Where to Go in the Peloponnese

See Also

a rocky cliff overlooking a large body of water

Recommended Peloponnese Itineraries

Covering an area of around 21,500 square kilometers, the Peloponnese region occupies the southern portion of Greece. It was home to many historical events pivotal to the nation`s development and welcomed civilizations significant to Europe. By all accounts, it has a long history, with places such as Olympia, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Mystras, Corinth, Tiryns and Monemvasia still prominently mentioned today in recounting the past.

The Peloponnese was the initial tract of terrain to initiate the Greek War of Independence and the initial to be asserted independent once the Ottoman Turks were at first defeated. Greece’s first capital was stated in Nafplio. It’s a land of rugged mountains, cleft valleys and gorges, and bountiful plains – and boasts some of Greece’s most enticing beaches.

To experience it in its entirety could potentially take longer than your allotted travel time allows, so here are some itineraries that will help you make the most of the time available. The best way to see the Peloponnese is by renting a vehicle, though significant planning also permits seeing many sites below using public transit. The schedules envision touring with your own transport wishing to visit as numerous locations as feasible. (See also mini-itineraries under each destination entry)

a large building with a clock on top of it

3-Day Itinerary

With only three days available, a tour of some key sites along the Argolis Peninsula in northeastern Peloponnese would be best. You could save backtracking by taking an early boat to Poros from Piraeus, then working your way back to Athens via Nafplio,Mycenae,Epidaurus, and Corinth. Overnight stays suggested in Nafplio and Epidaurus.

5-Day Itinerary

Starting your journey in the charming town of Nafplio makes for an ideal initial stop while also taking in nearby Epidaurus and Mycenae. Head down the coastline before crossing to Tripoli then steer north into Arcadia`s interior, settling for a night in the rural locales of Stemnitsa or Dimitsana. Cut through mountain passes to the original site of the Olympic Games in Olympia. Boldly thrust across additional highlands to reach Kalavryta for another countryside evening. Return to Athens along the scenic Gulf of Corinth coastal road.

1-Week Itinerary

With two additional travel days, planning is more relaxed. Begin again in Athens and head to Nafplio via Epidaurus and Mycenae. Following Nafplio, travel south to the sizable Monemvasia and spend a night within the medieval walled town on a rock encompassed by sea. From Monemvasia, journey west across to Kalamata while visiting the late Byzantine Mystras along the way. Continuing further westwards, find the ocean again at Pylos. If energy allows, include the Koroni/Methoni loop for a swim (an added 100kms) and make Olympia your two-night destination. Cut kilometers and head northeast to Kalavryta for an early evening meal. Return to Athens through the speedy coastal freeway while briefly stopping at Ancient Corinth or the breathtaking Corinth Canal along the route.

2-Week Itinerary

With a fortnight available, you have a very flexible route ahead and can take in most of the 15 listed sites here. Depending on whether you start from Patras (after arriving by ferry from Italy) or Athens, you can shape a general counter-clockwise or clockwise route curving the route as much or as little as possible. A counter-clockwise route might include the following sites in this sequence: Patras, Kalavryta,Arcadia,Olympia,Pylos,Kalamata,Mystras,Mani,Gytheio,Monemvasia,Nafplio,Mycenae,Epidaurus,Porto Heli,Poros,Corinth. From Athens as your starting point reverse the route.

a collage of photos of people playing a video game



a large building with a clock tower on topan aerial view of a street sign with a sky background

Even today, many think of Arcadia as a poets` utopia where sheep frolic on rolling hills under shady plane trees. Arcadia – also known as Arkadia or Arkady – has always held a fascinating allure for travelers, even those previously unaware of its existence. Arcadia, located in the Peloponnese, lives up to its emotive reputation as the leafy green heart of the region.


Sheltered for eras by imposing mountains, the broad Arcadia region has stayed relatively untouched and unconquered by most outsiders – even the marauding Dorians who descended from the north in pre-classical times and invaded and settled what today constitutes Greece. Arcadia is not a single spot as such, but rather an expansive geographical area that extends from Mt Erymanthos in the north to Tripoli in the south, focusing chiefly on the villages of Stemnitsa and Dimitsana. Eastward, the region extends to a coastal section that runs between Kiveri in the north and Leonidi in the south.

Arcadia allows for gradual exploration under your own power as buses are infrequent and their timetables are designed more for locals than visitors. Dimitsana is a medieval-like settlement with a permanent population of just over 300 residents. It serves as a good base for hiking or rafting; serious trekkers may consider the 72.5-kilometer Menalon Trail that winds through the ever-changing terrain of Arcadia`s heart from Stemnitsa to Langadia in eight sections averaging around 9 kilometers each. The trail passes through gorges, river valleys and mountain slopes. Four villages along the way offer lodging and dining options. While tourism is not central to the area, it is a compelling, timeless land that mirrors the utopian image we all like to believe exists – when in reality it actually does.


Most travelers will prefer to personally experience this poetically named land according to their own schedule and interests, freely exploring on their own means of transportation. Visitors can allocate as little or as much time to explore Arcadia as they wish. The distances when viewed on a map are not enormous, but travel will be leisurely. Allow a minimum of two to three days to do justice to Arcadia. Guests aiming to appreciate the atmosphere are advised to stay in either Stemnitsa or Dimitsana to take advantage of more lodging and dining options. Day visitors could simply take in either of these two villages from Tripoli.

Recommended Arcadia Hotels

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  • Enastron Guesthouse – Stone-constructed Dimitsana guesthouse located in this scenic town, providing in-room fireplaces for comfort.
  • MANNA – Luxurious new 5-star hotel nestled in the scenic Mount Mainalo forest.

Getting There and Around

Personal transportation is prominent in Arcadia. The region is best approached from the south via Tripoli on the E65 motorway leading to Athens, which connects to the winding route 74 over the mountains conveniently guiding to Olympia (80kms). Adventurers may also enter Arcadia from Kalavryta (82kms) along a winding secondary road cutting through some of the remotest territory of the Peloponnese. Tripoli`s bus station will helpfully transport visitors to the main centers for around €6 to €9.


a statue of a man sitting on top of a pile of rocksa street sign with a sky background

Two divergent destinations can be found in close proximity here: Ancient Corinth and the Corinth Canal. Ancient Corinth showcases the remnants of one of the largest and most pivotal cities of ancient Greece, while the Corinth Canal stands as one of the modern nation`s more impressive feats of engineering.


