The Best Museums in Milan

a statue of a man sitting on top of a stone wall

Milan is a great city for those interested in museum visits, and offers many rewards for people who take the time to explore. Must-sees include Da Vinci`s famous Last Supper and the impressive collection housed in the Pinacoteca diBrera. After that, personal preferences come into play. Fans of classical and modern artworks, paintings and sculptures, and history and architecture will have choices. The five on this list really provide a starting point since Milan possesses treasures worth seeing regardless of one`s individual taste.

Best Milan Museum Tours

The 5 Best Museums in Milan

1. Cenacolo Vinciano (Last Supper)

a large group of people sitting in a room Milan`s most renowned work of visual art is found not within the walls of a museum, but instead in the small refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery. Leonardo da Vinci`s famous fresco, created using a blend of pigments, has endured over half a millennium notwithstanding botched restoration efforts, structural modifications compromising portions of the piece, and bombardments that obliterated surrounding structures during wartime, all while retaining its artistic excellence.

Viewings of the Last Supper are tightly controlled. Groups of 30 are brought into the small hall containing the painting for 15-minute periods of time, then promptly escorted out for the next group. The whole viewing experience is only 30 minutes (and just 15 in the actual room holding the painting), but you will likely want to give yourself at minimum an hour complete so you can also explore the piazza outside the rectory.

Purchasing tickets well ahead of time is essential, and they tend to be difficult to find without booking at least a couple months in advance. Due to the brief window for viewing and the painting`s significant artistic and historical value, we strongly recommend experiencing The Last Supper as part of a guided tour. Read more about how to buy tickets, book excursions, and visit The Last Supper at our post here. Open Tuesday through Sunday from 8am to 7pm, with extended hours on Sundays during the peak season (late spring and summer). Closed Mondays.Map

2. Pinacoteca di Brera (The Brera Gallery)

a large building with a clock on the front of it

With its galleries exhibiting works ranging from 14th century classics to avant-garde styles, the Pinacoteca di Brera has been Milan`s most prestigious exhibition hall since Napoleon`s times, when he envisioned the museum to house all finest creations from lands under French control (which then included Milan and much of Italy). Currently, the building, distinguished as Palazzo Brera, also accommodates the Brera Fine Arts Academy alongside the gallery itself, and students intermingle with sightseers in the palazzo`s massive courtyard lined with sculptures (including one of Napoleon).

The museum progresses through mostly Italian works in chronological order, though Flemish artists such as Rubens and Van Dyck are also featured. Huge halls open to expansive art pieces bursting with color and drama from the Baroque era created by masters including Caravaggio and Raphael, as well as less celebrated but hugely impressive works like “Lamentation of Christ” by Lombardian painter Andrea Mantegna. Must-see pieces in the museum involve Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus” and “Discovery of the Body of St. Mark” by Tintoretto.

The Orto Botanico di Brera, a lovely botanical garden, is located directly behind the Palazzo. Often overlooked by tourists, it was utilized by the Jesuits who once inhabited the building to educate about herbal remedies. Today it`s a brick-lined oasis with water features, beautiful flower beds, and stands of Ginkgo Biloba trees.Additionally, fans of superb libraries should not miss the Biblioteca di Brera within the Palazzo, which houses nearly 900,000 historic and literary works (although only 40,000 or so of them are viewable).

The Brera Gallery is not tremendously huge, but it is spacious enough that you will need at minimum 2-3 hours to genuinely experience and explore it. Consider allowing for a longer visit on a pleasant day, so you can appreciate and discover the outdoor courtyard. Entrance costs €10 (€7 for students), with audio guides available (in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German) for an additional €5. Coin-operated storage lockers are also offered for €1. It is open Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30am to 7:15pm (the Ticket Office closes at 6:40pm). Closed Mondays. • Map

3. Musei del Castello Sforzesco (Sforza Castle Museum)

a statue of a man standing next to a clock tower The history of Castello Sforzesco dates back to the fourteenth century, when the region on which it sits served as the northern fortification for the city at a time when canals surrounded it providing protection from invaders. Construction on the stronghold began in the fifteenth century under the leadership of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, and continued over the next six decades under his son Galeazzo Maria and the subsequent Duke Ludovico Sforza. By the seventeenth century, it had become one of the largest citadels across Europe.

Across centuries the castle has undergone various additions, raids, bombings, and rebuilds, housed frescoes created by Leonardo Da Vinci, and now acts as the entryway to Milan’s largest park, Parco Sempione. The extensive structure currently houses many museums, the most notable being the Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesco, containing works ranging from religious paintings of the 15th and 16th Centuries to more secular pieces from Canaletto and Tintoretto. Other collections within the complex comprise one devoted to ancient art, an archaeological museum with artifacts taken from the nearby Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano, and the Musei del Rondanini Pieta, which features the final sculpture ever fashioned by Michelangelo.

