a red fire hydrant in front of a large body of water

Gaining expertise in capturing exceptionally clear photos is the goal of any photographer. It does not matter the photographic category; our objective is to seize photographs that distinctly highlight the pivotal elements through sharply focused images.

However, there is no magic button or trick to obtaining the sharpest photos. It involves many factors, from how you hold your camera or place your tripod for capturing sharper pictures to camera settings or software techniques to make your images sharper.

If you are unfamiliar with this topic yet, check our guide on how clarity is addressed in photography. Once that you comprehend that concept, it’s time to discuss techniques for taking highly focused photos !

Below, you’ll find thirty top tips to capture extremely sharp photos.

Table of Contents

1. Avoid Camera shake and vibrations to get sharp photos

A key aspect to obtaining extremely sharp photographic imagery involves an inverse relationship between movement and lucidity – the more a camera shakes, the blurrier images appear due to motion. Reducing shaking optimizes sharpness.

two people standing on top of a snow covered slope

Motion blur can originate from several sources, from handholding the camera when a tripod should be used to even minor vibrations caused when pressing the shutter button.

Below you’ll find a few tips to take sharp photos related to camera shake.

2. hold your camera properly to take sharper images

If you want to capture sharp images consistently,camera instability is the initial thing you must consider to avoid motion blur.

Overall, it’s nice to spend a couple hours here basking in the sun and swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. If you want to heighten the excitement, you can always go next door to Coney Island, one of the most thrilling things to do in Brooklyn.

a man standing on top of a rock surrounded by water

To promote more steadiness, once the camera is at eye-level, maintain your arms near your body and shoot during the relaxing pause of your breathing cycle.

3. Follow the handheld photography rule

Being aware of when handholding your camera is suitable for capturing sharp images is as important as maintaining proper camera grip technique.

a person standing on top of a snow covered field

According to this standard, when you shoot handheld, you shouldn’t utilize a shutter speed slower than the focal length you’re shooting with.

As an example, if you’re taking pictures with a 24 mm lens, you should employ a shutter speed of 1/24s or faster if you want to capture sharp photos without support. Consider this guideline just a general reference, since handheld photography also depends on your camera sensor dimensions and other aspects like image stabilization.

4. Turn on the image stabilization to achieve maximum sharpness

One of the optimum strategies to acquire sharp images without a tripod is to trigger the image stabilization when shooting freely.

Thanks to advances in vibration reduction technology, we are now able to capture handheld shots at shutter speeds that were impossible just a few years ago, enabling us to obtain sharper wildlife photography images and pictures in many other categories.

a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard

4. Activate image stabilization

Just bear in mind that this technology consumes a lot of battery, and, if your camera is mounted on a tripod, you should turn it off to capture sharper photos. Although it may seem contradictory, the image stabilizer “destabilizes” your photos if the camera is already stable when placed on a tripod.

5. Use a tripod to take sharp landscape photos

All the previous tips to get sharper images are essential, but using a tripod is the best way to succeed in taking razor-sharp landscape photos (and other types of photographs too).

To capture sharp photographs using a tripod, ensure that it’s stable and positioned over a firm surface. Try keeping it as low as possible, and don’t extend the central column unless completely necessary. You should extend the legs from top to bottom, since the bottom legs are the more unstable ones; you should only extend them if absolutely necessary.

a man is standing in the water near a waterfall

Another hint to capture sharper images with a tripod is to include your camera bag as a counterbalance if your tripod has a tripod stabilizer weight hook.

6. Use a remote shutter release to capture highly detailed images

If seeking to capture sharp long exposures, try using a remote shutter trigger when operating the camera on a tripod. There are two options for doing so:

  • The first option is to utilize the built-in remote shutter in your camera. This internal remote allows different preset shutter release times, like 2, 5, or 10 seconds.
  • The second is to get a device that allows remote triggering of the shutter, something I recommend if you also plan to shoot time-lapses or ultra-long exposures where the shutter is held open manually. You can find models that connect either by wire or infrared signal.

a remote control sitting on top of a table

Either way, I strongly advise using a remote shutter to capture sharp, bright photos if you’re employing a slow shutter speed.