Ancient Corinth was once among Greece`s most major and populated city-states, having been occupied from no less than as early as the 7th century BC. At its peak in 400 BC, it had a population of 90,000. Few remnants exist of its Classical and Hellenistic durations, however; after the Romans seized Corinth in 146 BC, they rebuilt a new city on a similar site almost a hundred years later. Today, the key sights are the striking sea-view Temple of Apollo (one of the last surviving of the city`s Greek ruins), pillars and walls from the ancient Roman city, and a little however impactful museum. Visitors can also travel a bit further up into the fortified mediaeval hilltop citadel of Acrocorinth – tough shoes and endurance required. Ancient Corinth is a popular destination for Christian travelers, as the location featured prominently in the New Testament and in the missionary voyages of the Apostle Paul.

Connecting the Gulf of Corinth in the Ionian Sea and the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, the Corinth Canal renders the land separating mainland Greece from the Peloponnese almost like an island. Cutting through the narrow strip of land between the two major landmasses shortens the journey between the two seas by around 700kms compared to traveling by land. In ancient times, Greeks had long imagined fashioning a waterway to join the two bodies of water through the terrain, but the topography hindered any attempt at making it a reality. This status remained unchanged until the new Republic of Greece was formed in 1830. After much debate and trade-offs with a French company, construction got underway in 1882 but quickly depleted funds. New financing was secured, and work recommenced in 1890 and was ultimately finished – 11 years following the initial excavations –in 1893. The canal, an engineering marvel, has never truly turned a profit from shipping traffic. Its exceedingly high walls, the unstable nature of the rock walls (causing frequent rockfalls), and turbulent currents from both seas at times rendered passage through the canal rather perilous. In later years, larger vessels could no longer navigate the passage. Occasionally some cruise ships make the effort and squeeze through narrowly but, by and large, today the canal exists mainly as a spectacular tourist attraction. The canal offers breathtaking scenery and is worth the brief detour – but think twice if you have a fear of heights.


Both Ancient Corinth and the Corinth Canal are conveniently visited as optional side trips when either entering or exiting the Peloponnese by road. Allow around two hours to tour Ancient Corinth – double that amount of time if making the extra journey up to Acrocorinth as well. It will take no more than half an hour to comfortably appreciate the views at the Canal, but there are a couple activities there for you and/or children like Zulu Bungy on the east side or Splash Waterpark Isthmos on the west side. Cafes and restaurants on either side of the canal offer a quick and casual lunch option.

Recommended Hotels near Corinth

Most travelers to Corinth will remain in Athens or Nafplio, as the town is just an hour outside both destinations. Only those aiming to maximize their time at the ruins should consider lodging in Corinth.

  • Pegasus Rooms – Accommodations include doubles, quads and family rooms within walking distance of the ruins; amenities incorporate a garden courtyard and sea views.
  • The Vasilios Marinos Rooms offers clean, peaceful accommodations in close proximity to historic sites, and their homemade breakfast is a highlight.
  • Apollon Filoxenia Hotel – Clean, modern hotel in the center of new (not Ancient) Corinth, 13-minute drive to the ruins.

Getting There and Around

Both locations are conveniently accessible by private transport, situated just off the main highway approximately one hour west of Athens at the edge of the Peloponnese peninsula. Either site can also be visited without a rental car via one of the numerous daily excursions departing from Athens or Nafplio. When touring the canal area, park nearby on either side and walk over to the historic roadway and pedestrian bridge. You will need to exit the main highway (Motorway 8) before arriving at the canal – pay close attention so as not to miss the off-ramp. You won`t have a chance to view or admire the canal if continuing along the highway, and backtracking will not prove simple.

a statue of a man standing next to a stone wall


a large group of people standing on top of a hilla blurry photo of a street sign with a blue sky

Epidaurus (also known as Epidavros) originally served as a sanctuary for the ill rather than as a showcase for theater. Yet today it is the spectacular outdoor amphitheater that attracts many visitors who marvel at its ancient engineered acoustic perfection.


Asclepius – the Greek god of medicine and son of Apollo – was taken to Epidaurus by Apollo after fatally attacking his wife in a fit of jealousy. Under the tutelage of the Centaur Chiron, Asclepius became a healer and gained a huge following. At some point Zeus, fearing that Asclepius was restoring the dead rather than curing the living, killed him with a thunderbolt – thus turning him overnight into a cult figure. Along with the eponymous Asklipieion in Kos, Epidaurus became a major magnet for the unwell of antiquity. Epidaurus is commonly considered to be the birthplace of modern medicine, and is now a popular destination for health pilgrims.

In time, drawing from the prosperity brought about by the healing center in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, a theater was built on the location. The theater, designed by Polykleitos the Younger in the 4th century, quickly developed a reputation for its exceptional acoustics that enabled the spoken word from the stage to be heard equally clearly all around the auditorium. The Romans extended the size to accommodate 14,000 spectators and it is still in use today. Theatrical performances in both Classical and Modern Greek are organized during the summer months and highly recommended as a highlight.


Visits to Epidaurus can be done on an organized tour or day trip from Athens or Nafplio, but you will have to share your visit with large numbers of other visitors who arrive daily via bus, similar to situations at Delphi and Olympia. It is better to stay nearby and dedicate two nights – preferably around a theatrical performance – to truly appreciate both the amphitheater and the Sanctuary of Asclepius, as well as the small adjacent museum. The nearest places with decent accommodation are located approximately a 25-minute drive away at the charming Port of Epidaurus, and a 30-minute drive from Nafplio.

Recommended Hotels near Epidaurus

  • Epidavros Seascape – 1- and 2-bedroom Epidaurus Port apartments with kitchens, shared outdoor pool, and elevated ocean vista.
  • Magda Hotel – Quietly situated beachfront facility containing studios and suites featuring private balconies located a 10-minute drive from the harbor area.
  • 3Sixty Hotel & Suites – Luxurious Nafplio accommodation with a gourmet restaurant.

