Travel is Fatal to Prejudice (Reflections on the Mark Twain Quote)

a man walking down a dirt road past a herd of cattle

β€œ Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime. ”

– Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad

Mark Twain’s travel quote that β€œtravel is fatal to prejudice” has long fascinated me. While I often think about travel privilege, and what it means that international travel is easiest for the financially fortunate, I think it is hard to argue with Twain’s argument in favor of the value of travel.

I firmly believe that travel helps break down barriers, reduce prejudice, and bring the world closer together. When you travel, you quickly realize that humanity’s commonalities far outweigh the tiny differences that we too often allow to divide us.

To highlight this positive aspect of travel, I’ve asked some fellow travel bloggers to share some stories reflecting on Twain’s famous quote that travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.Β 

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Reflections on How Travel is Fatal to Prejudice

Travel is Fatal to Prejudice: Fighting Ebola Alongside Sierra Leone’s Nurses

a sign that is on the side of a road

While I agree with Twain that travel inspires β€œbroad, wholesome views of men and things,” I believe he has left out something essential: Women.

As a nurse who travels to Africa often on medical missions, I am lucky to get to peek into women’s lives in parts of the world that many travelers don’t see. I am constantly blown away by the strength of women in places where we are told that they are subdued, submissive, and secondary.

Never was this more eye opening than when I volunteered to go to Sierra Leone to help fight the Ebola outbreak. At that time, the world was hearing only a single story about West Africans: impoverished, poorly educated, and desperate. We Americans would arrive to save the day.

But day one of training alongside the Sierra Leonean nurses proved that I would need them just as much as they needed me. A beautiful young nurse I’ll call Mariama quickly befriended me. She had been working in Ebola Treatment Units for six months already and had forgotten more about it than I’ll ever know.

Mariama volunteered to treat Ebola patients without asking for her family’s permission since she knew they would not approve. She told me she wanted to do her part to save her country. She had to move near the clinic where she worked and only saw her husband and child when she could get a few days off to travel home. When I asked her if she wanted more children, she said noΒ β€œbecause it doesn’t leave time for my work, and I love my work.”

Mariama told me what to expect when I started treating Ebola patients. She taught me tricks to tie my hair back in a way that wouldn’t get in the way of my protective equipment. She gave me someone to look up to and learn from, when I had naively thought I was the one coming to save her.

Each time I volunteer in Africa, I have this experience over and over. Each time, I meet more brave, brilliant, amazing women who defy the stereotypes that have been set for them. Each time, I am reminded anew that we can stop viewing African women with pity and instead give them the respect and awe they deserve.

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India: More than Just Snake Charmers and Elephants

Maria from shares her reflections on how travel has affected her and her home country, and how travel has been fatal to prejudice for her:Β 

a field filled with lots of green grass

My desire to see the world got etched in my mind, ever since I started reading books from a very young age. Books have no doubt been my friends for life. Reading transported me to a completely different world.

From the confines of my home, reading stroked the fumes of my imagination and let me wander to places I never would ever dream of going, until one day, I decided that I wanted to actually experience firsthand, all that I read about different parts of the world. Suddenly, I was no longer content to just be happy reading about people, places, countries, culture, food, traditions etc.

I wanted to see it for myself and that’s when, after my first international travel, the travel bug bit me. The travel bug has seen stung me many times and each sting led to a different country! Travel has evolved me as a person and taught me a lot of things and one of them is, as per Mark Twain.

I completely agree with the above quote of Mark Twain.

I am from India, which as all know is the world’s second largest populated country and we are a developing country with a huge diversity and IndiaΒ is endowed with almost all the importantΒ topographicalΒ features, such as high mountains, extensive plateaus, and wide plains traversed by mighty rivers.

There is definitely more to India then just β€˜Snake Charmers’ and β€˜Elephants’. India is a traveler’s paradise; India is a treasure trove of Unity in Diversity and the Democracy that we enjoy is by far the best, no doubt about that and I am proud of my country.

There is however, a lot of scope for improvement in terms of maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, reducing noise pollution etc. It is very easy for us in our love for our country, to sometimes belittle other countries and this brings to mind a quote by Chris Bradford – β€œaΒ frog in a wellΒ does not know the great sea.”