7. Use the mirror lock-up mode to take sharp photos with your DSLR

Blurring of movement can originate from multiple sources. “ Mirror hitting” occurs owing to the vibrations caused by the flipping of the mirror to allow light to access the sensor in a DSLR.

a person taking a picture of a mountain with a camera

Should your DSLR possess a Mirror Lock-Up mode, depressing the shutter initially lifts the mirror to then press it a second time for capturing sharp photos with your DSLR.

8. Watch the Shutter shock to get sharp images with your mirrorless camera

Mirrorless cameras don’t experience the beforementioned “Mirror Slap” issue, but they can cause another problem called “Shutter Shock” (also present in DSLR cameras). The technological problem is identical: vibrations within the camera but, in this circumstance, induced by the mechanical shutter.

a camera that is on top of a body of water

To stay away from this issue and capture sharper photoswith your mirrorless camera, you should empower the “Electronic front-curtain shutter,” likewise called “EFCS”. This mode has some hindrances when shooting fast movement but will generally allow you to get sharp images.

9. Make sure your focus is right to get the sharpest photos

Besides camera instability, another key factor for capturing sharp images is focus.

Focus is critical because missing the plane of focus can cause significant losses in the perceived clarity of the image. We want our lens to maximize the resolution potential of our camera, and for this, our subject(s) need(s) to be in focus.

Having your topic in focus is also crucial for obtaining sharp images because it’s something difficult to amend in post-production. You can make some minor improvements if you somewhat miss focus. However, few software fixes can replace the lost visual resolution brought on by an out-of-focus lens.

a person taking a picture of a person on a cell phone

You`ll find more tips connected to getting a sharp focus in your pictures below.

10. focus manually to take sharp images in low light

Automatic focusing is generally more convenient, however there are still some scenarios where it is unreliable and requiring manual focusing, such as in Milky Way photography or Northern Lights photography.

a person taking a picture of themselves in the dark

One of the best strategies to capture sharp images using manual focus is to employ a tripod. To do this, activate the live view mode, zoom in on a distant bright object like the moon or star, and gradually move the focus barrel until everything looks precisely defined.

This is the best tip to capture sharp photos of stars. You can find more in-depth information on how to take sharp night photos in our guide to shoot the Milky Way.

11. Use focus peaking to get sharp photos with manual focus

If you’re using the manual focus to take sharp photos in low-light or other situations, most modern cameras involve focus aids like “ focus peaking.

Using focus peaking, your camera highlights the areas that are in focus in your image in a bright color so you can adjust and capture sharp images using manual focus.

a shot of a train on a train track

Focus peaking is also transformative when employing fully manual lenses like the Rokinon, Laowa, and other optics ideal for shooting the Milky Way.

12. Set the best camera autofocus mode to ensure maximum sharpness

Depending on the subject matter, employing the proper autofocus mode is fundamental for attaining the sharpest images. Generally, to obtain more details in photographs depending on your subject, you should utilize the following focus modes:

  • Autofocus Single (AF-S): To capture sharp scenery photos and other unmoving subjects.
  • Autofocus Continuous (AF-C): To obtain tack-sharp bird photos, sports, and other moving subjects.
  • Autofocus Hybrid: To capture sharp group photographs and other situations where the subject can be stationary or moving.

a desert landscape with trees and shrubbery

You can delve deeper into this topic in our article on autofocus modes in photography.

13. Use the right focus area mode to get pin-sharp photos

Alongside the focus modes, it’s significant to opt for the optimum autofocus area approach to assist fine-tune how and where your camera seeks to focus within a scene.