Getting There and Around

Epidaurus is one place where having your own transportation will best serve you. You can join one of the numerous day trips from Athens by coach, but the experience will be crowded and cramped. There are three weekday buses from the town of Nafplio to Epidaurus, and you could fit in a two-hour visit between the initial and final buses` schedules. Taking a taxi to and from the Port of Epidaurus would cost around €25.00 each way. Note that the site lies 17km from the Port of Epidaurus (and your lodging) so arrange your return transportation after any theatrical performance well in advance.


a large body of water with boats in ita street sign with a picture of a bird on it

Gytheio is the prominent community of the Laconian Mani and an ideal base for touring the Mani peninsula. A pretty, relaxed seaside town with an engaging and authentic Greek atmosphere, it also makes a convenient departure or arrival point for the car/passenger ferry to Crete via the islands of Kythira and Antikythira.


Gytheio once served as the port of Ancient Sparta and has made its living from fishing ever since. Reputedly founded by Hercules and Apollo, the town carries a friendly, sunny disposition and is an excellent choice for a casual sojourn for two to four days while touring the area or while waiting to sail southwards to Crete. The small islet of Marathonisi is where Helen and Paris of Troy consummated her capture from Menelaus of Sparta, an act which sparked the start of the Trojan War.

Cafés and eateries line the waterfront of Gytheio, where a recently built pathway for pedestrians allows for pleasant ambling and conversation before meals. About 4.2km south of the village lies the extensive, sandy, and less toured Mavrovouni Beach where one can enjoy tranquil swimming and sunbathing leisurely. You may also want to visit the Cultural Centre of Eastern Mani. Housed in the old girls’ school, the Cultural Centre opens an informative window into the history and way of life of Gytheio and the Mani region generally. Apart from the regular historical displays, there is an engaging section on local produce grown and harvested in the area.


Visitors exploring the region should schedule a minimum of two nights in Gytheio to unwind and relax. Many guests may be tempted to extend their stay; around a week`s visit would be an effective remedy for the fast pace of everyday life back home. Gytheio is best suited to travelers with their own transportation, and serves as an ideal starting and finishing point for a roughly 80-kilometer road loop around the Mani Peninsula – doable in one day but better spaced out over multiple days for a more leisurely experience touring the area.

Recommended Gytheio Hotels

  • Another option is the Saga Pension directly above a very popular restaurant in the center of Gytheio, near the port entrance.
  • Mareggio – Fresh and modern beachfront suites and houses (some with private pools), 5 mins north of town.
  • The Olive Yard Boutique Hotel – Small guest hotel north of central Gytheio providing a graceful and relaxing rural setting to unwind and watch the sun set.

Getting There and Around

Gytheio is indirectly connected by bus to most Peloponnese destinations – typically via the city of Sparti. The bus stop is near the junction of Ermou and Vasileos Georgiou, a twenty-minute walk to the waterfront. There is also a lesser-known car ferry link from Gythieo to Kissamos on the island of Crete: SeaJets Aqua Jewel makes a weekly voyage to and from here; check Ferryhopper for routes and fares, or see Rozakis Shipping Agency (Vasileos Pavlou 5, Tel: 27330 22207) along the waterfront for over-the-counter bookings. For easy transportation to and from local attractions, call English-speaking Canadian-Greek Angeliki (Tel: 6945 438 209) for taxi service.


boats floating on top of a body of watera street sign with a street name on it

Kalamata and its expansive shoreline often go unnoticed by international visitors (the city is perhaps better known for its olives), but the second largest city in the Peloponnese makes an undeniably pleasant seaside destination, both as a place to visit and a key transport hub for domestic and foreign travelers.


Kalamata serves as the capital of Messinia, with a contemporary name derived from the original Classical Greek “Kalames” – the reeds – though olives currently dominate the landscape of the vast Messinian plains. Settled since Mycenaean times, Kalamata enjoys both a sub-tropical climate and recent growth in popularity as a holiday destination (while maintaining its genuine “Greek” feel). Kalamata`s most prominent ancient sight is the thirteenth-century fortress (“Kastro”) which towers over the city`s northern end and has fine views, but its beating tourist heart is the 4.5km palm tree-lined promenade – reminiscent of Nice`s Promenade des Anglais. Blessed with golden sandy (not pebbly) coastline, swanky hotels and restaurants are strung out along the promenade`s length, catering to both discerning Greeks and foreigners. Kalamata also makes a good entry and exit point for touring the Mani or the Pylos and Messinia trail (see also below) for travelers heading to beaches further west.


Whether folks fly in to unwind for a well-deserved week in a seaside lodge or choose Kalamata as a southern starting point for their Peloponnese tour, the town has a lot to offer. The city accommodates both scenarios, and allows for significant flexibility. A happy medium is allocating Kalamata at minimum 3 nights as a stop to recharge on a round-Peloponnese tour. Vacationers looking for a full week`s stay are recommended to seek out direct flights from Europe in summer.

Recommended Hotels in Kalamata

Getting There and Around

Kalamata’s International Airport is reconstructing its global connections post-COVID, so you’ll need to check available flights in from your home country. Aegean Airlines flies daily from Athens, and from Thessaloniki in the summer. Kalamata’s large KTEL bus station caters to an extensive network of routes and destinations. Athens by road takes around 4.5 hours via a fast motorway connection. There is occasionally a car/passenger ferry to and from Kissamos in Crete; check Ferryhopper to see if the service is functioning when you want to travel.


a train that is sitting on the tracksa street sign with a bird on it

Located 756 meters high in the hinterland of the Achaïa prefecture`s Peloponnese region and 25 kilometers from the coast, Kalavryta offers respite from the Peloponnese`s sometimes intense summer heat. People visit this easily accessible mountain village to relax in the summer, ski in the winter, or ride the charming rack-and-pinion railway connecting Kalavryta to Diakofto on the coast.


