11 Best Things to Do in Bolivia (in 2024)

a large group of people standing on top of a beach

Choosing the best things to do in Bolivia is hard. Your potential list of what to do in Bolivia is just so long!

So I asked a bunch of travel bloggers to tell me about the most EPIC experiences they had in Bolivia and the results are … just… wow….

What’s in store on this list?

Well, pink river dolphins for one! Yes, pink-freaking-dolphins! Biking down a road called “Death Road” for another!

So get ready for 11 things you definitely will want to do in Bolivia (plus a few tips at the end of what NOT to do):

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Best Things to Do in Bolivia

1. Adventure in the Stunning Uyuni Salt Flats

a statue of a man sitting on top of a pile of sand

Easily the most popular thing to do in Bolivia, the famous Uyuni salt flats draw tourists from around the world.

Why are the Uyuni salt flats so special?

Well, for one thing, they seem to stretch out endlessly into the horizon, creating a trippy sort of effect.

Second, if you’re lucky enough to come after some rain, the salt flats turn into the world’s largest mirror!

Third, the remote location in the Bolivian desert and the lack of light pollution makes for some excellent stargazing! It’s not uncommon to see the Milky Way at night here. Combined with the mirror effect, it can make for some incredible photos of the Uyuni salt flats.

The most popular way to tour the Uyuni salt flatsis as part of a 3 day, 2 night expedition that will also take you through geysers, mountain peaks, colored lagoons, and more.

Read my Bolivian salt flats tips to make sure you maximize your trip to Uyuni! And strap in for one of the best things to do in Bolivia, and the ride of a lifetime!

That is, unless you’re also doing our #2 on our list of what to see in Bolivia….

2. Dare to Bike Down “Death Road”

a man riding a bike down the side of a mountain

What used to be called the World’s Most Dangerous road is now a thrill-seeker’s top thing to do in Bolivia.

In the 1980s, this 64km road that connects La Paz to Coroico reported an average of 200-300 deaths per year.

Drunk drivers, narrow roads, crazy hairpin turns and forces of nature were some of the reasons that resulted in the road being termed ‘Death Road’, or ‘Camino de la Muerte’.

In 2008, a new road opened that brought most vehicles over, leaving the Death Road a popular tourist attraction. The road is bumpy, scenic and almost entirely downhill. Swerve next to a cliff edge, ride under a small waterfall, and don’t forget to take a photo at the iconic fern-covered cliff.

The numerous tour agencies in La Paz offer daredevils a chance to bike down the scenic mountain road, and if you survive, you’ll even be rewarded with a survivor’s T-shirt! -Owen from My Turn to Travel 

3. Discover the Amazon Basin (And Pink River Dolphins) at Selva Soliviana

a body of water with a boat in the distance

One of the coolest places to visit in Bolivia is the part of the Amazon basin known as Selva Boliviana.

The best starting point for a visit is Rurrenabaque, a rather remote small town which can be reached by bus or by plane – though during the rainy season the road conditions make it virtually impossible to get there, and planes get regularly delayed as the runway at the airport isn’t exactly state of the art infrastructure.

Once in Rurrenabaque, travelers have the option to join one of the many guided expeditions which go all the way to the selva, where they can stay in lodges on the water and every day go out in search of the local wildlife which includes the pink river dolphins; crocodiles and caymans; anaconda snakes; jaguars (though these are incredibly hard to spot) and the unmissable monkeys.

Needless to say, sunsets and sunrises are spectacular in this region of the country – even more so because there’s hardly anybody around, meaning that the show can be enjoyed in complete silence!

-Claudia from My Adventures Across the World

4. Light a Stick of Dynamite in Potosi

a man with a beard is standing in front of a wall

For those who make the trip to Bolivia’s lofty Potosi, several treats are in store:

First, not only is it the highest city in Bolivia, but one of the highest cities in the world.

Second, if you have survived Sorojche (altitude sickness), there is another survival activity to test your stamina – a tour of the deep mines.

These mines are located on hills on the edge of Potosi, overlooking the city. It was once the silver mining capital of the world. You meet you guide, can have a (often compulsory) shot of strong Bolivian alcohol, a bumpy ride up into the mines and then in you go.