The primary focus settings to achieve sharp focus in your images are:

  • Single-point area mode: Ideal for sharply capturing landscapes and other static subjects.
  • Dynamic-area mode: To capture sharp photos of actions and other moving objects.
  • Group-area mode: To capture sharp photos of groups.
  • Eye AF region detection: To capture extremely sharp portraits of people and wildlife.

a bird that is flying through the air

We also explain all this in our article on focus methods.

14. Focus on the hyperfocal distance to take sharp landscape photos

Besides utilizing a tripod, the best recommendation to acquire sharp landscape photos is to focus on the hyperfocal distance when you want both the foreground and background to be in focus.

Focusing on the farthest limit at which objects can be acceptably recognized, you’ll maximize the depth of range, and everything from half that distance out to limitless will be suitably clear.

a collage of photos of people on a street

You can find more data and models in our article on the hyperfocal distance.

15. Enable the live view mode to get the sharpest photos in camera

Live view mode uses more battery life, but it works miracles when you need to nail the focus to take the sharpest images.

In my case, when I photograph using my tripod, most times I activate the live view mode to ensure everything is sharply focused or to decide if I need to boost sharpness with more advanced techniques like focus-stacking.

a motorcycle is parked on the side of the road

This is also the most effective suggestion for capturing sharp close-up photos and extensive landscapes.

16. Set the right camera settings to make your photos sharper

Sometimes we take it for granted, but one of the best tips to capture sharp photos is to adjust the optimal settings in-camera.

Aperture, shutter speed, ISO… all the fundamental camera settings involved in the exposure process of a photograph likewise influence the sharpness of your image to a large extent.

Following this, the best techniques for taking sharp photos are achieved by thinking about how the components of the exposure triangle add to not only exposure but also to image sharpness.

a number of stickers on a electronic device

Below you’ll find the ideal configurations to capture razor-sharp photos!

17. Use the right aperture to take sharp, bright photos

For additional information, refer to our guide covering the optimal gluten free dining establishments in Florence.

Simply stated, employing narrower apertures allows you to maximize the depth of field, thus enabling sharper images. However, an aperture that is too narrow can create diffraction issues, decreasing the detail of your photos. Utilize apertures near the “ideal point” of your lens, usually 2 to 3 stops down from the maximum aperture.

You can also apply a wide aperture to take sharp photos with a blurred background, but you need to be attentive to where you set your focus, since the depth of field will be very shallow.

You can find more in-depth info in our guide about aperture in photography.

18. Set the best shutter speed to avoid motion blur

Shutter speed is an essential basic setting to ensure subjects are depicted as sharply as possible. If your subject is moving and an appropriate shutter speed is not utilized, your image will be blurred.

For example, to take clear photos of birds in motion,sports, and other quickly moving subjects, you’ll need to employ a fast shutter speed.

You can also creatively use a slower shutter speed to capture sharp long exposures, though some elements like water and clouds will take on a highly different visual when employing long exposure photography. Adjust the shutter speed as per your subject and aims.

a person standing in the water with a surfboard

Shutter velocity is essential if you want to acquire sharp photos. You can learn more in our guide to shutter velocity in photography.

19. Know the ISO Limits of Your Camera to take cleaner images

Devoting a bit of time experimenting with your camera in low light, and determining the best ISO to acquire sharp images is and at what ISO settings digital commotion starts to become an issue.

Full-frame cameras provide the most flexibility because the bigger light-gathering sensor area allows you to keep the ISO values lower compared to crop-sensor cameras. However, regardless of the camera you use, there are different tips to decrease the digital noise in your photosthat I advise you to be aware of.

two people standing next to each other on a lake

If your aim is to capture sharp images in low light, be cautious since digital noise and sharpening in post-production don`t work well together. If you try to amplify the detail in your image by utilizing the sharpening slider in post-processing, contingent on the program you employ, you may also enhance noise and other artifacts.

You can get a hold of this topic with our resource on ISO in photography.