Kalavryta has had people living there since ancient times, when it was called Cynaetha. Through the centuries, it was ruled by Franks, Byzantines, Venetians and Turks (Ottomans); on March 21st in 1821, kalavryta served as the flashpoint for the beginning of the Greek War of Independence when the freedom banner was raised at the nearby Monastery of Agia Lavra. During World War II, it was itself subjected to retaliation when the Nazis massacred most of the village`s male population as punishment for supposedly killing German prisoners of war. Visitors can learn about this history at the small but excellent Museum of the Kalavryta Holocaust.

Despite the infamous past of the town, the small railway is what lures most visitors to Kalavryta nowadays. Constructed as part of the push in the early 1890s to connect local railway lines to the main coastal route, this unique rack and pinion style line remains the only one of its kind and continues prospering thanks to interested visitors. The railway commences at the town of Diakofto and winds its way upwards through the slim Vouraïkos Gorge over 60 twisty minutes resembling an amusement ride at Disney. The steam engines of old have yielded the tracks to modern electric units, yet the trip remains as enjoyable (and much cleaner) because of this change. There is also an alluring monastery nearby to explore, and in wintertime you can make the outing to the Kalavryta Ski Resort for sledding, snowboarding, and of course skiing. 16.5kms south of Kalavryta, the Cave of the Lakes offers some quite peculiar underground exploring.


One could easily spend a day or two in Kalavryta, as the village lends itself to sitting and lingering over excellent food and drink selections. Staying a minimum of two nights would be best; the town has hotels to suit all budgets.

Recommended Kalavryta Hotels

  • Kalavytra Canyon Hotel & Spa – Centrally-situated 4-star lodging with outdoor garden pool. Units sleep 2-3.
  • Anerada – Relaxed contemporary hotel with superb views overlooking the town and valley; all rooms have balconies.
  • Enastron Guesthouse – Good value, centrally positioned hotel with friendly managers. Household rooms comfortably sleep 4.

Getting There and Around

Kalavryta lends itself helpfully to arrivals off the ferry from Italy in Patras. You could drive from Patras to Diakofto (53kms) where your passengers could pick up the rack-and-pinion train and the driver brings the car up to the village by road. KTEL buses run directly from Patras or Aigio; from Aigio you will need to take an ongoing bus to Athens or other points east. Once the Athens-Patras refurbished rail line is complete, you will be able to take the train to Diakofto and connect there for Kalavryta. From Kalavryta, more adventurous drivers could take the (very) winding backroads to Ancient Olympia (100kms) via Psofida without returning to the easier coastal highways.


a large stone building with a view of the oceana blurry photo of a street scene with a street sign

The Mani region offers less of a destination and more of an unique journey through an untamed, mystical landscape with a mindset all its own. Isolated and long overlooked (or disparaged) by much of the mainland, the Mani is Greece’s most distant shore. It requires slowing down to savor its singularity. Mani embodies rural Greece at its finest.


A well-known Greek song from the 1970s suggests that in the regions of Crete and Mani, a single kiss could result in marriage. Such a belief aligns with the perceived traditional mindset of the hardy residents of Mani, who reside there. In fact, the people of Mani think they carry the genes of the austere ancient Spartans who, on the brink of their own downfall, opted to relocate to the mountains instead of living under the new rulers of Sparta. Along with immigrants who fled other parts of the Mediterranean world, the inhabitants of this isolated southern portion of the Peloponnese peninsula chose to live with defiant independent from even the Ottomans who governed Greece at that time.

These days, The Mani’s fascinations are its wild and generally untamed landscapes, stone ‘fortress homes’ (some of which have been converted to boutique lodging), and compact villages perched precariously on barren hills and valley clefts – all linked by challenging strolling paths that formerly served as inter-village highways. Few substantial settlements interrupt the scenery; the main ones being Kardamyli,Oitylo, and Areopoli in Messinian (outer) Mani, and Gerolimenas in Lakonian (inner) Mani. All these outposts offer lodging, feasting, and refueling alternatives. The beachfront Diros Caves, 11kms south of Areopolis, make a fun and fascinating natural excursion. Only systematically examined since 1949, visitors today glide through the caves on little boats past spectacular stalagmites and stalactites; a short walk finishes off this delightful underground tour.


You can comfortably dedicate up to one week exploring the ins and outs of the Mani peninsula using your own transportation. Circling the peninsula from Kardamyli to Gytheio via the southernmost location of Porto Kagio covers only around 150 kilometers total, but progress will generally be slower along most of the route and visitors are advised to schedule a minimum of two overnight stays while making the circuit. A more rewarding way might be to not merely `visit` the Mani, but instead experience it slowly over the course of a week by booking lodging in a couple of the characteristic tower houses and truly soaking in the Mani region through a series of leisurely rambles. Absorb it all after dinner by reading a copy of Patrick Lee Fermor’s book “ Travels in the Southern Peloponnese”.

Recommended Hotels in Mani

  • Katikies Manis – Luxurious seaside escape with private beach access, just five minutes down the coast from Kardamyli. The hotel offers charming residences and cottages; they also have a luxury villa complex with a shared ocean-view infinity pool.
  • Brazzo di Maina – Beautiful traditional tower house complex with restaurant and shared pool, situated in Oitylo with exceptional views.
  • Ariá Estate Suites & Spa – Luxurious Areopoli 5-star featuring terraced gardens and a sea-view swimming pool. Double rooms to 2-bedroom apartments available.
  • Kyrimai – A beautifully restored 1870 seaside estate in Gerolimenas.

Getting There and Around

While KTEL buses connect the Mani communities to Kalamata, Areopolis functions as the primary transportation hub for the region`s bus system. Services cater more to local needs than visitors, so travelers require flexibility. Personal vehicles best experience the landscape, but take care – roads wind narrowly, becoming busier in summer.

Southwest Messinia

a large stone building with a lighthouse in the distancean aerial view of a street sign

The southwestern corner of the Messinia area located in the Peloponnese region has yet to attract widespread tourism, yet this land holds some of the territory`s coziest seaside hamlets, a Homeric royal residence, a pair of mediaeval fortifications, a wildlife sanctuary, one of the Peloponnese`s finest beaches, and upscale premier golf courses and 5-star spa resorts catering to active, environmentally-conscious (and affluent) visitors. Arrive now while you can – this region won`t be covert for much longer.


