted.

a large elephant walking through a stream in a forest

We embarked on a photographic expedition to the Canadian Rockies spanning 15 days from the end of May to the beginning of June in 2017 and without question, this has so far been the most outstanding trip we have undertaken.

Decreasing the aperture will result in . Also, youโ€™ll see a big advancement with less vignetting and lens aberrations like coma or chromatic aberrations.

That is why we would like to return someday accompanied by others photographers. In this article, we will tell you our next guided Canadian Rockies photo tour itinerary, in case you want to join us, and we provide some tips if you decide to do it independently.

Canadian Rockies photo tours & Workshops

The Canadian Rocky Mountain Park comprises four National parks: Banff National Park, Kootenay National Park, Yoho National Park, and Jasper National Park.

These parks are situated in British Columbia (Kootenay and Yoho) and Alberta (Banff and Jasper).

When planning a photographic trip to the West Coast of Canada, the common thing is to visit Banff, Yoho, and Jasper, since these are the most scenic places in the Canadian Rockies.

a lake with mountains and a mountain range

While it may not be ideal, the northern lights in Canada can also serve as an objective for a photography trip to see the Aurora Borealis. However, you need to bear in mind that the demanded circumstances are not usually present.

a lake filled with lots of trees and mountains

Even without Aurora Borealis, do not worry. The most spectacular rocky landscapes, vibrant wildlife and the darkest skies in North America are waiting for you. A Canadian Rockies photo tour is extraordinarily impressive for any nature photographer.

In this guide you will come across:

Best time to take a photo trip to the Canadian Rockies

Without question, I would say that the best time to attend a Canadian Rockies workshop is during the months of May through October.

Letโ€™s focus on specifics. The climate in the Rocky Mountains is quite frigid in winter, freezing all the lakes and cutting off most roads. Typically in mid-May depending on the year, the thaw starts and in mid-October, roads will close and lakes become frozen again.

On the other hand, if you are interested in making cheap photography trips, you should bear in mind that June and especially July and August, are high season. The prices of the accommodations soar, but what is worse, you will have to keep tourists away so that they do not appear in the photos.

Finally, the numerous glacial lakes found in the Canadian Rockies also must be considered, as they present vivid colors particularly vibrant at the beginning of summer which gradually fade as the months pass.

We traveled towards the end of May โ€“ beginning of June and although there were frozen lakes and we missed some points of interest because of still closed access, it seemed like a good time to travel to the Canadian Rockies.

Read our article on astrophotography using a star tracker for a more in-depth breakdown of every step to setup a star tracker .

15-Day Canadian Rockies Photo Tour Itinerary

In this section, we will propose a route to take in a 15-day Canadian Rockies photo journey.


Our photography expedition will initiate in Calgary. Firstly, we must procure our rental vehicle and acquire what is essential for our photographic venture.

It will be essential to obtain equipment for protection against bears and other specialized supplies suited for this destination. Verify that you lack nothing from the list we organized here.

If making inexpensive photography excursions, camping is surely necessary, so checking to have everything required.

Once we have everything prepared, we will travel to Banff where we will make our first overnight stay.


Our first photo shoot will be at sunrise on Two Jack Lake and Minnewanka Lake.

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

We will make use of the daylight hours to explore the lakes and to hike some of the trails bordering them, for instance, the Stewart Canyon trail.

a large body of water with mountains

In the afternoon we will rest since this day we will also have a Milky Way night session at Two Jack Lake.

Donโ€™t miss our Guide to Photographing the Milky Way

a lake that has some snow on it

The second day we will stay in the same location as the first night.

All the information regarding the planning of this day will be found in our strongly emphasized guide covering activities in Banff National Park.


At mid-morning, on the third day of our Canadian Rockies Photographic Tour, we will hike the Johnston Canyon to photograph its pair of waterfalls.

a river filled with rocks and boulders with a waterfall

We will follow the route to the colorful pools, to capture the vivid hues of the lagoons located there.

a lake with mountains and a mountain range

The remainder of the afternoon we will rest in Banff and we will capture the sunset at the Lake Vermilion until we can photograph stars.

a large body of water with a mountain range

In principle, a long nocturnal photographic session is not contemplated, although it can be extended if the conditions are right. If there are Northern Lights, then we will go to Two Jack Lake.

Donโ€™t miss our Guide to Photographing Northern Lights

The third day of travel will involve staying in the same area as the previous days.

You can review the statistics regarding past KP forecasts on the following Archive of Auroras and solar activity..