20. Consider the depth of field to take sharp photos

To capture very sharp images,depth of field is a pivotal element. The proper DOF will ensure the region of your frame containing important subjects is acceptably defined.

As we saw before, the main factor pertaining to obtaining greater depth of field to capture sharper photos is aperture, but other elements also impact depth of field such as the focal length employed, the focusing distance, and the camera sensor size.

a man pouring a lot of liquid into a blender

21. Use the right gear to take clear pictures

The most overlooked factor when attempting to capture tack-sharp images is our camera equipment.

We may have an in-depth cognition of camera settings, but you won’t get sharper photos unless you use the suitable gear corresponding to the genre and scene.

the contents of a backpack are laid out on the floor

Our cameras and lenses are the most critical elements, and don’t worry – you can even take sharp images with your basic lens! But there are a few things to consider, along with other factors that can make our pictures less clear like camera lens filters.

Now, let’s examine the ideal gear for razor-sharp shots!

22. Make sure you’re using the right camera (and your sensor is clean!)

Obtaining sharp images with an entry-level camera is simple in some genres, like landscape or portraiture.

However, if you’re photographing wildlife or sports, the focus rate of your camera will play an enormous role in obtaining consistently tack-sharp photos.

a black and white photo of a camera on a beach

Your camera`s light receptive component also matters as it influences the image quality and resolution achievable, essential for capturing sharp prints.

Finally, don’t overlook to clean your sensor! Especially on the off chance that you plan to take sharper pictures with a mirrorless camera, since sensors in this kind of camera normally gather more dust spots.

23. Select the best lens to get nice, sharp images

If you choose to partake in the helicopter flight, you will arrive at Assiniboine Lodge in just 10 minutes, though the cost is approximately CAD 200$. Flights depart from the Canmore Alpine Heliport, located about a 10-minute drive from Banff.

You can capture images adequately with a general purpose lens. However, this type of lens usually results in softer images compared to more targeted lenses.

The most effective suggestion to capture sharp photos using your prime or zoom lens is to employ an optics of high-caliber that aligns with your camera. Native lenses generally offer the highest image quality since they`re engineered by the same manufacturer, but there are also third-party quality lenses like Sigma or Tamron.

a man taking a picture of himself in the mirror

Be sure that you’re utilizing a fast aperture if you need to freeze the movement of your subject using a quick shutter speed or if you want to capture sharp night photos, since this will allow you to use a lower ISO sensitivity.

24. Be careful when using camera lens filters

Camera lens filters are great imaginative tools to polarize, take long exposures in daylight, and perform many other functions.

However, they can be a two-sided blade if aiming to take the sharpest photographs.

Light can pass through ND filters when taking ultra-long exposures, which results in artifacts and color imbalances that are difficult to remedy.

a man standing in the middle of a river with a camera

Other camera accessories, like UV filters, impact the final image quality. In my opinion, there is little purpose in investing significantly in a high-quality lens only to place an inferior filter in front of it.

My pointer here to acquire sharp photos is to utilize one`s camera lens filters rationally and to stay away from utilizing UV filters.

25. Use the best software to get the sharpest possible photos

Once stabilizing camera quivers and employing the right focus, settings, and equipment, the best recommendation to acquire the sharpest possible images is applying photography software.

There are numerous digital tools available. You can enhance image sharpness in Photoshop or utilize a noise decreasing plugin, boosting the perceived definition.

a mountain range with a bird perched on top

Recall that if your image is entirely out of focus, there isn’t miraculous software that will be able to fix it, but if it’s somewhat blurred, you can use some software to adjust blurred images.

Lastly, If you need to enlarge your images to create a quality print, I highly recommend a tool called Gigapixel AI that allows you to upscale your images without compromising the quality. You can check here my review and tutorial on how to enlarge images with Gigapixel AI.

Keep reading to find out the best techniques to get sharper photos!

26. Start your workflow by applying capture sharpening

During post-processing, several methods are available to help enhance the final output, such as techniques that can yield sharper results.