In Homer’s epic poem the Iliad, the site of sandy Pylos hosted King Nestor`s palace, who welcomed Telemachus (son of the wandering sailor Odysseus) when searching for his father. Visitors can find and tour the castle ruins off the main highway to Kyparissia, 17kms north of Pylos. Navarino Bay in front of Pylos was the place of a pivotal naval battle in 1827, when the Ottoman fleet was decimated by the combined British, French, and Russian navies during Greece`s War of Independence.

In recent years, the coastline north of Pylos, known as Costa Navarino, has been transformed into a stretch of luxury beach resorts, and the surrounding area is speckled with world-class golf courses and wellness spas. At Costa Navarino’s southern end, the stunning semi-circular sandy cove of Voidokoilia (ox-belly) Beach abuts a beautiful nature reserve lagoon – home to rare animals and over 250 bird species.

Following a winding route from Pylos southeast to the town of Koroni, travelers can enjoy a series of places that Greeks prefer keeping to themselves. Mass tourism has not yet fully taken control in this area, and even during peak season visitors can expect to find lodging along this postcard-worthy coast. The relaxing fishing village of Methoni boasts a 15th-century Venetian fortress, a flat, sandy beach, low-key tavernas, and an atmosphere that encourages lengthy lingering. Other than scrambling around the fortress, Methoni is best used for eating, drinking, swimming, and resting. A similar story too at Finkounda, 11.3 kilometers east – no history to distract from the four activities above – just a gorgeous beach, a small port and jetty, and ample chance to watch people. Koroni, a further 20.5km along, is nearly a reflection of Methoni with medieval alleys, imposing Venetian mansions, and yet another fortress replete with a monastery. The impressive and popular Zanga beach stretches out for 2km just south of Koroni.


The obvious itinerary for exploring this corner of Messinia would be to move location to location over the coastline for a week or so. Book accommodations in Costa Navarino well in advance. South of Pylos, transition from place to place as the mood dictates and don’t worry about excessive travel or over-planning; everything is within a short trip, and you’ll mainly be in the company of independent international travellers and Greeks.

Recommended Hotels in Southwest Messinia

  • The Romanos – Luxury retreat featuring two golf courses, spa, sports areas, and varied dining choices. Rooms range from doubles to waterfront villas.
  • The Westin Costa Navarino – Lavish family-friendly beach resort along the Costa Navarino coast. Onsite spa, golf, kids’ activities, and over 100 private pools with ocean views.
  • Abeloessa Methonian Hospitality – Comfortable self-catering double rooms and apartments with a pool. Quiet location, within walking distance to Methoni village and beach.
  • Paradise Resort – New 4-star Finikounda establishment with pool and beach access. Units have fully-equipped kitchens and ocean-view balconies. 5-minute drive west of the village.

Getting There and Around

Those arriving by air will land at the Kalamata International Airport, located approximately 43.5 kilometers from the village of Koroni. Buses traveling from Kalamata`s main station provide initial transportation. Further connections between all listed places are then available via an extensive bus system. Cycling offers a convenient means of visiting beaches while incorporating easy exercise into your plans. For maximum flexibility, a personal vehicle like a car or motorcycle simplifies logistics.


a rocky shoreline with a lighthouse and mountainsan aerial view of a street sign with a blue sky

Dubbed Greece’s Gibraltar, the island fortress settlement of Monemvasia is quite one-of-a-kind. Despite its small size and relative isolation, it receives a disproportionately massive number of visitors, all eager to wander its achingly picturesque stone-shod streets and lovingly restored historic houses. The village, not visible from the mainland and clinging to the seaward base of the rock, is a magnet for painters, writers, readers, and romantics.


Monemvasia has had inhabitants since the sixth century CE, and is the longest continuously occupied fortified town in Europe, initially serving as a refuge from invasions on the mainland and later developing into an important center of trade and maritime activities. Monemvasia changed control regularly among invading groups, transferred from the Franks to the Venetians and the Ottomans and eventually to the Greek State after the War of Independence in 1821. The name `Monemvasia` originates from a Greek expression that means `only entrance` and truly you can only access the town on the land side through its fortified single gate and L-shaped entrance tunnel. Monemvasia experienced relative obscurity in later years but was eventually `uncovered` by interested travelers, and the deteriorated stone houses started to be restored one by one to offer food and lodging to the rapidly increasing numbers of siteseers.

  • Hiroshima Airport is roughly 50 kilometers east and only serves Japanese cities (plus Taipei). There are no train connections to the city center – only a bus that takes approximately an hour or costly taxi rides. If you become stranded here, the Hiroshima Airport Hotel is the most convenient place to lodge. Traveling by bullet train (Shinkansen) is more practical from Kyoto (1hr 40min) and even Tokyo (3hr 50min).


Spending a minimum of two nights is advisable for exploring Monemvasia fully. Motorists with their own vehicles can easily make a day trip while touring the wider Peloponnese region, but much will be missed by not choosing to lodge there overnight; the atmospheric streets and alleys come alive with restaurants and cafés after sunset. Those arriving by public bus will almost certainly need to stay at least one night, as day trips from elsewhere aren`t really practical given Monemvasia`s unique location and layout. Three or even four nights would make for an ideal experience there. The nearby island of Elafonisos, home to the stunning and renowned Simos Beach, offers a superb destination for either a day excursion or overnight stay from Monemvasia.

Recommended Monamvasia Hotels

  • Kinsterna Hotel – A 5-star luxury estate with beautiful gardens, vineyards, olive groves, and stables just 10 minutes south of the castle by car.
  • Hotel website and Check prices for Hotel Manzoni

  • Likinia Hotel – A newly constructed but traditionally designed hotel located in the historic center of Monemvasia. Rooms and suites have ocean views and cooling sea breezes.