Taken together, the fortress and its museums can arguably provide the best way to learn about Milan, as the construction and the artistic works it houses demonstrate the city`s turbulent history and culture over centuries. The grounds and indoor museums are captivating even without deeper context, but a guided tour is strongly suggested for those seeking to fully benefit from the experience.

Found inside a 10-15 minute stroll from the Duomo and also the Centro Storico area, the journey to this rich historical location is really a direct route up Via Cordusio (switching to Via Dante) and a great way to get out and check out more of Milan. You’ll realize you`re near the castle once you see the substantial drinking fountain located outside the entrance. History buffs could easily commit an entire day absorbing the historical and cultural importance of the complex; the people who simply wish to take in the grounds and witness the museum highlights may probably navigate through in 2-3 hrs.

Tickets incorporate entrance to all the Castle galleries; be certain and ask for a map of the complex, as the place is somewhat of a maze. Adults €5, children under 18 are free. Free entry every first and third Tuesday of the month from 2pm onward, and every first Sunday of the month. The castle is open Monday to Sunday 7am-7:30pm; the museums are open Tuesday to Sunday 7am-5:30pm, with last entrance at 5pm, and closed Mondays. • Map

4. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana

a large group of people walking down a hallway This reserved and humble gallery was founded in the early 17th century and contains an impressive array of notable Italian Renaissance artworks, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Portrait of a Musician and Caravaggio’s Basket of Fruit. It is also home to Milan’s oldest library. The building’s understated exterior deters crowds even though it lies a swift 2-minute stroll from the masses of tourists in Piazza del Duomo, establishing a serene refuge for lovers of art and antiquated literature.

The museum’s 24 rooms are arranged in a general chronological order, leaping around somewhat to keep you on your toes. Older works do tend to be in the original section of the main building on the first floor, where Cardinal Federico Borromeo first brought together his collection around 1618. From there the path winds through a maze of hallways, staircases, courtyards, and hidden doors to the big unveiling at the end with Da Vinci’s masterpiece and a series of 16 sketches by the artist.

With over 30,000 manuscripts, the library satisfies book lovers, however a full viewing is impossible. A select few samples appear in display cases while nearly all volumes rest within high cubbies lining the walls, once equipped with bars – an innovative 1600s practice limiting direct access.

Navigating through the 24 rooms takes some time; allocate at least a couple of hours to fully appreciate the exhibits. Note that wheelchair access is not ideal throughout the Pinacoteca, yet the first floor and the Codex Atlanticus (the area containing the Da Vinci works) are accessible. Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am-6pm, with last entry at 5:30pm. Closed Mondays. • Map

5. Cimitero Monumentale

a statue of a man sitting on a bench Although not technically a museum, the Monumental Cemetery of Milan could nearly qualify as one due to the abundant beautiful artistic works contained within. Spread across its 250,000 square meter grounds are thousands of sculptures, ensuring visitors can explore for hours without seeing the same piece twice. Among orderly rows of grand crypts, temples, and mausoleums stand solemn sentinels in the form of ornate obelisks and columns, tucked amidst the park-like foliage and mature trees.

To enter, one will initially make their way through a massive structure with a gothic theme that houses some of the cemetery`s more famous residents, such as novelist Alessandro Manzoni. Much of the building consists of medieval-flavored, open-air hallways lined with dramatic, grief-stricken figurines. The corridors ultimately lead to the towering Civico Mausoleo Palanti in the center of the construction, a memorial for Milanese who were killed in Nazi concentration camps.

Hardly anyone makes the trip here, even though it’s only a 10-minute metro ride from the Duomo, so it’s often just you and the statues enjoying a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of Milan. Many famous Italians are interred here, like the Camparini family (of the Campari spirits brand), so get a map from the ticket office upon arrival. The cemetery also has a Jewish section on the east corner, with a separate entrance. It’s worth seeing both for its craftsmanship and to remember the suffering of Italy’s Jewish population during World War II, like a monument for those killed in the massacre of Meina as depicted in the film Hotel Meina.

