Is California Safe for Travel Now? (A Local Answers)

a man and a woman posing for a picture

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As one of the largest American states, you may be wondering, is California safe? The beauty of the Golden State and its notoriety for Hollywood celebrities makes it one of the most visited places in the world, but there are some things to know before you go.

As a California local for the past twenty-six years, I can tell you that California is generally a safe place to travel year-round. However, there are some local tips and tricks that will help you avoid any sketchy situations on your visit. In this article, I’ll fill you in on things like safety in the big cities, common scams to avoid, and earthquake and wildfire safety.

I’ve put together some California safety tips for you next time you visit the many beautiful places in California. Let’s dive in!

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Is California Safe?

California is generally a safe place to travel, although travelers should still take necessary precautions to avoid petty theft, especially in big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Although California has a relatively low crime rate, it ranks in the middle of the safest states in the U.S. This is due to its massive size and its many dense metropolitan areas that are prone to a higher property crime rate than smaller rural California towns.

Because California is a huge tourist destination, violence typically does not affect tourists. The recent rise of gun violence in the United States impacts mostly residents. Visitors are more likely to encounter property crime, so keeping an eye on your belongings will ensure your utmost safety in California. 

Things to Know About Safety in California

Safe Neighborhoods and Areas in California

a sign that is on the side of a building

Most beach towns in California are safe to stay in or visit. The safest beach cities include Laguna Beach, Aliso Viejo, and Carmel-by-the-Sea. California beach towns with large median household income rates receive fairly low crime rates and are family-friendly places to stay.

Mountain towns in California are also generally safe areas to stay. These include Mammoth Lakes, Lake Arrowhead, and Idyllwild. These places have a low property crime rate because they are somewhat remote.

Other safe neighborhoods in California are areas that have an expensive cost of living like Beverly Hills and Palm Springs. Because rent, hotels, and food are more expensive in these areas, thieves are more likely to stay out of these places.

Crime in California

Let’s analyze two types of crime in California: property crime and violent crime.

Property crime in California has been on the decline since the 1990s. Studies show that property crime hit a record low during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2020, property crime rates have increased and are back up to pre-pandemic levels. However, overall property crime is still trending downward.

Violent crime has decreased since its peak in the 1990s. Most of the violent crimes are aggravated assaults in major cities. Many cities in California’s Central Valley struggle with increasing violent crime. Kern, Fresno, and San Joaquin counties have some of the highest aggravated assault rates in the state. These primarily impact residents, not tourists.

Most crime that affects tourists in California are property crimes like burglary, vandalism, and trespassing. You should especially watch out for pickpocketing or a car break-in.

The best way to avoid being the victim of such crimes is to always keep an eye on your belongings and only carry the essentials. Have enough money for the day in your wallet and leave the rest secured in the hotel room. Don’t leave anything visible in your car when parking in a big city.

Both tourists and residents are subject to petty crimes, so it’s best to be on alert while in California. The chances of a traveler experiencing a property crime or violent crime in California are low, but you should still take precautions.

Common Scams in California

The property crime rate in California is lower than in most states, but tourists can still encounter common scams like pickpocketing in the Golden State. Here are the main scams you should look out for:

🗺️ Tour scams – Oftentimes when tour operators know someone is a tourist, they will charge them double the price of the regular tour. My biggest tip to avoid this scam is to compare prices online before visiting a tour operator in person!

💰 Pickpockets – Pickpocketing is one of the most common property crimes in California. Although the property crime rate fell significantly this year compared to previous years, incidences still occur.

Pickpocketing is a common property crime in California, especially in major urban centers like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. 

To avoid a pickpocket while in the city, try wearing a money belt under your clothes. Keep your backpack or purse in the front of your body, as opposed to the side or back where you can’t see it.

👛 Mugging – Nobody wants to experience mugging, especially while on vacation. Although rare, this form of aggravated assault can happen in even the safest cities. It’s best to take precautions while traveling.

Don’t walk alone at night, especially in major cities. Mugging can happen during the day, but you’re more likely to get mugged after sunset. If you can, try to drive or take a rideshare to and from your destination to avoid walking in the street at night.

🚕 Taxi scams – Taxi scams are common around the world. These happen when taxi drivers take a longer route on purpose, don’t turn the meter on, or claim they don’t have change when you give them a large bill.

To avoid a taxi scam, research the route ahead of time to know how long it should take to your destination. Also, make sure the driver turns on the meter to avoid being scammed. You may want to opt for a rideshare to avoid taxi scams for good. 

Gas scam – A major property crime in California is ripping people off at the gas station. California has the highest gas prices out of any other U.S. state and as a result, gas has become a hot commodity.

Many gas scams happen at the pump. Thieves are able to take your card information and commit credit card fraud on your account. I recommend using cash when filling up to avoid being scammed. 

Make sure you also lock your gas cap at all times, as thieves have been known to rob parked cars of their gas in California.

📱 Someone taking your photo scam – This scam is one of the oldest in the book. Be careful who you ask to take a photo of you in front of major California attractions like the Hollywood sign or the Golden Gate Bridge because thieves have been known to steal phones this way in California.

Although this non-violent crime is rare, it is still possible. A good way to avoid this scam is to ask a family to take your photo.

🚘 Motor vehicle theft – Car break-ins are the most common form of property crime affecting California’s major tourist destinations. You’ve probably seen reports of smash-and-grabs happening at a high rate in places like San Francisco. A smash-and-grab is when thieves smash your car windows and take everything inside before driving away. It can happen in minutes.

To avoid a car break-in, make sure your car is always locked when parked. Do not leave anything visible in your car, especially not luggage, shopping bags, or personal items.

Break-ins are especially common around the holidays in California. A good rule of thumb is to lock your car at all times, even when you’re inside.