It was through reading and during my travels, that I discovered that other countries are very rich in their own heritage. There is a lot we can learn from other countries with respect to not shoving and pushing in public places, not littering public places, to follow the traffic rules, to not honk unnecessarily. Most people in India have very little tolerance. We tend to look down upon β€œIndians” seeing their lousy manners etc., but forget that I am an Indian too.

More and more of us Indians are now traveling beyond our cultural and geographical boundaries and exploring new countries and cultures and are developing the appreciation for others’ art, culture, history, food, architecture etc.

Over the years, we Indians have progressed in our way of thinking and opened ourselves up to the world. We are promoting our country as an attractive cheap tourist destination, with loads to offer. We have started imbibing the West in a number of ways. All this openness would not have been possible if we had not dared to venture out of our little corner of the earth and so truly, travel is fatal to prejudice.

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Proving Twain Right and Learning to Love Different Culture’s Cuisines

Zainab from Discover With Zainab reflects on Mark Twain’s quote that travel is fatal to prejudice and shares her tale of learning to appreciate another culture’s cuisine:Β 

a woman sitting on a bench reading a book

Prejudice: Vietnamese people eat cats, dogs and insects. Ok extreme, but it’s something my mum ingrained in my head about all people from South East Asian countries. She also freaked out when I said I was going to live in Vietnam and told me I would be trafficked into an Asian prostitution ring.

So, understandably I also freaked out when I landed in Hanoi and visited a supermarket when I was hungry and found nothing Western, couldn’t read the language and even saw snails in a box. Nice.

However, after living there for 7 months, I can confidently say that they have really nice food. I like pho – the national dish of noodle soup, served with meat (usually beef or chicken), broth, rice noodles and herbs.

There’s also bun cha – grilled meat, noodles, herbs and dipping sauce. My Teaching Assistant once brought me a street food dish of sweet and spicy noodles with quail’s egg and I can’t remember what it’s called but it was yummy. There is also plenty of Western food, burger joints and food delivery app options for when comfort is necessary.

So in summary; traveling proved that my prejudice against Vietnamese food being β€˜weird’ was unfounded. It also proved that it’s stupid to think you won’t find something you like and will therefore go hungry. Sometimes it wasn’t as spicy as I would’ve liked and maybe dog meat was used illegally on occasion. But it really wasn’t the end of the world for me.

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Breaking Prejudice and Barriers Through Travel

Praveen fromΒ vagabondtales.inΒ shares his thoughts on Twain’s quote that travel is β€œfatal to prejudice,” as well as how travel has changed his view of other places:Β 

a man walking down a dirt road past a herd of cattle

The idea is fascinating to write about for me, given I grew up in a small town in a remote corner of India. Prejudice, bigotry and caste-ism are strongly woven in our everyday lives. It varies from casual remarks about being extra cautious with our Muslim friends to not let the man who cuts our hair inside our home.

Not intended to throw dirt on my place and my people but I believe most of the conflicts in the world are to do with our closed minds that is too stubborn or egoistic to see things from the other side or haven’t had the chance to be exposed to the other side.

Travel gave me a chance to see that the people from the rest of India need not be as bad as I grew up to believe despite our differences, that the Dutch are just wonderful people like anyone else and not to be looked down upon just because they have e, that there is much more wonderful and beautiful to America than what those Hollywood movies make us believe, that not everyone has to worship cows and still the world is perfectly all right, that I do not have to be scared if I find men of African origin in the street I am walking.

Travel made me a much better man than I was and hopefully will make me a lot better man than I am. To travel is to love, to travel is to believe, to travel is to mature, to travel is to open up and break barriers, to travel is to be humane.

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Travel is fatal to prejudice β€” is it your favorite Mark Twain travel quote too?

How has travel shaped your view of the world? Do you agree with Mark Twain that travel is fatal to prejudice? Is it your favorite Mark Twain travel quote too?Β 

Let us know in the comments. And, as always be sure to check out Travel lemming on FacebookΒ &Β  Pinterest!

a man is standing in the grass near a road

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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