The fourth day of our Canadian Rockies photo trip will involve less intensity than the previous days. In principle, we will be touring the Bow Valley Road to have the ability to photograph wildlife.

a large animal standing on top of a lush green field

The Bow Valley Parkway is one of the best regions to photograph wildlife. If you want to comprehend the wildlife you can find, do not miss our guide to animals in the Canadian Rockies.

a small giraffe standing in the middle of a forest

In addition to viewing wildlife, we will make two very interesting stops. The first at the Morantโ€™s Curve section to see the most photographed portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

a train on a train track in the snow

We will spend dusk of the fourth day within Castle Mountain`s walls.

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

We modify our lodging arrangements. On the fourth day, we will spend the night in the surroundings near Lake Louise.

All the information regarding the planning of this day will be found in our Guide to Banff National Park.


We will begin the day early, as we are going to capture Moraine Lake at sunrise.

a large body of water surrounded by mountains

In the morning we will visit Lake Louise, to experience what is potentially the most visited lake in the Canadian Rockies.

a large body of water with a mountain range

From here hiking to Lake Agnes is possible, where views of the entire valley will be had.

a mountain range with trees and mountains

In the afternoon and at sunset we will be driving through both the Lake Louise area and the Bow Valley Parkway itself seeking more animals to photograph.

two brown bears walking through a grassy field

We stayed at the same lodging as the previous night.

All the information regarding the planning of this day will be found in our Guide to Banff National Park.


This morning we will repeat seeing the sunrise at Moraine Lake. It is one of the most photographed lakes so we will try again the next day if conditions provide different lighting.

a large body of water with mountains

When daylight ends, we will visit Yoho National Park and its more renowned lake, Emerald Lake.

a bench sitting on top of a lush green hillside

During the morning we will rent canoes for an hour to see another perspective of the lake.

a boat floating on top of a body of water

In the mid-morning hours we will embark on a hike leading us to Yoho Lake where we will be treated to breathtaking views of Emerald Lake.

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

In the late afternoon we will need to return to the lake so we can capture pictures of the Blue Hour of Emerald Lake.

a large body of water with trees and mountains

If by fortune this night there is Northern Lights prediction we will perform the photographic session here.

an aerial view of a lake with a sunset

On the sixth night we will stay at the Emerald Lake Lodge, which has served as an element in the different compositions of the lake throughout the day.

a boat that is sitting in the water

All information regarding planning for this day can be found in our Guide to Emerald Lake.


In the morning we will photograph Emerald Lake at dawn.

a large body of water with a mountain range

Then we will spend the day discovering other places in Yoho.

One of the most scenic locations is the Natural Bridge, where we can capture the blue water of the Kicking Horse River.

a body of water with trees and mountains

We can also photograph the Meeting of the Waters natural spectacle or the Takakkaw Falls.

a river with a waterfall in the middle of it

Finally, we will visit the Wapta Falls a little farther away.

a large body of water surrounded by trees

RVshare proved satisfactory for a past trip with no concerns regarding rental or services. However, Outdoorsy tends to offer superior prices and deals in our view.

You can find all the pertinent details regarding planning this day in our Guide to Yoho National Park.


Provided sufficient time allows and the route is passable we will tour Lake Oโ€™Hara. Access to this lake is only possible via a scheduled public bus.”

If we are unable to access the lake on that day, we will take the opportunity to conduct a photo editing and processing workshop.

In the mid-afternoon, we will travel to the Icefields Parkway to watch the sunset at Bow Lake.

The best time to photograph this body of water is at sunset`s golden hour. The point of view that we like most is that of the right margin, next to the Num-Ti-Jah Lodge, where we will stay.

a snow covered mountain with a mountain range

Additionally, we will hold a night session on the lake, coinciding with the milky way.

a large body of water with mountains

If auroral forecasts were available we may choose to visit Peyto Lake.

You will find comprehensive information regarding the planning for this day in our Guide to Yoho National Park and in our Guide to the Icefields Parkway.


This day we will continue touring the Icefields Parkway, discovering locations like the notable Mistaya Canyon.

a river in the middle of a forest filled with trees

We will also visit other places of interest such as the Waterfowl Lakes and the Howse Peak.

a large body of water with mountains

However, the most crucial photographic session of this day is the sunset in Peyto Lake. We will take advantage, especially of the golden hour.

a mountain range with mountains in the distance

The ninth night we will continue camping at the same spot as the night before.

All the information regarding the planning of this day will be found in our Guide to the Icefields Parkway.