Getting There and Around

Traveling to Monemvasia using public transit alone is not entirely straightforward. Buses depart from the capital city of Athens, but riders will need to switch buses in either Sparti or Molai, elongating the trip to around six hours. The website for KTEL Lakonia provides some guidance about available connections. There are three daily services from Athens and four returning. Buses arrive at and leave from Gefyra across the causeway; from there visitors can walk the 20 minutes to the entrance of Monemvasia or take the shuttle bus operating every 30 minutes between Gefyra and the fortress. Vehicles can cross the causeway as well, though parking spots along the approach road to the gate are not guaranteed when it`s crowded. Tickets for the bus can be obtained from Malvasia Travel (tel: 27320 61752) located in Gefyra. Those arriving by ferry from Kythira to the port of Neapoli on the Peloponnese are advised to arrange a taxi, which will cost approximately €40, to Monemvasia. Possible taxi drivers to contact include Minas Papoulis at +30 69 3247 6486, Ioannis Dertilis at +30 69 7727 5414, or Georgios Minopetros at +30 69 7415 6097 to meet the incoming ferry.”

a stone walled area next to a body of water


a person standing on a stone wall next to a stone walla street sign with a picture of a train on it

The citadel and civilization of Mycenae were already ancient history to classical Athens during the time of Pericles, dating back some 800 years earlier – much like late Byzantium is to the present day – and was well known to its later Hellenic descendants for its storied history filled with intrigue and warfare. Situated on a low hill in the Argolis peninsula, Mycenae stands as a silent witness to a flourishing early period in Greek history and is one of Greece’s premier tourist sites.


The antiquated uniqueness of Mycenae sometimes escapes the comprehension of visitors who may already feel overloaded on Greek history and archaeology. The Mycenaean time of 1450 to 1200 BC is significantly more established than most, and was controlled by a rich and strong culture that is best brought to mind by the name of King Agamemnon. Agamemnon started the Trojan war to avenge the elopement of his sister-in-law, Helen, with Paris, the child of the King of Troy. This is the time frame that gave rise to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, and this previously unimportant hilltop fortification turned into the most critical citadel-Empire in the Hellenic world – at its peak in 1350 BCE, Ancient Mycenae had a populace of 30,000.

Mycenae`s appeal today lies in its remarkably preserved ruins showing their massive stone walls – so large at times that the ancients thought Cyclops had actually constructed the citadel. The site consists of the town`s impressive and photogenic `Lion Gate` (the lion is believed to have represented the Royal House of Atreus from which Agamemnon and his family came), as well as a Grave Circle where in 1875 archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the famous gold death mask of Agamemnon, the ruins of houses, a spooky underground cistern, the palace of Agamemnon, and an impressive beehive (tholos) tomb. There is an excellent museum on site that is definitely worth visiting to gain a better understanding of what Mycenae was like in antiquity. All in all, Mycenae is a highly captivating site that understandably attracts many visitors. Be prepared for company.


AssessmentHotel siteCheck prices for Homeric Poems

Recommended Hotels near Ancient Mycenae

The best hotels to lodge near Ancient Mycenae are in Nafplio, only 25 minutes away by vehicle.

Getting There and Around

Mycenae can best be covered through a car trip departing from Nafplio (23kms) – if you are staying there, or via an organized tour. Youcan take the bus; the Nafplio bus station operates one bus there and one return on weekdays in summer, but you`ll receive under two hours to explore the site before needing to catch the return bus. Another choice is to hire a cab from Nafplio, though be certain to also arrange your return cab so you aren`t trying to find one in the parking lot when prepared to head back.

a stone wall with a stone wall next to it


a large stone building with a clock on it`s sidea street sign with a picture of a fire hydrant

The spectacular Byzantine fortress town of Mystras is perched astonishingly atop and along the slopes of a steep, rocky outcrop that overlooks the Spartan plain and Eurotas river valley below. It is an undeniably spectacular historical site and home to ruins from its time as an important Byzantine regional capital, making the slight detour from the main road worthwhile to experience.


Similar to places like Mycenae in the Argolis region and Knossos in Crete, Mystras belongs to a different time period in Greek history than the more famously known structures from Classical Greece. Built in 1249 AD by Guillaume de Villehardouin after the Byzantines regained control of the Peloponnese territory known as Morea from the Franks, Mystras was declared the capital of the Byzantine Morea by Emperor Michael VIII Paleologos. In the later years of the declining Byzantine Empire, Mystras experienced an unprecedented period of prosperity. Philosopher and educator Gemistos Plethon established a school of humanistic philosophy there, reviving the teachings of Plato and Pythagoras and bringing in students and scholars from all across Byzantium. The arts and architecture flourished as many frescoes from that time can still be seen by modern visitors. Under Ottoman rule starting in 1460, Mystras managed to maintain its Byzantine identity for a couple hundred years until the Venetians took over in 1687. Fortune briefly waxed once more, but the second Ottoman occupation in 1770 sealed the citadel`s fate; by the time of the Greek War of Independence in 1821, there wasn`t much left worth caring about. A modern restoration movement has been underway since the 1950s, and UNESCO declared Greece`s finest medieval archaeological site worthy of World Heritage status in 1989. Mystras is undoubtedly a highlight of any tour of the Peloponnese region.


There is much to explore at Mystras, so plan to spend at least half a day navigating all the heights of the citadel. If possible, start from the top (Kastro) and work your way down. If time is not an issue, consider staying overnight; the village of Mystras offers some good lodging, and Pikoulianika (known locally as the ‘Balcony of Lakonia’) has a couple guesthouses. Without a rental vehicle, you could remain in Sparti and take a bus or cab to the location. Keep in mind that the terrain is steep and rocky, so wear sturdy footwear when investigating.

Recommended Hotels near Mystras

  • Mystras Grand Palace – Luxury retreat located on the resort`s grounds offering accommodation, dining facilities, swimming pools, on-site spa treatments and tennis courts. Situated a short drive away from the historical ruins.
  • Mazaraki Guesthouse – Wonderful rooms, suites, additionally apartments introducing traditional pattern, non-public balconies, additionally fireplaces. Abundant mountain natural splendor, outdoor share, walkable to the archaeological situation.
  • Euphoria Retreat – World-class holistic spa resort furnishing guided activities, personal consultants, and wellness packages. 4 minutes from the ruins.