Here you will find the mines very tight, claustrophobic and dangerous and challenging as you head through the nooks and crannies to meet with one of the miners. These are hard working guys that spend most of their lives in these mines.

On the tour you can bring gifts to these strong miners, see how tough their life is, and afterwards you can light dynamite and blow it up on your own in the mountains!

This is not a trip for the faint hearted and a true travel gem for anyone who backpacks in Bolivia. You can book this tour, one of the most unique things to see in Bolivia, through many tour operators in the city. -Johnny from Don’t Stop Living

5. Feel Like You’re On Another Planet at The Badlands of Tupiza

a mountain range with a mountain range behind it

Bolivia offers surreal vistas by the bucketful, and the southern Badlands of Tupiza are no exception. Even the name sounds desolate, conjuring images of the Wild West.

Tupiza town itself, with its frontier feel, is a popular stop-off for those heading to Argentina or the Uyuni Salt Flats, but the real draw is the surrounding landscape.

Our jeep trip saw us rumbling across parched desert. Stopping to explore on foot, we posed between towering walls of russet stone (Puerta del Diablo), scrambled across giant boulders by the hidden Canyon del Inca, and tried not to giggle at the famously phallic rock formations of the Valle de los Machos.

We ate lunch by a river, under the shade of a lone tree, wondering whether Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid had ever passed through the same beautiful spot.

It was near these Badlands, legend has it, that these notorious outlaws were reputedly shot and killed.

To top it all, we drove high above the plains, to almost 4000m, to gaze open-mouthed across the striking, rocky pinnacles of the Quebrada de Palala. What a finale.

Don’t miss the geological riches of Tupiza’s Badlands, one of the most interesting things to do in Bolivia!-Sara from Travel Continuum

6. Or Go Moon Walking Outside La Paz

a view from the top of a mountain

You don’t have to go far to discover one of the most unique destinations in Bolivia – the Valley of the Moon.

Situated just 10km outside of La Paz, the Valley of the Moon is not actually a valley at all, but a maze of canyons and giant spires made of clay and sandstone, formed as a result of strong winds and rains. The valley is unlike anything you have ever seen before and some say that walking around the valley, feels like walking on the moon.

You don’t need a guide or an organized tour to check out the valley. Simply, show up, pay the admission fee (only a couple of dollars) and follow one of the two paths to get around the valley.

Don’t forget your camera, because the views really are out of this world! -Oksana and Max from Drink Tea & Travel 

7. Take a Cable Car in La Paz

a crowd of people standing on top of a field

You know what’s great about the best thing to do in La Paz?

It costs less than a dollar!

La Paz’s public transportation system includes some truly incredible cars that will zip you from the center of the city up to the nearby hillsides.

The cable cars are used as public transport (it’s a lot faster than taking a bus down the valley side into the city), but the system is new, clean, and very tourist friendly.

There are several different lines you can take, each with unique views of the city and nearby mountains.

On a clear day you can even see the stunning Illimani mountain hovering in the background!

There are so many things to do in Bolivia, but don’t miss out on this amazing attraction in La Paz, one of South America’s more underrated cities.

8. Walk With the Dinosaurs in Sucre

an animal that is standing on some rocks

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The largest collection of dinosaur prints in the world can be found just outside of Sucre at Parque Cretacico. Here you can see thousands of footprints from dinosaurs that roamed the area millions of years ago.

The footprints are along a 1.2 kilometre cliff in the park.

A cliff you say? How did the dinosaurs walk up a vertical cliff?

They didn’t.

The ground has shifted due to the tectonic plates and is now a vertical cliff. The footprints were found in the 90s when they were mining the area for limestone. Once those layers were removed the dinosaur prints were discovered.

A new path was recently made in the park so that you can walk down close to the footprints.

A guide takes you through the park and tells you which type of dinosaur each print is from. It costs 30 bolivian pesos to get in and is well worth it! -Nicole from Travelgal Nicole

9. Explore a Cloud Forrest in Samaipata

a lush green hillside with palm trees

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Around 3 hours’ drive from Santa Cruz is the tiny village of Samaipata.  A huge change from the busy, hectic Santa Cruz, Samaipata is a pretty little town with plenty to do nearby.