This day we will drive a large portion of the Icefields Parkway. An interesting spot to photograph is the notable scenic formations dubbed Big Hill & Big Bend as well as the cascading Bridal Veil Falls.

a mountain range with mountains in the distancea fire hydrant in the middle of a river

We will continue this route passing through the Athabasca Glacier. In the past there was an ice cave that was an essential site for any Canadian Rockies photo tour. However, the cave collapsed resulting in this stop being less interesting.

We will then arrive at the Sunwapta Falls, to make the first session of the day.

a river flowing through a forest filled with trees

Additionally, we will visit the Athabasca Falls.

a river that has a bunch of trees on top of it

We will spend that night at Sunwapta Falls Rocky Mountain Lodge, for a night session at Sunwapta Falls.

a mountain range with a waterfall in the distance

You can find all pertinent information about planning this day in our Guide to the Icefields Parkway.


On this day we will finish the Icefields Parkway to arrive in Jasper, the main town of Jasper National Park.

During the morning and when the sun is quite elevated, we will undertake a hike in the Valley of the Five Lakes, to capture the vivid hues of its lakes.

a water hole in the middle of a forest

Then we will visit Patricia Lake, which is next to Jasper.

a small boat sitting on top of a body of water

We will also visit Pyramid Lake taking advantage of the scene granting us a wooden bridge leading to its small island.”

a wooden dock with a view of the water

At dusk, we will go to Cottonwood Slough, where wildlife lovers can also photograph beavers.

a body of water with a mountain range

On the eleventh night, we will stay in the surroundings of Jasper.

The critical data regarding the strategy for this day can be found in our Guidebook to Jasper National Park.


The next morning we will rise early to conduct a photo shoot at dawn on Pyramid Lake.

a log sitting on top of a tree next to a river

Then, we will tour Maligne Road, renowned for being a favorite route of wildlife photographers. You must have your equipment ready at all times.

a horse standing on top of a lush green field

We will make our first stops at Maligne Canyon and Medicine Lake, known for sometimes disappearing.

a large body of water with mountains

However, we will photograph Maligne Lake at dusk, taking advantage of the reflections of the water.

a large body of water with a lighthouse

This day we will stay in the same location as the night before.

You can find all the data regarding the planning in our Guidebook to Jasper National Park.


The following day our return will start. In the morning we will visit some lakes we have yet to see, such as Beauvert Lake, Edith Lake or Annete Lake.

a tree sitting next to a body of water

We will undertake our final journey along Maligne Road hoping to spot, if achievable, novel wildlife.

a brown bear standing in the middle of a field

And we will take back the Icefields Parkway, very attentive to animals that may be visible along the way.

On the thirteenth day, we will stay at the Icefields Parkway. As we will be returning at our own pace we will not have reserved accommodation, but we will decide it spontaneously.

You can find comprehensive information about planning this day in our Guide to Jasper National Park.


Any photographic tour itinerary is closely connected to the climate conditions. For that reason, we always like to reserve a free day either to reiterate some of the photographic shoots that we have not completed effectively or to make a new session that we could not carry out before.

The unexpected can arise, so it is prudent to consider such possibilities from the start.

In the case of the Canadian Rockies photo tour we made in 2017, we decided to repeat the sunset of Peyto Lake.

a mountain range with a mountain range behind it

In the unusual situation that no photographic shoot needs repeating, we will take advantage of the day to conduct a photographic editing and processing workshop.

We should end this day either at Banff National Park or at Jasper National Park. Accommodation will be decided on site.


Additionally, if you want to learn how to photograph the Northern Lights with a smartphone, Iโ€™ve included a section to address your needs! Phones today are capable of capturing some impressive Northern Lights photos.


In this section, we tell you which are the places to take the highest quality pictures of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

  • The sunset over Maligne Lake.
  • Exploring Natural Bridge early in the day
  • The Milky Way over Two Jack Lake.
  • The sunset at Emerald Lake.
  • Beauvert Lake in the early hours
  • Peyto Lake at sunset
  • Moraine Lake at sunrise
  • Valley of the Five Lakes at sunrise
  • Minnewanka Lake at daybreak.

If you want the precise coordinates of the best photos of the Canadian Rockies offline:

You can also enjoy all the visual portrayals of the Canadian Rockies in this collection that we have compiled.


For those who have not read it, we already have an article where we recommend the best equipment for photography during travel.”