The burial ground is extremely expansive, and you will need at minimum 3-4 hours to tour it comprehensively. Photographers in particular will find many photos that are difficult to resist, so allot another hour (at least) if time permits lingering. Admission is complimentary. Be certain to obtain a map of the grounds at the tourism desk situated in the large open plaza initially; you can also pre-book a guided visitation. Open Tuesday to Sunday: 8am-6pm, with final entry at 5:30. Closed Mondays. •Map

More Great Milan Museums

  • Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia (Science Museum): Italy`s largest museum devoted to science and technology contains an exhibit focused on concepts and sketches from Leonardo da Vinci. Admission is €10 for adults, €7,50 for children and students under 26. Open Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday and holidays 10am-7pm. Last entry is 30 minutes before closing. Closed on Mondays. • Map
  • The Fondazione Prada is a sleek, modern art museum structured by the renowned designer Rem Koolhaus that highlights avant-garde exhibits including the “Haunted House” installation built inside a former distillery. Tickets and hours: Adults €15, €10 for children and students under 26. Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am–5pm; Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am–8pm; ticket desk remains open until one hour before closing. Closed Tuesdays. – Map
  • Civic Archaeological Museum of Milan: It has the best collection of Roman artifacts in the city. It contains part of a medieval Roman wall as well as remains from towers dating to 1st-3rd Century AD. Ticket prices and hours: Adults €5, €3 for children under 18. Free entry after 2pm on the first and third Tuesday of the month. Open Tuesday to Sunday 9am–5:30pm; ticket office closes at 4:30pm. Closed Mondays. • Map
  • Gallerie d’Italia: In a historic stately home, in the same square as La Scala, is this collection of the finest nineteenth-century Lombardian art, with a fantastic selection of work by the ground-breaking futurist Umberto Boccioni. Closed on Mondays. • Map
  • Surfjack Hotel & Swim ClubLotus HotelHotel Renew

  • Palazzo Reale: A tour of Italy’s complicated and fractured history becomes slightly clearer by exploring the ‘Royal Palace’, which helps visitors better understand the various rulers of this part of Italy, including the Spanish, French, Viscontis, Sforzas, Habsburgs, and others who have all governed at different points in time. The palace also hosts an assortment of temporary exhibitions. • Map
  • A unique 19th-century private collection that was transformed into a public museum upon the collector`s passing without an heir can be found at the Museo Poldi Pezzoli. The collector meticulously arranged his own home to showcase a variety of historically curated rooms containing prized possessions like suits of armor, timepieces, and Renaissance works by artists like Botticelli, Bellini, and Piero della Francesca. Closed on Tuesdays. •Location
  • Museo delle Culture: Mudec, as Milan’s cultural museum is known, not only possesses a varied ethnographic collection of thousands of fascinating artifacts from around the globe (with a good kids’ area), but it also hosts world-class temporary art and design exhibitions. All this, in a David Chipperfield-designed, light-filled renovated factory that houses Enrico Bartolini’s Michelin-starred restaurant. • Map

Milan Museum Discounts

Those looking to enjoy many of Milan’s museums might consider a tourist pass, which offers a variety of discounts and “fast track” special entrance options, as well as deals on transportation and restaurants. There are three main options to choose from:

  • Milan Pass: This pass lasts for two days, and is a good option for those seeking to pack a lot of sightseeing into a short time frame. It includes free entry to eight of Milan’s top attractions such as the Duomo terraces and museum, and also the Brera Gallery. The pass also offers discounts on some fun non-museum options, like a 20% discount on tickets to the Blue Note jazz club in Porta Nuevo. Prices are €69 for adults (12+) and €29 for kids 4-11. You can buy online, but you’ll need to pick up a voucher at the Milan Visitor Center near Sforza Castle before you can start using it.
  • Visitalia Tourist Card: The Visitalia card is able to be obtained for 1-4 consecutive days, and affords impressive discounts for public transportation helping you journey around at low cost. It`s accepted at 10 distinct museums, and furnishes an array of discount/free/quick entry options along with reductions at a number of restaurants, shopping, and amusement venues. It`s also the least expensive of all options, with passes accessible for €8 for one day, €10 for two, €13 for three, and €14 for four (prices remain identical for all ages). Available online and at various tourist desks situated at Malpenza airport, Stazione Centrale, and Linate Airport.
  • Milano Card: Another ticket for anybody who can pack a large amount into a little time, the card is accessible in 1-3 day increments. It essentially pays for itself quite rapidly on community transportation alone; the pass operates as a slightly more expensive ATM (public transportation) card, which offers free travel on trams, buses, and the underground. It additionally has the broadest selection of discounted museums, with over 30 varied chances to choose from (although the card does not offer as many free entrances and discounts as the other two). To get the most out of it, you’ll need to purchase a Tourist “Museum Card” as an optional addon (it will cost you an additional €10). If you’re planning to get out to the Lake District (Como, Maggiore, or Garda), this pass will give you a 20% reduction on cruises. Your options are for a 1-day pass at €7, a 3-day pass at €13 with 2 days free public transportation, or a 3-day pass for €19 with 3 days free public transportation (passes are for all age groups). Available online and at several tourist desks located at Malpenza airport, Stazione Centrale, and Linate Airport.

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