Hazardous Weather and Natural Disasters

a woman sitting on top of a rock looking at the mountains

California sits right on the San Andreas Fault line and is incredibly prone to earthquakes. California locals are so used to earthquakes that if there’s just a small one, we may not even notice it.

This can be alarming for visitors, however. The best action to take if you experience a California earthquake is to either duck under a table and cover your head, or step outside immediately, where no infrastructure could possibly crumble. Follow these tips for earthquake safety.

Also, be wary of rainstorms in California. Southern California is a desert and doesn’t get too much rain. However, this leaves the area prone to mudslides and flooding if heavy rains do occur. Make sure to check road conditions if driving around Southern California during a rare storm.

On the other hand, Northern California experiences a fair amount of rain. Depending on when you visit California, be prepared for an unexpected rainstorm by always having a rain jacket on hand.

Finally, many areas of California have been prone to wildfires recently, thanks to the impacts of climate change and poor fire management practices. The main fire season is from July to October. Wildfires mainly happen in rural or mountainous areas, but sometimes the smoke can cause poor air quality that spreads for miles outside the area affected by fire.

Safety on Public Transportation

Taking public transportation is a great way to get around California’s cities. Because this mode of transportation is so reliable and affordable, many California locals from different demographics take public transportation.

You may encounter property crime on California’s public transportation, including buses and trains. Travelers are more prone to pickpocketing than locals on public transportation in major California cities. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas.

Female Travel Safety in California

a woman posing for a picture in front of mountains

California is a safe state for solo female travel in the USA. As a female myself, I have made many California trips outside of my hometown both alone and with other female friends without encountering any violent crimes.

California is a very progressive state and is no stranger to solo female travel. Most California locals are very friendly, and will almost always offer a helping hand if you are in need.

You should still be a cautious traveler in California, especially in major areas like Los Angeles County, San Diego, and San Francisco. I recommend the buddy system for going out at night in California, just to be on the safe side.

Is Tap Water Safe to Drink in California?

a young boy sitting on top of a green balloon

Tap water is completely fine to drink in California. You will not get sick from drinking tap water, so feel free to fill up your bottle at a public water fountain.

Visitors to California are unlikely to encounter any difficulties with California’s tap water. The water in large cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, or San Diego is fine to drink.

That being said, some rural areas of California lack access to clean water. Areas in California’s Central Valley struggle to provide clean tap water for residents.

If you have any concerns about the water where you are staying, play it safe and buy a filter.

7 Safety Tips for California

Tip #1 – Be Alert on the Freeways

a parking lot filled with lots of cars and trucks

The California tempo is go go go. It seems as if everyone is late for work, has a pilates class to get to, or needs to get to a hospital judging by the way they drive.

Be prepared to encounter some crazy California drivers on our huge 6-8-lane freeways. Know the traffic laws if you are coming from out of the country before you rent a car because highway patrol officers are more than happy to stop speeding Californians.

Tip #2 – Leave the Flashy Accessories Behind

a man and a woman standing on top of a mountain

This helpful travel tip holds true for not just the Golden State, but for travel in general. Leave your flashy accessories like nice watches, real jewelry, and expensive shoes behind so you don’t stand out as having something worth robbing you of.

I recommend leaving your expensive goods either at home or in your hotel room safe to avoid being the victim of a property crime.

Tip #3 – Only Bring What You Need for the Day

a street scene with people walking around

Although I have never been robbed in California, it does happen. Leave most of your cash and non-important credit cards behind in your hotel room so you aren’t completely stranded and out of luck if you are pickpocketed.

A good travel rule is to only bring what you need to spend during the day in your wallet. This likely includes money for food, tips, souvenirs, and possibly public transportation.

Tip #4 – Lock Your Car and Bike

Make sure your car doors are locked at night before you go to bed. Car theft happens even in the nicest neighborhoods like Beverly Hills and Palm Springs.

Also make sure to double-check that your hotel door is locked and don’t forget to lock up your bike, just in case. It’s important to take every precaution possible to not lose your valuables while on vacation.

Tip #5 – Avoid California’s Public Transportation During Rush Hour

a walkway that leads to a train station

You are most likely to be pickpocketed on public transportation during rush hour in California. Be extra cautious when public buses are crammed with passengers, this is when you are most likely to be scammed.

If you must take public transportation at this time, keep your backpack or purse in front of your body at all times so you can keep an eye on it. Be aware of obvious, intentional distractions as well. This could be a property crime tactic.

Tip #6 – Don’t Walk Alone at Night

people walking down a street at night

Not walking alone at night is one of the most important rules when traveling to a new location. This is the time when visitors are most likely to experience property crime, so try to drive or take a rideshare when possible.

Some areas of California might be okay to walk alone at night like some safe California cities, but always avoid this in major metropolitan areas like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento.

Tip #7 – Carry a Non-lethal Weapon

It may be in your best interest to carry a non-lethal weapon during your time in California. Even as a California local, I still carry pepper spray almost everywhere I go, just in case.

Another option is to carry a personal alarm, as it’ll alert nearby people to your distress and ward off would-be attackers.

California Safety FAQs 

Is California a safe place to live?

California has been ranked the 27th safest state in the United States. California ranks in the middle for the national average of safety in the U.S. It has a relatively low property crime rate and is suited as a family-friendly place to live.

What is the safest city in California?

Beach cities in California tend to be the safest. These include Aliso Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Laguna Niguel, and Rancho Palos Verdes. There are hardly any violent crimes in these cities.

Is California safe for tourists?

California is one of the top destinations in America for tourists. It is incredibly safe for visitors and the crime rate among travelers is relatively low.


I hope I answered your main concerns about “is California safe?” Next up, read our guide to safety in San Francisco.

Enjoy California!

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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