Getting There and Around

Having your own transportation is definitely the best option here. If traveling from the town of Kalamata through the Langada pass, take a shortcut and look for the poorly-marked turnoff to Mystras at the village of Trypi, from where it is just 2.2 kilometers to Pikoulianika. From the center of Sparti it is 5.2 kilometers by vehicle. A taxi from Sparti will cost approximately €12.00; the infrequent urban bus (three daily) is a cheaper alternative.


people walking down a sidewalk in a citya street sign with a street sign on it

The town of Nafplio offers an elegant retreat for visitors to Athens searching for rural charm close to the capital. It lies sufficiently near Athens to permit an straightforward weekend trip, and boasts sufficient good looks and refinement to attract travelers throughout the year – especially during winter. In midsummer it sometimes grows crowded with Europeans from northern regions who too have discovered its irresistible allure.

Neoclassical and Venetian mansions, polished marble pedestrian pathways and streets, a couple of hilltop fortresses plus an island stronghold guarding the harbor, a handful of museums, and an intoxicating mix of boutique shopping, gourmet cuisine, and distinguished regional wines come together to create a winning destination in one of Greece’s most popular towns.


Appointed as the first Greek capital after the liberation of Greece in 1821, Nafplio’s position as head city was subsequently passed to Athens following just four years under Greece’s inaugural King, Otto. However, this did not prevent Nafplio from gradually developing into a fashionable retreat for urbanites, artists, merchants, and other affluent individuals in later years.

You are able to easily spend all your time purchasing items and dining in Nafplio – the quality of services is top tier as the clientele is generally demanding – but there is more worth seeing. The charming and concentrated Old Town can be ambled end to end in under 20 minutes, however with slightly more effort you are able travel up to the looming Acronafplia Fortress that glimpses over the Old Town. Walk the lovely seaside Arvanitia roadway on the south flank of Acronafplia for simpler recreation. The even more imposing Palamidi Fortress to the southeast of Acronafplia is worth the steep ascend (nearly 1,000 steps!) though you can drive if you are not up to the exertion.


Nafplio expects visitors will spend extended time taking in everything it has to offer, so it provides a wide assortment of quality lodgings. Travelers are encouraged to prepare lodging arrangements well in advance as bookings are commonly difficult to find during most periods of the year. It`s a simple weekend excursion from Athens (137km or around 1.5 hours); allowing for three nights permits experiencing Nafplio to its fullest extent. As a brief stop on a circuit around the Peloponnese region, Nafplio serves as a splendid home base for trips to Epidaurus,Mycenae, and Corinth, and it`s an easy 12km or 15-minute drive to the popular Tolo Beach area.

Recommended Nafplio Hotels

Getting There and Around

Nafplio is only connected to the rest of Greece by bus services, which are provided by the KTEL Argolidas network. There are generally between 11 and 14 direct links with Athens, as well as one or two routes connecting other major cities in the Peloponnese region like Kalamata, Tripoli, and Patras. The bus terminal is situated on Andrea Syngrou on the eastern side of the Old Town, across from a convenient taxi stand (Tel:+30 27 5202 6300). The best way to fully experience Nafplio is either arriving with your own vehicle (parking at the marina and walking into the Old Town) or renting one locally to visit attractions in the surrounding area.

a man walking down a sidewalk next to a body of water


a stone wall with a stone wall behind ita street sign with a sky background

There is likely no location in Greece whose name carries universal and international renown quite like Olympia, or more precisely, Ancient Olympia. A trip to the Peloponnese is seen as incomplete by most individuals without a visit to the original ancestral home of the Olympic Games.


Athletic competitions have been taking place at this site for at least 1000 years, long before the modern Olympic Games were relaunched in 1896. The basic principle back then – as now – was that warring states would briefly halt their disagreements and come together peacefully to strive as city states and individuals to gain fame and wealth. The initial games are accepted to have been held here in 776 BC, around the first full moon in August. It was not exclusively athletics; much commerce and diplomacy accompanied the events, and poets and historians of the time would read their works in between contests. The games were abolished by Roman Emperor Theodosius I in 393 AD, and numerous of the Olympic structures were destroyed by his successor Theodosius II. Earthquakes and other natural occurrences did much to facilitate the center’s demise. French philanthropist Baron Pierre de Coubertin played a key role in reviving the concept of the Olympic Games in the 1890s, with the first modern games occurring in Athens in 1896.

There is much to see at Olympia and most of it is connected to the foundational remnants – the temples, commemorative buildings, a workshop, villa, gymnasium, and of course the stadium where the Olympic flame is ceremoniously ignited via a solar reflector every four years. The flame is subsequently relayed to the site of the city hosting the games of that particular Olympic year.


Visitors should allot a minimum of two full days (three nights) to thoroughly experience the vastness and riches of this ancient site and its surrounding area. One day should be dedicated to touring the location itself, while the second day allows time to comprehensively visit the two fairly well-presented museums: the Archaeological Museum and the more contemporary Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity. Modern Olympia has quality restaurants and lodging readily available, both in the village itself and a bit further away in the pleasant, wooded hills surrounding the village’s western side.

Recommended Hotels in Olympia

  • Hotel Europa – A grand resort style hotel with a pool and excellent outdoor restaurant. You’ll need a cab to get here as it’s a little outside Olympia village, but worth the effort.
  • Central Guest Area – Handily-located twin rooms & apartments with balconies.
  • Hotel Pelops – Rooms available as singles, doubles, triples or quadruples in a peaceful area within walking distance of ruins.
  • Aldemar Olympian Village – 5-star seaside family resort, a half-hour drive from the ruins.