Close to the Amboro National Park, you can even hike into the cloud forest from here to see giant ferns over 4 meters high.  The hike can be tough if you’re not used to the altitude in Bolivia, but the views are definitely worth the effort!

On the other side of town, there are several waterfalls to visit, and El Fuerte, a huge rock on the top of a mountain which was inhabited by several indigenous groups since 400 AD, from the Mojocoya people to the Chané, Guaraní and the Incas.  

Even the Spanish colonialists used the site to secure a trade route between Asunción in Paraguay & Lima in Peru.  The rock is vast, and its position had religious significance for the people who lived there, who carved drawings into the rock. -Claire from Tales of a Backpacker 

10. Take a Boat Ride on Lake Titicaca

a beach with a large body of water

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One of the most incredible things to do in Bolivia is to visit Lake Titicaca. Impossibly rich shades of blue will make it pretty hard for you to take your eyes off them.

At 3812 metres above sea level, Lake Titicaca is said to be the world’s highest navigable body of water. And if that wasn’t impressive enough in itself, it also happens to be one of the largest lakes in South America.

Spilling over into Peru as well, this lake is believed to be the cradle of Peru’s ancient civilizations. The Incas are the most well-known ancient civilization to have lived here, preceded by Pukara, Tiwanaku and Collas.

The ancients believed that this was the birthplace of the sun.

For any visitor here, I would recommend a boat ride to Isla de Sol and the floating islands. Be warned though, boating on this lake can be a bit risky.

Our boat’s engine decided to call it a day right in the middle of the lake and the locals in charge of the boat kept doing their best to bring it back to life. We all exchanged nervous-yet-trying-not-show-it glances at each other for a good 45 minutes until the engine finally roared back into life.

One of those moments that remind you it’s not an adventure unless you’re miserable at some point!-Namita of Radically Ever After

11. Marvel at an Ancient Pyramid at Tiwanaku

a stone wall with stairs leading up to it

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Tiwanaku (or Tiahuanaco) is the ruins of an ancient civilization, and a visit to it should be on any list of things to do in Bolivia. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a pyramid, an underground temple, the Gate of the Sun, and monoliths.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much left as it was meant to be. The Spanish, during colonization, destroyed most of it and it wasn’t until 1960’s that it finally came under Bolivian protection. 

It was inhabited as early as 1580 BC and it’s still an important site for the local population.

The gate of the sun, even though it’s suffered a lot and it isn’t even in its original position, is impressive and the carvings are still very detailed and intricate. The pyramid, or what’s left of it, is still amazing!

When you visit it, hire a local guide and take your time. Visit the 2 museums, they’re worth it, and maybe even stop by the ruins of Pumapunku too! And remember to take it easy because of the altitude! -Thais from World Trip Diaries

What NOT to Do in Bolivia

Ok, so now you know what to do in Bolivia – but what about what NOT to do in Bolivia?

Here are 3 common mistakes that many tourists to Bolivia make:

Don’t spend much time in Uyuni town

Uyuni is a popular tourist attraction in Bolivia because it’s the base for the salt flats tour, but the town itself is a pretty miserable place to spend time (I should know, as I was once stranded there!). So spend as little time there as possible before heading out to experience the salt flats!

Don’t assume everything will go according to plan

Travel in Bolivia can sometimes be an exercise in patience. Things don’t always go according to plan. For example, my trip to Uyuni nearly got ruined by huge protests.

When things go wrong, I personally find it helpful to have a backup plan.

I personally used World Nomads to provide insurance for my trip to Bolivia, and appreciate that they provide simple and flexible coverage.

Don’t schedule too short a trip to Bolivia

Many travelers to South America breeze through Bolivia in just a couple days, but there is so much to experience in Bolivia! Allowing a few more days on your itinerary will really let you take in the full beauty of Bolivia.


What are your top things to do in Bolivia?

Let me know in the comments!

Also check out our guide to finding cheap international flights to help you score a killer deal to Bolivia. Even experienced travelers are likely to learn a few new tricks for saving money from!

I hope we’ve helped you find out what to do in Bolivia!

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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