At first, we want to apply capture sharpening to the whole imported RAW file for making the picture sharper in Lightroom/Photoshop. When shooting JPEG, the camera usually uses capture sharpening on the final image, so consider this if you shoot in RAW.

a cow standing on top of a lush green field

Raw files are best for retaining all image information possible. However, photos straight out of the camera come out “soft” when shooting in RAW

Even if you’re not fond of post-processing, applying capture sharpening forms the foundation for acquiring sharper photos, and you should always do it in your images.

27. Apply selective sharpening to get your subject sharp

Additionally, you should creatively apply selective sharpening where needed. Sometimes, a particular group of trees benefits from crisper foliage, or a rocky outcropping has fine details you want to emphasize.

You can accomplish this in basic editing software using selective tools like gradient filters, radial filters, or the brush.

a field filled with lots of different types of flowers

To put it more precisely, my suggestion is to render your photo sharper using Photoshop. You can accomplish this by placing a Layer Mask over the section of the image you wish to enhance, then applying selective sharpening utilizing any of the sharpening tools available in Photoshop.

28. Adjust the Noise Reduction to get sharper images

Diminishing sound impacts the . On one hand, muting noise improves the look of a picture by softening grain and color disturbance. However, we also lose sharpness and specifics if the noise reduction is excessive.

Sometimes, we can even obtain the impression of sharper images by including grain in post-production. Image grain is straightforward to control and can make our images more realistic in certain scenarios.

a tower with a clock on top of ita tower with a clock on top of it

28. Adjust the noise reduction without compromising sharpness in your images

If interference is diminishing your image quality, the best suggestion to get sharper images is to use any of the best interference-reduction software available.

My preferred choice, in this situation, is Denoise AI, since it is the top software for maintaining detail after applying noise reduction. You can see our full assessment of Denoise AI here.


a black and white photo of a street sign

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29. Use advanced software to recover out-of-focus images

Sometimes, you can follow all the best methods for capturing tack-sharp photos, but there are unexpected circumstances beyond our control: a gust of wind shaking your tripod, a sudden movement of your subject… there are numerous situations when securing the sharpest image is not within our power!

In those circumstances where you slightly miss the focus, you can utilize any of the best software to make blurry pictures clear to recover and make your image sharper.

a brown and white dog standing next to a rock

29. Utilize software to recover and sharpen out-of-focus images

In this case, I always recommend using Sharpen AI. It helped me recover many blurred, special images, and it truly performs like magic! You can see our full review of Sharpen AI here!

a blue and white sign on a black and white sign
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30. Apply output sharpening according to the final destination of your image

Lastly, we need to select the suitable output sharpening for our end destination.

For instance, on certain surfaces the ink can disperse across the print, resulting in a loss of perceived resolution.

Many online image sharing platforms and sites, especially those geared towards social interaction, compress visuals to conserve storage which results in noticeable losses of particulars.

a bird perched on top of a tree brancha bird perched on top of a tree branch

30. Apply output sharpening according to the final destination.

In both scenarios, whether sharper images are desired for printing or on Facebook, we must add output sharpening either before or during the export of final files.

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As is evident, learning how to capture sharp photos necessitates considering many different photographic aspects.

Common mistakes that inhibit producing sharper images relate to camera unsteadiness and focus, so examining those first is recommended for capturing really crisp shots.

All the recommendations to capture sharp photographs pertaining to camera settings and equipment are usually overlooked, so maintain a close view on those too, since they are key aspects influencing image sharpness.

Last but not least, to get incredibly sharp photos, you’ll need to use some software to apply capture, selective, and output sharpening. Don’t forget that there’s also software available to reduce noise and fix out-of-focus images in case something goes wrong!

I hope you found these tips useful and that they help you take ultra-sharp photos on your next shoot!

Do you know any additional tips for capturing sharper photos? Feel free to share them in the comments below!