In this segment, we will just specify the uniqueness that exist when getting ready the photography gear to travel to the Canadian Rockies


While a compact camera can capture nice landscape images, I would not pass up the chance to use a DSLR or mirrorless interchangeable lens camera when possible, as those allow you to bring home true masterpieces.

Additionally, if we intend to photograph wildlife, twilight or hopefully auroras, this type of camera is necessary.


We advise a wide angle lens to capture the most amazing landscapes and a telephoto lens with a good stabilizer to photograph wildlife. Optionally, we can carry a 50mm lens for panoramic photographs, as well as any medium focal.


A stable, reliable tripod will be fundamental for our photographic tour. If we can also choose a lightweight travel tripod it will be more convenient to transport during hikes.

You can also rely on a leveling base / L-shaped plate to photograph panoramic landscapes.


Whether our aim is to photograph the movement of water or capture long exposures during brightly lit daylight, lens filters will be necessary. A 3-stop neutral filter and a 6-stop filter should suffice. We consistently choose those from Lucroit, with whom we collaborate, offering you a 10% discount when purchasing through this link.

a sign that is on the side of a building


For us, the largest mistake we made on our initial photo expedition to the Canadian Rockies was not having adequate equipment. Specifically, a quality telephoto lens to capture the abundant wildlife sighted in Canada.

Purchasing a telephoto lens, as well as other photography equipment in general, can be quite expensive, especially for those only taking wildlife photography tours a few times per year. In such a case, I advise renting equipment instead of venturing to the Rocky Mountains without the proper gear.

After our first failed experience photographing wildlife, we always borrow telephoto lenses when taking wildlife tours. In case you are located in the USA, Lensrental is the best company to rent photography equipment from. We have been using it since moving to the USA and find it affordable and very practical since you can drop off the gear at any Fedex office (you can check our Lensrental reviewhere).

Also, if you reserve your rental items through this connection, you will receive a 15% discount.

a collage of photos showing different types of signs

Is a Canadian Rockies Photo Tour needed?

Perhaps you are wondering, is it worthwhile to hire a photo tour to the Canadian Rockies.

First, the Grand Voyager is recognized as one of the premier Las Vegas excursions to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon since it involves touchdown on the canyon floor. In fact, if you have your heart set on a Grand Canyon air tour, this is one of the top choices.

All rooms provided the height of luxury, but choosing a higher class allowed views of the ocean that were incredible. Unquestionably, it`s one of the top rated hotels graded at five stars in South Tenerife, and an exceptional choice if youโ€™re looking for resorts that are exclusively for adults in Tenerife .

However, if there is something engaging about taking a photographic tour, it is being able to spread with other nature and photography lovers what is going to be possibly one of the most intense trips of your life.


Here are some of the tips we want to offer to choose a quality Canadian Rockies photo tour:

  • Avoid tours run by agencies and instead go with a photographer or photographers you can vet in advance of booking. For genuinely valuable experiences, ensure your guide has photographic expertise from experience.
  • Linking to the above, there are many obscure photographers with magnificent portfolios that offer these photo tours at very competitive pricing. Never hire a photographer without initially being able to check their gallery for that specific destination.
  • For this destination, it is very intriguing that the guide also has some familiarity with wildlife, as well as having formerly photographed Northern Lights (and of course that carries a Northern Lights alarm triggered throughout the trip).
  • Hire a tour that includes editing workshops as well. When weather prevents outdoor activities due to the unpredictable conditions in the Rockies, workshop time can be utilized.
  • Additionally, it would be very fascinating if you had the chance to browse some reviews from other photographers.

As for the cost, perhaps now you want to know if there are affordable Canadian Rockies photographic tours.

This location is quite pricey, also if you do it independently. To be able to contrast it, do you know how much we spent camping for 15 days in Canada and not dining in eating establishments?

However, it is an experience deserving of attention, not only from a photographic perspective.


If you ask yourself what physical conditions are necessary for this photo tour, you should know that it is not considered a very demanding trip in a physical sense.

Most locations such as lakes, cascades, and canyons are in close proximity to roadways. There are only three activities that necessitate traversing longer than an hour. These include the Ink Pots, Lake Agnes and Yoho Lake.

In the case of not wanting to partake in any of these activities one of the guides will prepare an alternative plan.


As we have mentioned at the start of this article, in the future we hope to return to the Rocky Mountains with other travelers. We want to demonstrate the wonders of this location and assist you in getting the most out of it from a photographic perspective.

This and other trips in Capture the Atlas are already in progress. If you are interested, leave us your email and we will send you the information.