Getting There and Around

Olympia has limited public transportation connections to major sites, though travelers to and from Pyrgos have a couple options. Olympia can be reached using local buses from Pyrgos` central station; there are twelve daily departures requiring approximately 45 minutes. Buses leave from platform 1. An appealing modern railway also links Olympia with the port city of Katakolo through Pyrgos. Only three trains run daily from Pyrgos, but it provides a romantic experience approaching Olympia. Cruise passengers make up most visitors arriving at the Katakolo port. Taxis in Olympia are available outside the train station, or hotels in Olympia will help book one for guests.


a large body of water with houses and boatsa street sign with a picture of a train on it

While Poros may be situated on an island, its outlook and culture are firmly intertwined with its mainland neighboring town, Galatas. Nestled securely just off the eastern coastline of the Argolid peninsula, Poros forms both an ideal island destination and base for trips to the attractions of the Argolis region. It allows for a very cozy and relaxing holiday in itself, though it can easily be visited on a day trip through the short ferry ride from Galatas, without the hassle of a tiring ocean voyage or straying too far from the mainland.


Consisting of two separate islands – the smaller volcanic Spheria upon which Poros town and port is located, and the large, lush, and sparsely-populated Kalavria – Poros has been inhabited since ancient times and dates back to the Mycenean period in Greece. Its strategically advantageous position in a sheltered port combined with straightforward mainland access has made it continuously important to the area’s geopolitical maneuvers.

The town of Poros presents an attractive blend of pastel-hued houses, scattered plazas, shops, boutiques, and restaurants and cafés – altogether, a rather pleasant island community within earshot of the greater mainland region of the Peloponnese. Overnight guests usually head for the hotel and lodging strip running east and west along the scenic, shaded beaches facing the coastline of the Peloponnese at Kalavria. A very enjoyable round-island road trip can be undertaken with ease by automobile or two-wheeled transportation. Kalavria`s interior is wooded and green and there are some splendid perspectives back across the Saronic Gulf to Piraeus and Athens; stop for a swim at the sheltered and north-facing Vagionia Beach.

Across the bustling body of water between Paros and the mainland, the more rustic village of Galatas generally has a secondary and supportive role to Poros. With many quality dining and drinking establishments, and standard five-minute ferries shuttle between the two settlements, Galatas can make for a pleasant home base to visit the island.


Poros can effortlessly be a week’s holiday destination in itself if you want a relaxed island experience but don’t have the time to go further afield. A week on Poros would not be wasted, but it makes an equally good base for touring the Argolid Peninsula’s archaeological sites.

Recommended Hotels in Poros & Galatas

  • 7 Brothers – An excellent family-run hotel near Poros Port located in the center, with harbor views.
  • Saga Hotel – Comfortable rooms, suites, and apartments including an outdoor pool, located near Poros Village within walking distance of Kanali Beach.
  • The New Aegli is a beachfront resort hotel situated along a blue-flag beach only a 5-minute drive from the port. It has two restaurants, swimming pools, a fitness center, sauna, and kids’ playground.

Getting There and Around

Accessing the location can be done through various means of transportation. One of the clearest options involves traveling 162kms over land from Athens to Galatas using roads along the Corinth Isthmus. Regular passenger vessels and vehicle ferries frequently transport people and cars throughout each day from Galatas to Poros Town. Galatas` bus station also handles consistent routes to Nafplio and Athens. One other choice is taking a ferry from the port of Piraeus then using Poros as the starting and concluding point for traveling around the Peloponnese region by road. Upon arriving at Poros, renting your own vehicle or bringing your own is required to navigate around as taxis are plentifully available.

Porto Heli

a patio area with tables, chairs and umbrellasa street sign with a picture of a train on it

Those seeking an opulent getaway with lavish amenities and designer brands will appreciate this lively Greek town located at the end of a peninsula near Athens. It`s an ideal location for socializing, networking, and indulging in luxuries while attracting attention. Visitors can enhance their appearance and experience here


Porto Heli started as a small settlement near the ancient town of Alieis, which was home to fishermen between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Its well-protected harbor and anchorage was just as popular with sailors in ancient times as it is today with owners of luxury yachts. Not only is Porto Heli blessed with an almost perfectly circular bay that has excellent beaches, it offers travelers seeking something additional all the amenities they require; staying here does come at a higher cost, but that is the price for indulgence. Undeniably attractive, Porto Heli enjoys recognition not only for its natural splendor but also for its relatively easy sea access from Piraeus as well as further access to other islands in the Saronic Gulf like Spetses, Hydra and Poros.

Visitors spend time ambling, shopping, dining, and generally making the port the setting for a luxury resort holiday. You can also take a walk around the Ververouda Lagoon just to the west of Porto Heli, stopping to water-ski or simply people-watch. East of the port are a couple pleasant port beaches, or head a little farther afield to Chinitsa (5km to the south) or Kounoupi (6.7kms southeast) – both beaches have small helipads for folk who opt to fly to their sunbathing. An excellent spot for sunset viewing is a little south of Kounoupi in the upscale residential area of Agios Emilianos (4kms) – perhaps take a small sunset picnic to the little church on the headland or take in a higher view from the mansion-strewn hill. Porto Heli lends itself effortlessly to day-visits to either Spetses or Hydra as car and passenger ferries shuttle to and fro very regularly. All in all, Porto Heli is a bustling destination and the finest of the fishing ports on the Argolid coast.


This little harbor with a big heart is best for an extended stay. It’s suitable for around a week or so, though there is no cause why you cannot drop by for a shorter visit – particularly if you are planning to connect to Spetses and Hydra. If you have a boat, the anchorage is almost perfect – especially when the wave-stirring meltemi winds from the north kick in during summer. It’s not an inexpensive destination so be prepared to spend a bit extra.

Recommended Porto Heli Hotels

  • AKS Porto Heli – Elegant and contemporary 4-star with a sizable swimming pool, 3 dining establishments, and 2 bars, and beachfront. Beautiful site near the harbor.
  • Nikki Beach – Luxurious beachfront spa resort offering gourmet cuisine and relaxing amenities. Many suites provide heated baths or private pools.
  • Hapimag – Exceptional resort situated on its own peninsula providing tranquil beachfront accommodations with large communal pool. All lodging include kitchenettes and dining areas.

Getting There and Around

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Welcome to my travel website! I’m Mary Howard, an American who has been exploring the world full-time for 8 years.

Together with my husband, Intan, we often find ourselves in our second home, Bali, but our adventures take us to exciting destinations all over the globe.

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